WaPo vindicates Trump, acknowledges CDC/FDA failures for six weeks

Again, no part of this proves a deep state conspiracy, and certainly not that they were trying to destroy his campaign. I'm going to ignore the softball about a Trump supporter whining about improper investigations for now.

I think your emotions may be getting the best of you.

You're the one talking about deep state conspiracy; it's like tossing the "racist" grenade and think that blows up arguments. It doesn't.

I'm demonstrating the FBI committed gross abuses of power in their pursuit to find Russian conspiracy, at minimum. You're mumbling about cherry-picking or conspiracy; the evidence is what it is. Two FISA judges and an IG review identify those gross abuses. We knew the investigations were baseless due to the results. Now we know just how abusive and corrupt the investigations were from three officials no one has questioned as partisan. And we'll be knowing more by early summer.

At some point, it's you, tvols; you're the person who doesn't get it or doesn't want to.
Emotions have nothing to do with arguing facts. If you so willing to accept the abuses of citizens by government agencies, you deserve to be next. Pure logic.
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Nothing you have posted in your long-winded and pretentious drivel, changes the numerous times that Donald Trump publicly downplayed or tried to minimize the threat of the Coronavirus to the American people. Whether Trump thought he was just reducing the impact of a panic on the markets (they have crashed anyway) or not, Trump was engaging in dismissive rhetoric, such as this:

When asked in a television interview from Davos, Switzerland on January 22nd by CNBC's Joe Kernan:

"Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?" - CNBC's Joe Kernan

... and Trump responded with:

"No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine." - President Donald Trump

By this point, the seriousness of the virus was becoming clearer. It had spread from China to four other countries. China was starting to take drastic measures and was on the verge of closing off the city of Wuhan. President Donald Trump was well aware of this and yet, Trump remained publicly very dismissive of it becoming a pandemic.

Furthermore, in an interview with his buddy, Sean Hannity of Fox News on January 31st, Hannity asked Trump this question:

"Coronavirus" .... "How concerned are you?" - Sean Hannity, Fox News

and Trump responded with:

"Well, we pretty much shut it down coming in from China. We have a tremendous relationship with China, which is a very positive thing. Getting along with China, getting along with Russia, getting along with these countries." - President Donald Trump

It should be noted, that Trump is now derisively referring to the Coronavirus as the "Chinese virus". So much for all of that goodwill with China, right? LOL.

Finally, I think the worst sign of weakness that Trump has displayed during this crisis was his pathetic attempt to shift scrutiny and scorn over to his predecessor, Barack Obama. Trump has tried to blame the shortage of Coronavirus test kits on a still as of yet unnamed rule or regulation implemented under the Obama Administration. The reality is that there was no formal document that Trump needed to rescind to allow labs to create their own coronavirus tests. Even if there had been, there was nothing to prevent the Trump Administration from removing it earlier in the outbreak, or prior to the outbreak. Trump has been President for 3 years now, after all. This was a sign of Trump's insecurity and it was pure weakness on his part. Trump made a gross miscalculation here by perceiving the Coronavirus to be a public relations threat to his re-election bid, rather than an existential threat to the nation. Trump is too egocentric and self-absorbed to be an effective leader.

you were saying something about “long-winded”?
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You're the one talking about deep state conspiracy; it's like tossing the "racist" grenade and think that blows up arguments. It doesn't.
It is a conspiracy theory that will disappear when Trump leaves office and his sycophants don’t care anymore.
I'm demonstrating the FBI committed gross abuses of power in their pursuit to find Russian conspiracy, at minimum.
That’s basically all you’ve tried to do. And James Comey’s email announcement had more of an effect on the election than anything you’re talking about, making your premise of a deep state within the FBI trying to destroy the Trump candidacy incredibly silly.

And we'll be knowing more by early summer.
Lol, let me know how that goes. I’m sure the arrest warrants are coming any day now.

