Y’all go ahead and be miserable

The thing that chaps my backside about this thread: People have opinions, some think vols will turn it around, others think not this year. Heck, everyone got an opinion, let everyone have theirs without calling them miserable, sunshine pumpers, rainbow riders....what ever the heck you call them. Why does someone always have to be called a name if they don't share your opinion? Just roll with it, all of us want to see them win, regardless of how we think the season is going. And let me add something else, many of these people who you call miserable, are sitting in the stands every home game supporting our team. Carry on.....
Best post in this thread! ^ 👍👏👏
We haven’t won a league title in 25 years. We haven’t won our own division in 15 years. We’re still years away from having a prayer at being an SEC title contender. Being a fan doesn’t require you to play stupid and pretend bowl/exhibition games excite or matter to anybody. If you can’t provide anything for your fan base to be proud of or excited about for 25 years, that’s not on the fans. The fans do their jobs, the program does nothing in return.

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