Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I think I have done a good job of laying out the failure of the industry and it's not because of the ACA. I've heard all the stories. Obama lied said you could keep your doctor. Serious question, what part of the ACA caused that sole group to pull out of the area? Is it the part where they have to provide that standard level of coverage outlined in the ACA? Can you say it was anything other than a business decision to increase profits?

BC/BS is not for profit. They left certain areas because they would lose money. I do not know all of the details of the why but it's fact. Whatever provisions within ACA that was going to raise costs caused some insurers to refuse coverage in certain places. That is fact.
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Wide disparity in numbers.

Italy at +7% mortality with Germany at 0.2% mortality. Theory on these very large disparities?
Italy has a fairly old population, and perhaps the areas hardest hit are more heavily populated with seniors (I don't know that though).

Having said that, it's still a huge disparity that probably isn't fully explained by those 2 things.
I have feeling being a UPS driver I’m going to be real busy. All these people staying home are going to be ordering like crazy.

Unless they start falling into my limbo of online orders. Placed one early yesterday and a few hours later the site shut down online ordering, so I’m still in “processing” and hoping I don’t get a cancellation email.😖
The perception of, rather than the actuality. But frame it how you want,
You were called out for lying. You admitted it when you said:

As far as lies go, this one is fairly "truthy". His response to criticism was to say "Democrat Hoax"... repetitively. That's his thing, I guess, word repetition.

Bringing up the Corona Virus, himself, alongside "Democrat Hoax" somehow left some of his most loyal supporters believing that the virus was nothing to worry about. It could say something about their intelligence, but maybe his desire to not accept criticism and to shift blame had it's desired effect.

Did he ever say "The Corona Virus is a hoax"? maybe not.

You condescended the thousands of people who heard him and understood exactly what he said as "stupid" while admitting to being a disingenuous liar.

It's not a good look. And if you want a platform to trash Trump for being a liar, you may want to get that particular log out of your eye.
You were called out for lying. You admitted it when you said:

You condescended the thousands of people who heard him and understood exactly what he said as "stupid" while admitting to being a disingenuous liar.

It's not a good look. And if you want a platform to trash Trump for being a liar, you may want to get that particular log out of your eye.

Again, you are so focused on a gotcha, that you are blind.

Lies being the perception. but keep trying.
Your math is off a little 330M X 1000 is 330 Billion, still a lot of money.
What I have a problem with is giving a bailout to the airlines. OK, airlines, here are your bailout terms!
I came up with the same 330 billion, but had gone another page or two and nobody double checked that till you. I was beginning to doubt myself.

And I'd doubt it ends up being every American. Every adult or everyone that paid taxes or something. People that lost income the past month. I'd guess something between 100-150 million unless they start putting means testing on it. And it wouldn't surprise me if it has to be accounted for or paid back on taxes next year. Similar to the W Bush stimulus back in 2007 or 2008 I think?

But the suggestion was made last week. Then Biden and Bernie both said they would do that (if not more) during Sunday's debate. So it was pretty much done at that point. Either way it's a big handout that will only encourage more handouts.
Temporary effing fix to screw us over in the long run.

Would have been far better to let people keep their money and shut down the government for 2 months. See how they freaking like it

Freaking chicken littles get to screw people over and give themselves more power while ensuring they have created the next crisis to make sure they have even more power in the future.

They are a self creating disaster.
Oh you’re young enough that you’ll be screwed when the bill comes due but a good portion of the rest of us will be pushing up daisies or just sitting the the corner drooling and trying to not fill our Depends too quickly 😬
Italy has a fairly old population, and perhaps the areas hardest hit are more heavily populated with seniors (I don't know that though).

Having said that, it's still a huge disparity that probably isn't fully explained by those 2 things.

I agree. It seems nonsensical. That large of a spread. Based on older population and care? Seems unlikely the age gap and care could be that much between the 2 places.

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