At some point, it's you, tvols; you're the person who doesn't get it or doesn't want to.
Emotions have nothing to do with arguing facts. If you so willing to accept the abuses of citizens by government agencies, you deserve to be next. Pure logic.
Right. Poor Trump associates can’t catch a break.
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China had not even released the genome sequencing until Jan 12 and hidden from the world was happening, and still is. What do you expect from Trump on Jan 22 when NO ONE had declared or predicted pandemic?

As of 20 January 2020, 282 confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV have been reported from four countries including China (278 cases), Thailand (2 cases), Japan (1 case) and the Republic of Korea (1 case); https://www.who.int/docs/default-so...0121-sitrep-1-2019-ncov.pdf?sfvrsn=20a99c10_4

That's also the day the U.S. recorded the first infection. So, no, the "seriousness of the virus was becoming clearer" wasn't clearer on Jan 21 as you imply.

On Jan 23, Wuhan was isolated by the CCP. What was known at the time - as rendered by the CCP - is that at least 17 had died. There were a total of 570 infected in five Asian countries including China, and the U.S.
Jan 30 - the WHO reversed course and declared a global health emergency.
Jan 31 - Trump declare national public health emergency, and declared a China travel ban.

He isn't derisively referring to the virus, but the Chinese government for blaming it on the U.S military and government. So yeah, what the hell is he doing defending the U.S. by reminding everyone where the virus came from, and who hid it from the world while they seeded the globe with it. Left wing media, who called it the China Coronavirus, Chinese Coronavirus, and Wuhan Coronavirus - before and after being name COViD-19, didn't take offense to the terms until the sensitive transauthoritarian CCP began carping about xenophobia and "racism". Having received its marching orders the left began goose-stepping and turned on their president even as he defended the nation. Shameless.

Now you're waging a self-serving, sophistic argument, that Trump didn't have to listen to the same "experts" the left said he should listen to. He didn't need to be told that and did what ANY president would have done; have the CDC lead and advise. They did neither well. Even into early Mar. state labs were waiting on CDC to make good on replacement kits.

We can talk about 8 years of weakness.

And you don't deconstruct decades of regulatory and bureaucratic slothfulness overnight, but that's damn near what he did. The "experts" didn't produce a partnership that by next week will have seen 5 million or more kits ship, and capacity for millions per week by end of March. Trump did that.

You continue witching about the minutiae of when he misspeaks or loosely phrases things, then turns the mic over to the "experts" for the granularity. And God knows he should stop trying to keep the populace from becoming quivering masses of jelly by encouraging them.
This is gaslighting and ignores Trump's dismissive statements. Trump is now saying that he called it a pandemic before anyone else did, which is a lie. Trump was still downplaying the threat into March. Trump has completely botched this response.
With hospitals facing an overwhelming crush of patients, state and federal governments are scrambling to provide them with equipment to protect their health-care workers. CNN's Jeremy Diamond read complaints from doctors about these shortages, and asked Trump why he didn't act weeks ago to prepare for this.

Once again, Trump took no accountability and blamed his predecessors with this statement:

"Many administrations preceded me - for the most part they did very little, in terms of what you're talking about ... We're making much of the stuff now, it's being delivered now." - President Donald Trump

Trump has been President for 3 years now. This is weak and pathetic. The buck is always passed along, it never stops with him. He is always quick to pass blame... 3 years he has been President. 3 f'ing years.
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With hospitals facing an overwhelming crush of patients, state and federal governments are scrambling to provide them with equipment to protect their health-care workers. CNN's Jeremy Diamond read complaints from doctors about these shortages, and asked Trump why he didn't act weeks ago to prepare for this.

