Make fun of Appy state

I grew up in Damascus. I'm sure there's several other SWVA folks in here.

I'm in Roanoke, but about to be running a big project running all through SWVA- from the coalfields all the way up to around where I am.

Lovely area, just so difficult to travel to for work.
Regionist thread if you ask me. Pure regionism at its very worst.


It's okay. Sooner or later, someone will google "map of Appalachia" and realize that Knoxville falls inside the area. :)
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Not a graduate.

She attended for a semester or two.

Well, she carries it on her c.v. as if she earned a degree there, says she majored in Visual Effects and Business. Though you're right, she does NOT list a graduation year as many would.

Say it ain't so that an App State alumna is trying to mislead people with her credentials!
How can making fun of anything other than yourself be fun? This is a classless thread, and most of UT fans would offer an apology to our guests.
How can making fun of anything other than yourself be fun? This is a classless thread, and most of UT fans would offer an apology to our guests.

It's all in good fun; a little verbal jousting never hurt anyone whose skin wasn't too thin anyway.

On the other hand, there is a professor up at Iowa who would agree with you.

Idea for new thread: make fun of aardvarkpower.

Don't make him run off to Mizzou, McDad.
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How can making fun of anything other than yourself be fun? This is a classless thread, and most of UT fans would offer an apology to our guests.

Yep, I love to make fun with myself when nobodys looking. said of not with

My bad

It's ok nancy, it's all in good fun and every opponent gets "the treatment" Not just our hick cousins from over the Mt.
How can making fun of anything other than yourself be fun? This is a classless thread, and most of UT fans would offer an apology to our guests.

For goodness sakes, do not go to the end zone or night owls thread, you'll pee on yourself from hurt feelings. Ha
There is a difference between poking fun at an opponent while in like company (ever been to a comedy club?) and subjecting them to confrontational disrespect face to face.

On VN, I'll make fun of Bammers, and I won't spare the rod, so to speak. But, out in the real world, I'll give them my better consideration and aid if they need it, even if they reveal themselves to be flawed characters with whom I would never sit down to supper.
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