What "popular" singer says or bands you think are overrated or terrible

Actually Chesney is a perfect example. Overrated would be a financially successful artist with lots of hits, But really isn't all that talented. I would rate Chesney very low on talent. Average voice, but distinct. Not a prolific musician or songwriter.

So your opinion is he is low on talent and has an average voice BUT there are millions of his fans who love his voice and his music. You just don't like him so he's overrated
That's a matter of personal taste and it's fine that yours sucks. The impact Soundgarden and Nirvana had on rock in the early to mid 90's doesn't need defending.

There are plenty who appreciate Cornell even if they arent fans of his style. Look at how many musicians from a variety of genres speak of him. Then you have some dufus spewing nonsense simply on a matter of music taste. He can't figure out this is about who's overrated, not who you like or not.

Bob Dylan's voice is odd, but I'd never say he is overrated.
So your opinion is he is low on talent and has an average voice BUT there are millions of his fans who love his voice and his music. You just don't like him so he's overrated

I like Kenny Chesney, so that totally blows up your argument. Its not an opinion that he is an average vocalist. He has a distinctive voice, which goes a long way.
It's also not an opinion that he is not a prolific musician. He's sold a ****load more records than Roy Clark or Jerry Reed, but both of those guys could run circles around him musically.
And, much of his music is written by song writers. All facts.
There are plenty who appreciate Cornell even if they arent fans of his style. Look at how many musicians from a variety of genres speak of him. Then you have some dufus spewing nonsense simply on a matter of music taste. He can't figure out this is about who's overrated, not who you like or not.

Bob Dylan's voice is odd, but I'd never say he is overrated.

Can you get off my **** now, please?? FFS, the thread title point blank says "YOU think are overrated or terrible". It is MY PERSONAL BELIEF that the artists I mentioned are terrible. What exactly in the **** is so hard for your infantile mind to grasp about that?? Or did you fail reading comprehension at whatever podunk *** elementary school you went to??
The Beatles are definitely overrated. They have some good tunes but let's face it. They got there first, and there's something to be said for that but still, their closest contemporary the Rolling Stones are a way, way, WAY better band IMO.
The Beatles are definitely overrated. They have some good tunes but let's face it. They got there first, and there's something to be said for that but still, their closest contemporary the Rolling Stones are a way, way, WAY better band IMO.

I thought that most of the Stones' stuff was pretty crappy until they kicked Brian Jones out of the band. That happened just before the Beatles broke up. I consider the Beatles a 60s band and the Stones a 70s band even though they started recording at roughly the same time.
I thought that most of the Stones' stuff was pretty crappy until they kicked Brian Jones out of the band. That happened just before the Beatles broke up. I consider the Beatles a 60s band and the Stones a 70s band even though they started recording at roughly the same time.

I'm exact opposite on the Stones. 60s Stones are amazing. Most of the rest i don't even care about
I'm exact opposite on the Stones. 60s Stones are amazing. Most of the rest i don't even care about

Gimme Shelter was created in 1969. It is one of the greatest songs in the history of Earth. Brian Jones wasn't involved with it. I think they're better with MT and RW in the lineup.
The Beatles bashers need to cue up The End and listen to Paul, George, and John trade those 18 bars of guitar licks. That was about the last thing that they recorded and IMO maybe their best work.

For me the worst part of the Beatles is when Paul especially threw in too much silly stuff. IMO George Martin is almost as important as PM. He clearly added more than Ringo did.
I would say Rush and The Who are overrated.

The Beatles and Stones are pillars of rock.
I would say Rush and The Who are overrated.

The Beatles and Stones are pillars of rock.

Not sure how you can say Rush is overrated as they have battled criticism from both the music industry and listeners their whole careers. If anything I dont think they get enough credit. Go listen to La Villa Strangiato and tell me they're not underrated. I HATED their mid to late 80's keyboard phase but overall they are monster musicians.
The Beatles are definitely overrated. They have some good tunes but let's face it. They got there first, and there's something to be said for that but still, their closest contemporary the Rolling Stones are a way, way, WAY better band IMO.

I agree with this but the Beatles are not overrated.
I agree with this but the Beatles are not overrated.

shrugs, bottom line for me is they just dont rock hard enough. The Stones were funky. They had soul and that element of "danger" to them. Plus The Beatles stopped touring way too early in their career which is major points off for me. To me, you're not a band if dont go out and play live.
shrugs, bottom line for me is they just dont rock hard enough. The Stones were funky. They had soul and that element of "danger" to them. Plus The Beatles stopped touring way too early in their career which is major points off for me. To me, you're not a band if dont go out and play live.

So I guess you must hate the Sex Pistols.

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