Once again, Trump took no accountability and blamed his predecessors with this statement:

"Many administrations preceded me - for the most part they did very little, in terms of what you're talking about ... We're making much of the stuff now, it's being delivered now." - President Donald Trump

Trump has been President for 3 years now. This is weak and pathetic. The buck is always passed along, it never stops with him. He is always quick to pass blame... 3 years he has been President. 3 f'ing years.
When people say things like this it shows a lack of understanding about how hospitals actually operate
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Donald Trump's interview with Joe Kernan of CNBC on January 22nd makes it clear that is an outright lie.

Once again:

Joe Kernan: "Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?"

President Donald Trump: "No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine."

Any attempt now, to revise history is easily de-bunked by Trump's own words. Trump is on record on January 22nd saying the Coronavirus wouldn't become a pandemic and was completely under control. If Trump is saying that he saw this coming, he was either lying on January 22nd, or he is lying now. It really doesn't matter which one it is. He is a liar either way.

This is gaslighting and ignores Trump's dismissive statements. Trump is now saying that he called it a pandemic before anyone else did, which is a lie. Trump was still downplaying the threat into March. Trump has completely botched this response.

"lie" ? That's strong. "outright lie" is stronger.

Question: on Jan 22, what evidence did the Pres and CDC have that this would affect an exceptionally high proportion of our US population?

Per this recording (00:54), which I believe is 6 days later on Jan 28, the Fed was stating this as fact: (1:09) "as of today the CDC has reported 5 cases (here in the US) ; China has reported >4500 cases. Americans should know that this is a potentially very serious public health threat, but at this point Am should not worry for their own safety"

At 38:53, they're speaking about flight closures (so it appears things were fluid and Pres had more data to make different decisions): Q: "What % of passengers are (being screened coming in) from China?"

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When people say things like this it shows a lack of understanding about how hospitals actually operate
I think your post shows an eagerness to give Trump a pass for his constant deflection. He has been the President of the United States for 3 years and any time there is anything which even smells like criticism of his administration, his default response is to blame previous administrations. That is weakness. Any action he is taking now, could have been taken much earlier. So spare me your patronizing BS.
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I think your post shows an eagerness to give Trump a pass for his constant deflection. He has been the President of the United States for 3 years and any time there is anything which even smells like criticism of his administration, his default response is to blame previous administrations. That is weakness. Any action he is taking now, could have been taken much earlier. So spare me your patronizing BS.
I don’t care about Trump. He makes good decisions and mistakes and is self promoting like any other politician. My point is that there is little to anything the government could have done to make hospitals “better equipped”. Hospitals and state health departments like mine that have great leadership are completely prepared and hospitals/states who have had terrible leadership (usually liberal) are pointing fingers and predicting end of world BS
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I think your post shows an eagerness to give Trump a pass for his constant deflection. He has been the President of the United States for 3 years and any time there is anything which even smells like criticism of his administration, his default response is to blame previous administrations. That is weakness. Any action he is taking now, could have been taken much earlier. So spare me your patronizing BS.

What action(s) are you saying CDC/Fed should have been taking prior to the week of Jan 22-Jan 28 ? Nationwide Testing ? Proven Cure ?

38:33 -- "at the moment, there's nothing individual Am's should be worried about, but that's at the moment."

38:53 -- ""What % of passengers are (being screened coming in) from China?"

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I don’t care about Trump. He makes good decisions and mistakes and is self promoting like any other politician. My point is that there is little to anything the government could have done to make hospitals “better equipped”. Hospitals and state health departments like mine that have great leadership are completely prepared and hospitals/states who have had terrible leadership (usually liberal) are pointing fingers and predicting end of world BS
If that is the correct response to the question, then that is fine, but just understand that wasn't Trump's response. No, Trump's response was to deflect blame onto his predecessors... like he always does.
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Uhm, WaPo is making the case - the obvious one I've been arguing - that CDC and FDA bureaucracy, not Trump, is why we've had virtually no testing.

And while they won't come out and say it, they vindicate his private-public partnership.

This is a unicorn; if this ain't worth your time, you're reading the wrong stuff.

