Search For Lady Vols Basketball Coach

It DOES matter what you pay. Tennessee isn't a typical women's basketball program. If returning to elite status is as important as the AD says it is, then a school with the tradition and resources of UT shouldn't be hitting the bargain bin for the next coach...

Paying more for a coach does not guarantee winning..... it just gives the fan base the warm fuzzies..... we need to know what we are looking for in a coach and find the best candidate for the job.
It DOES matter what you pay. Tennessee isn't a typical women's basketball program. If returning to elite status is as important as the AD says it is, then a school with the tradition and resources of UT shouldn't be hitting the bargain bin for the next coach...

Ok. So tell me who in the top 15 salaries of women's coaching will leave the school they are at and who will guarantee success. Not who you wish, not who you think. Who you know will and can do both. None.

Now. Everyone else below that line doesn't make huge money. Picking the right one isn't a money grab like it is in football. It's a chance, hopefully educated, but nothing more. If you get the right pick, you pay to keep. If you don't, you pick again. UConn didn't know Geno was going to be great. Tennessee didn't know Pat would. There isn't this list of mercenaries for hire in women's basketball. Those who coach the men's side do not want to cross over for fear of getting stuck there. Great coaches will go where the money is and that's the men's side. Tennessee cannot change that by being the first to break the 5 million a year contract. The team lost money more years than it made during Summits time. No one wants to pay 250 a seat for Tennessee to play UCLA or even Georgia or UConn. Until that happens, coaches salaries will be low compared to the men's and that is where the best coaches will stay with a few exceptions, and those universities will pay to keep who they have. We just need to find one we want to pay to keep.
Ok. So tell me who in the top 15 salaries of women's coaching will leave the school they are at and who will guarantee success.

There is never a "guarantee" in life, but some options give you a much better chance than others. That's why they cost more. They took a chance on a cheaper option that they hoped would work out with Holly and it blew up in their face. Not this time...
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No but it helps your chances. A lot. And a program like this deserves the best chance of success...

Depends on if you are good at looking at what characteristics you need in a coach or not.... I wouldn’t be willing to give 2.5 mill to Walz and pay him more than geno....
I don’t care whether UT hires a man or a woman. But, I do wonder if you think it was sexist that no women coaches were considered when coach Barnes was hired?
Not necessarily fishy, Fulmer might not want to pay what is needed to entice him to consider leaving Louisville

Walz current contract is public from University minutes when it was approved

Base salary - 1.475M thru 2021, 1.525M 2021-2024, 1.575M in 2025
Car Allowance - 500/mth
Conf regular season title - 40K
Conf tourney title - 40K
Sweet 16 - 50K
Elite 8 - 20K

Final 4 - 100K
Championship - 200K
Conf coach of year 25K
National Coach of year 50K
Academic APR over 950 - 25K
Team GPA over 3.0 - 25K

Buyout by coach 1.475M
I don't know where you got this from, but obviously he would not make less for making the elite 8, than the sweet 16 lol.
So drop 2-3 mil for a women's basketball coach? Are you insane?
They can easily afford that if they wanted to but like I said they prefer to go the cheap route....This isn't a learn on the job type of program this is a job for a seasoned veteran coach who is a proven winner...Anything less is them letting someone TRY to restore winning to the program without having the huge paycheck and 9 times out of 10 they end up getting fired too and we start all over again...Sound familiar?...It should, they have been doing it with our football program for YEARS!
They can easily afford that if they wanted to but like I said they prefer to go the cheap route....This isn't a learn on the job type of program this is a job for a seasoned veteran coach who is a proven winner...Anything less is them letting someone TRY to restore winning to the program without having the huge paycheck and 9 times out of 10 they end up getting fired too and we start all over again...Sound familiar?...It should, they have been doing it with our football program for YEARS!
Wash .... Rinse ...... Repeat
I have accepted KJH as the potential next LV HC by way of concession. Truthfully, the next HC hire will be a success if and only if the UTAD understand why Holly failed as a HC. Hopefully, they will not make the same hiring mistake twice.
There is never a "guarantee" in life, but some options give you a much better chance than others. That's why they cost more. They took a chance on a cheaper option that they hoped would work out with Holly and it blew up in their face. Not this time...

I don't think that $ was the primary consideration when Holly was hired. That was a bizarre situation, and those dynamics aren't likely to be repeated. Holly even got a tryout year during Pat's last season and evidently passed the test sufficiently.

Who should be on the list and what is the top $ amount we should pay?

One thing that isn't acknowledged is that most women's coaches work for "bargain basement" salaries compared to the men...the same with WNBA and their male counterparts. There aren't that many million-dollar coaches in the women's game. For the ones who have reached that level, most are probably very comfortable where they are.

I think we can find a quality coach for a reasonable amount or even at a salary that puts them at least near the top of the SEC. I don't want to see us holding ourselves hostage to a single candidate who is already highly-paid and basically offering them a blank check if they'll just look our way and notice us. That reeks of the desperation of the mother whose daughter can't find a prom date.
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When the next coach is hired will it be public information as to who was interviewed? I assume it will since UT is a public university.

What may not be known is who turned down an interview and why or who was not asked to interview.
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I have accepted KJH as the potential next LV HC by way of concession. Truthfully, the next HC hire will be a success if and only if the UTAD understand why Holly failed as a HC. Hopefully, they will not make the same hiring mistake twice.
A bad hire and the Tennessee women's basketball program could crash and burn like former women's basketball powers Louisiana Tech and Old Dominion.
A lot of personnel info is not released so I do not think they have to release who they interviewed or why they did not select an interviewee, etc..
Honestly, with UT resources and tradition,there are probably 20-30 coaches/assistants that could come here and be considered successful by most fans.
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I think Kellie's buyout may be 100 grand so you can see why they like that part. She is making 250 k another part they like because they can double or triple her salary and still be at what they were paying Holly. She is a very nice person and really connects with players. She may not be tough enough to win in the SEC but from a cost and public relations standpoint she is a huge winner. Giving her the job is a 50/50 proposition of success or failure. Of course you get better odds with coaches that make 8 times and much money but that gets you into 8 to 10 million a year in the red and Tennessee may not want to go there especially since there are a lot of sports that are red sports as well. The only two I can think of that make a profit are of course football the cash cow of all sports and men's basketball.

A nice person who connects with players. Didn't we just hire someone with those qualities

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