For those still on the fence about Jones....

Welp, we're not there yet. When we start consistently winning 9-10 games again, we'll be past acceptable losses.

As it stands right now, we're not on Oklahoma's level quite yet, especially if Stoops continues his tradition...


You can see what happens when he comes off a season where he didn't reach double digit wins.

GTFO of here with facts, how dare you!
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2-2 to start the season should be enough reason imo.

I disagree. We could continue to get untimely injuries. The games could be lost on a game-ending field goal. The championship game could go on to be Florida v. Oklahoma. 2 games aren't enough to make me think a coach isn't the right person for the job.
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I agree for the most part. A loss to Oklahoma would be very disappointing but beating Florida to close out the month would make things much better.

Bob Stoops has never in his career at Oklahoma had back to back years under 10 wins, so it's pretty much a safe bet that Oklahoma is gonna be a really good football team this year.

I know moral victories don't count, but so long as it's a close game through and through it'll be an acceptable loss. If we get blown out though? It could get ugly around here, but again, a win over Florida could turn the tide of the season.
You said floriduh and tide in the same sentence, that should call for some kind of suspension from the board. :disappointed:
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Feel like I'm cheating because I already believe in Butch. So I'll take the question as what it'd take for the world to accept him as elite.

1. Gotta beat Florida. Can't have the curse handed down to him. 2013 was understandable, because of the talent differential. 2014 was a little embarrassing. Gotta nip this one in the bud.

2. Gotta go at least .500 against the SEC-West.

3. Gotta go at least .500 vs teams that are Top 25 when we play them, and Top 25 at the end of the year. A late-year slide to mortality helps neither us nor our foes. You hear that, Oklahoma? No crashing to the ground just because we beat you. Carry our water and your own, have a good season even if we whup dat azz.

4. Finally, gotta play every game close. Every game, not 11 of the 12.

Put all those together, and you're probably 9-3 or better.

He does those 4 things in 2015, and I think all but the most illogical doubting Thomas' will have to admit the man's gameday skills match all his other coaching superlatives.

Of course, he'll also have to win an SEC championship in 2016 to seal the deal. :)
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As we all know, WINS are what make or break a coaching career. I happen to still be one of those on the fence about Jones until I see results on the field, which should be understandable. Looking at the big picture, for me, 3-1 with the loss being to Oklahoma or 4-0 would get me on the wagon 100%. Jones has been incredible with everything else, he's bringing in the talent, etc., but the big wins gotta start early this year with the Gators being right there. For those still in doubt, what point in the season would get you fully on board?

Eight or more wins. Break some of the bad streaks... particularly UF and MU.
I disagree. We could continue to get untimely injuries. The games could be lost on a game-ending field goal. The championship game could go on to be Florida v. Oklahoma. 2 games aren't enough to make me think a coach isn't the right person for the job.

The difference between a successful coach and a failure can be how well they keep their team healthy and how well they do in close games. It isn't two games. It is 3 seasons.
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On fence until were 14-0 for 3 straight years.

Impossible result. Get to 13-0 and you're 100% positive into the playoffs. From that point, only possible outcomes are 13-1, 14-1, or 15-0. Please raise your standards appropriately, sir.

Jones should be fired in the locker room if that goes down.

Any given Saturday.

Let's don't do an Illinois. Don't fire the coach who might otherwise have taken us to 10-2 with wins over everyone but Bama and BGSU (hey, it could happen). Best to wait to the end of the season before making decisions like this. :)
Another "what does CBJ need to do to make ME happy" post. Awesome. Support the coach until he's not the coach. Get out of his way and let him do his job. If he does not do his job, find someone who does.

OR, let's put an arbitrary number of wins up on my expectations list, then piss and moan to the high heavens when MY expectations are not met. 'Cause after all, it is all about ME.
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Another "what does CBJ need to do to make ME happy" post. Awesome. Support the coach until he's not the coach. Get out of his way and let him do his job. If he does not do his job, find someone who does.

OR, let's put an arbitrary number of wins up on my expectations list, then piss and moan to the high heavens when MY expectations are not met. 'Cause after all, it is all about ME.

God you sound like someone that probably supported Dooley until the morning he was fired after the Vandy loss. If someone is not taking our program to excellence and it is apparent, our jobs as fans is NOT to blindly support a craptastic coach. This thread is simply saying, since Jones does have some bad games on his resume (13 Vandy, 14 Florida) what would need to happen this year to clearly demonstrate that he can bring in the WINS for years to come.
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Another "what does CBJ need to do to make ME happy" post. Awesome. Support the coach until he's not the coach. Get out of his way and let him do his job. If he does not do his job, find someone who does.

OR, let's put an arbitrary number of wins up on my expectations list, then piss and moan to the high heavens when MY expectations are not met. 'Cause after all, it is all about ME.
Any suggestions on the number of wins for your list? Is 9 or 10 good?
Mentally prepare yourselves for a loss to OU so when/if it happens it won't be as bad. The power of negative thinking
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If you're on the fence with this staff then you're either blind, dumb or don't know football. He's already made this program light years better than he found it.
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If you're on the fence with this staff then you're either blind, dumb or don't know football. He's already made this program light years better than he found it.

He has proven he can recruit the jimmy's and Joe's, now he just needs to flex his knowledge of X's and O's with some WINS baby.
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God you sound like someone that probably supported Dooley until the morning he was fired after the Vandy loss. If someone is not taking our program to excellence and it is apparent, our jobs as fans is NOT to blindly support a craptastic coach. This thread is simply saying, since Jones does have some bad games on his resume (13 Vandy, 14 Florida) what would need to happen this year to clearly demonstrate that he can bring in the WINS for years to come.

Because kicking your feet and screaming like a 12 year old girl is so effective.
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As much as we MUST beat Florida, talent acquisition has never been an issue for them the past several years. They sucked last year but could very easily have a quick turn around similar to Auburn because the talent is still there, they just need a good coach. We have caught up to many teams talent wise in a short time period, but quality depth and experience is still an issue. That said if we lose to them and they make a run like Auburn did 2 years ago, I will understand. If we lose to them and Florida wins 4-5 games, mattresses will burn.
Impossible result. Get to 13-0 and you're 100% positive into the playoffs. From that point, only possible outcomes are 13-1, 14-1, or 15-0. Please raise your standards appropriately, sir.

Any given Saturday.

Let's don't do an Illinois. Don't fire the coach who might otherwise have taken us to 10-2 with wins over everyone but Bama and BGSU (hey, it could happen). Best to wait to the end of the season before making decisions like this. :)

Once we go 14-0, the other team would simply forfeit the national championship game.

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