Remember there is no entrenched DC bureaucracy that runs the show; lefties have told us that time after time. Yet time after time experience proves it differently. Administration change in DC is simply new (and temporary) guys and gals at the top of organizations protected by civil service rules - the rank and file aren't going anywhere and know they will outlast change. They will get to whatever when they get damn well ready ... if they get damn well ready. Bureaucracies are always empires, and they protect their own - it's the bureaucracy and not you that counts, and it's the real reason that the "we are from the government, and we are here to help (ourselves stay in business)" is a real thing. Presidents that threaten their livelihood are going to be the victim of DC bureaucracies - take that to the bank. There always are some very capable and ambitious people (for a while) in bureaucracies, but they are placed in cocoons so that they can't damage the rest of the snail-like organization. or make anyone else look bad. The "hell hath no fury" thing has far more to do with a threatened bureaucrat than a woman scorned.
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Same old sh!t. Trump is to blame for the China Virus and China literally letting people be exposed to it for months before doing anything. Bush was to blame for Hurricane Katrina by not waving his magic hurricane dispersing wand. Reagan is to blame for not going to California and putting rubbers on gay dudes to stop AIDS.
I dont understand what the big deal about having a pep talk after the game is over? How is a test kit going to help me if I've already contracted the virus and come in contact with people? Is the expectation that the person might be responsible and self-quarantine themselves?

Outside of that flimsy hope, what is the big deal about having test kits?... which oh by the way they are now finding that the tests are giving false positives?
So you can let people know who is to blame :)
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It is a conspiracy theory that will disappear when Trump leaves office and his sycophants don’t care anymore.

That’s basically all you’ve tried to do. And James Comey’s email announcement had more of an effect on the election than anything you’re talking about, making your premise of a deep state within the FBI trying to destroy the Trump candidacy incredibly silly.

Lol, let me know how that goes. I’m sure the arrest warrants are coming any day now.

Right. Poor Trump associates can’t catch a break.

This is how silly you are. I didn't vote for Trump and thought him unfit for the office. Nor did I vote for Clinton. I will gladly vote for Trump this time and it is first and foremost because of the abuse by FBI, DOJ, and CIA. The left did what should have been an impossible task; turning an overbearing, coarse and worst Republican candidate in history into an underdog. You made *Trump*, of all people, a figure to empathize with. Bravo! - Lazarus says "now THAT'S a miracle".
As stated, the best scenario is that the FBI convinced themselves the "evidence" really pointed to conspiracy; they'd at least not have started out corrupt. And that is the absolute best scenario. Having convinced themselves of a smoking gun, you bet your azz they went all out to get Trump; that's what investigators do when they think they've got the right guy. Still, no deep state required - are you with me, Polly or do you want to squawk "Deeep state conspiracy...WAAAAK!" again - ?

Good, keep up.

Comey has demonstrated deep and abiding dislike for Trump since being fired in disgrace for improprieties. His surrogate McCabe goes full nuclear, surer than ever they've got their man and he's lashing out to protect himself. He goes to Rosenstein who's volunteered to wear a fooking wire on the elected president of the U.S. and discussed a forming a coalition of cabinet members to oust Trump! Rosey goes all in with special counsel.

Gee, starting to look pretty deep-statey at this point, but lets put that aside and give them benefit of doubt, just concerned public servants looking out for the country.

Mueller's appointed and after two years on top of the year long Crossfire H. probe, they come up with no collusion, coordination, conspiracy with Russian agents by any of them. Even with tens of millions and using the awesome powers of the Fed. to intimidate, threaten, drive into bankruptcy, they got nothing. There never was anything and they knew it in Jan 2017. But let's assume they had the best of intentions and it was, as John Brennan stammered "Must have gotten bad information", and no deep state.

