We Digress...

It's strange being negative. I don't like it and I'm trying really hard to shake it.:blink:
Y'all are a depressing bunch. I flirted with it these past few days, but I feel like nasty.
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And the clouds did part for the sunrise
And the sun shone down upon the Nehi
And the Nehi was orange
And the Vols fans did take this all in and proclaim it good
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My britches.

Lol, you're not invited to this one. Wait until we lose the first game, I'll throw a party in your honor. :aggressive:
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I remember the debut of Spanek verticle roasters
I may try spatchcocking the chickens the next time I do them on the grill. I've only used this method when roasting in an over.
I gotta say, the dominance of trash talkin', barb slingin' NegaVols on the CFB threads is dimming the appeal of VolNation. There is no place for reasoned arguments or even respectful debate. Those who don't post in lock step with the belligerents bitterly mired in negativity are quoted in a competition of slights given.

These virtual cluckers and brayers appear lacking the real life experiences which tempers the perspectives of fans and alumni who've been around awhile and live most of their lives offline. If the future of Tennessee fandom is to be dictated by the likes of these mired in self-indulgent pessimism manifesting in cyber bullying, then my path will be lonely for the company of those who can recognize the true value and benefit of fandom.

@Freak will keep VN going no matter what the dominant tone of its most active members. May his perseverance be rewarded some day with a membership worthy of our University and its sports teams.

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There are only about 3 that post regularly that are relentless in their regurgitated stupidness. Same ole song over and over. If you try to engage them, they twist and turn your words, answer your questions with questions until you're not even discussing the original topic. It's not even worth trolling them. You're engaged with one now and one of the others is waiting now for you to respond. :)

Have fun....seriously.
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I rarely even go into the ff anymore. 75% of my VN time is spent in here, 20% in the pub, and the other 5 divided up, mostly between the nascar, movies, and ncaa forums.
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I rarely even go into the ff anymore. 75% of my VN time is spent in here, 20% in the pub, and the other 5 divided up, mostly between the nascar, movies, and ncaa forums.
I'll go read actual new news, and post a little. Mostly it's like what's been said, same few in every thread, and saying the same old crap. There can be a thread about the Orange and white game, and someone will pop in about Butch needs fired.
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I don't go as much because it's actually not enjoyable for me, either.

Plus, now that Behr has me on the path to the light side, I have to resist temptations....
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I don't go as much because it's actually not enjoyable for me, either.

Plus, now that Behr has me on the path to the light side, I have to resist temptations....

You misspelled "right" side. :)

Feeling better?

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