UT to Break Clean from Davenport



Fight. Strain. Compete.
Jun 11, 2012
BREAKING: Tennessee is working on a settlement and separation agreement with former TN chancellor Beverly Davenport. The agreement would remove her from the faculty and would mean a clean break.

Per VQ

Good news for the School of Communication Studies!

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Best for everyone involved.

BUT, I don’t like the looks of it. Buck the Haslams, and get run out of town completely.
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I'd love to have my relationship with my employer dissolved for 1.33 million.
The contracts at Universities just blow my mind. Put someone in over there head, and when they tank, instant lotto winner.
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UT as a whole is king of the "addition by subtraction" concept. I'm sure they will hit a grand slam with whoever has/will replace her.
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Probably due to the fact that other alums, like myself, threatened to never give a dime to UT as long as she was employed. I also prefacer my letter with his employment.
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After releasing the insulting letter Joe DiPietro wrote the relationship was untenable.

Glad we’re severing ties as that is best. I will say that letter went too far and made Joe DiPietro look bad. He came across angry and unprofessional. It made him sound like it was a personal power problem.
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Why in the world would any self-respecting person stay after the insulting language used to describe her talents? The letter got it's intended results and "the hill" is one dysfunctional mess. Count your blessings lady.
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Why in the world would any self-respecting person stay after the insulting language used to describe her talents? The letter got it's intended results and "the hill" is one dysfunctional mess. Count your blessings lady.


But, you are right about the dysfunctional mess. And, that mess can be traced back to one family that is allowed to exert too much influence into every aspect of the University.
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Glad we’re severing ties as that is best. I will say that letter went too far and made Joe DiPietro look bad. He came across angry and unprofessional. It made him sound like it was a personal power problem.

It is clear that DiPietro is a pawn.
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She was a bad hire from day one. She was a lightweight in a heavyweight position. Can't blame her, who in the hell hired her?
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Why in the world would any self-respecting person stay after the insulting language used to describe her talents? The letter got it's intended results and "the hill" is one dysfunctional mess. Count your blessings lady.

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I'd love to have my relationship with my employer dissolved for 1.33 million.
The contracts at Universities just blow my mind. Put someone in over there head, and when they tank, instant lotto winner.

My boss told me yesterday that high-ranking employees at any company have very big safety nets, because they have to make tough decisions, and without the safety net, they'd never take risks for fear of losing their job.
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My boss told me yesterday that high-ranking employees at any company have very big safety nets, because they have to make tough decisions, and without the safety net, they'd never take risks for fear of losing their job.

It has more to do with the fact that they operate under employment contracts for a specific term as opposed to being at-will employee (who can be let go at any time).
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Why in the world would any self-respecting person stay after the insulting language used to describe her talents? The letter got it's intended results and "the hill" is one dysfunctional mess. Count your blessings lady.

No legit argument can be made against that idea.

Having said that, she's similar to Dooley and Jones. The reason she was there in the first place is due to that dysfunction.
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It has more to do with the fact that they operate under employment contracts for a specific term as opposed to being at-will employee (who can be let go at any time).

Why do they have a contract? Same reason, IMO.

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