The actions of the two FISC judges, and IG Horowitz tell us enormous wrong-doing occurred. Falsifying warrant applications, stooping so low as to go after a guy like Carter Page - never charged with jaywalking - who had been an intel asset since his military service. Who had also helped the fk'n FBI in a sting and conviction of Russian agents in 2013-2015. And the FBI uses that exact background to paint this guy as a Russian agent - just to get to Trump - and ruin Page's life; the guy who served his country right up to being smeared by it. Even after CIA told FBI at leas twice to back off, wrong guy.

Start there with your argument. If you can't, crawl back under the porch and don't pick fights you can't finish, thanks.
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Remember there is no entrenched DC bureaucracy that runs the show; lefties have told us that time after time. Yet time after time experience proves it differently. Administration change in DC is simply new (and temporary) guys and gals at the top of organizations protected by civil service rules - the rank and file aren't going anywhere and know they will outlast change. They will get to whatever when they get damn well ready ... if they get damn well ready. Bureaucracies are always empires, and they protect their own - it's the bureaucracy and not you that counts, and it's the real reason that the "we are from the government, and we are here to help (ourselves stay in business)" is a real thing. Presidents that threaten their livelihood are going to be the victim of DC bureaucracies - take that to the bank. There always are some very capable and ambitious people (for a while) in bureaucracies, but they are placed in cocoons so that they can't damage the rest of the snail-like organization. or make anyone else look bad. The "hell hath no fury" thing has far more to do with a threatened bureaucrat than a woman scorned.

It's as though wandering into a surprise screening of Orwell's '1984',
This is gaslighting and ignores Trump's dismissive statements. Trump is now saying that he called it a pandemic before anyone else did, which is a lie. Trump was still downplaying the threat into March. Trump has completely botched this response.

CDC was still promising test kits into March.

Trying to keep the lid on panic, I think he has erred to the left of too much caution at times and spoken too imprecisely at others. But he has also had the "experts" following him and clarifying points. when addressing the public.

It's nonsense to transpose 'stay calm, we got this" as anindication that Trump, the admin, CDC and FDA were taking it lightly or were unaware of the potential. His manner of speech, often requiring clarification, is baked in. I don't look to hang him on every word or concept he utters differently than I. Those that constantly look for it will constantly find it.

The fact is that if the CDC kits that began shipping simultaneously with the WHO kits had worked, we'd not be having 90% of these conversations.
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Same old sh!t. Trump is to blame for the China Virus and China literally letting people be exposed to it for months before doing anything. Bush was to blame for Hurricane Katrina by not waving his magic hurricane dispersing wand. Reagan is to blame for not going to California and putting rubbers on gay dudes to stop AIDS.
Certified classic comment right there.
Same old sh!t. Trump is to blame for the China Virus and China literally letting people be exposed to it for months before doing anything. Bush was to blame for Hurricane Katrina by not waving his magic hurricane dispersing wand. Reagan is to blame for not going to California and putting rubbers on gay dudes to stop AIDS.
Donald Trump is to blame for his childish and egocentric behavior in recent days. It wouldn't have changed where we are today if he had expressed greater concern, but Trump did downplay the threat of the Coronavirus to the American people in January and February, but now pretends that he was somehow ahead of the curve the whole time on the issue. It's dishonest. Also, Trump's attempts to blame Obama for something are just as ridiculous and misplaced as what you are describing in this post. Trump is not showing strong leadership through this. He is showing what he has always shown himself to be - a deeply insecure, hyper-sensitive, self-absorbed, petty and dishonest person.
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Donald Trump is to blame for his childish and egocentric behavior in recent days. It wouldn't have changed where we are today if he had expressed greater concern, but Trump did downplay the threat of the Coronavirus to the American people in January and February, but now pretends that he was somehow ahead of the curve the whole time on the issue. It's dishonest. Also, Trump's attempts to blame Obama for something are just as ridiculous and misplaced as what you are describing in this post. Trump is not showing strong leadership through this. He is showing what he has always shown himself to be - a deeply insecure, hyper-sensitive, self-absorbed, petty and dishonest person.
It could be worse. He could be like you.
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