Xbox One

I would imagine part of it is we are now grown up and have plenty of other stuff to tend to. Kids didn't have anything to do and just played games because it's fun. Plus, you probably couldn't afford/get many games so you wore out the ones you had/rented/borrowed from friends.

I remember going to Green Acres flea market with Dad every couple of weeks hoping to find some new nintendo games. One or two sellers usually had a dozen or so to pick from. That's where I got the first Mega Man.
Yep. Might get 3-4 new NES games a year, swap with friends and such. But, you played what you had, and if it sucked you played it anyway. I didn't beat Dragon Warrior a dozen times because it was incredible, its just a game that I had.
I would imagine part of it is we are now grown up and have plenty of other stuff to tend to. Kids didn't have anything to do and just played games because it's fun. Plus, you probably couldn't afford/get many games so you wore out the ones you had/rented/borrowed from friends.

This is pretty much me and I just get bored a lot easier with games than I did as a kid
Part of it is that the gaming industry is just so much bigger now. I usually don't go back and play games again because my backlog of games is just too big, plus more and more come out. And now there are so many different ways of getting games. It's not just physical games, they have the digital only (Xbox Live Arcade, PSN, etc.) games as well.
I love that Phil Spencer said they are going to focus more on first party games.

Translation = We're losing all of our 3rd party partnerships so we have no other choice. :)

Seriously though, I think that IS great! This is what I've wanted MS to do since last generation. Exclusives to me are what defines a console and provide the biggest reason to want support a console.
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Translation = We're losing all of our 3rd party partnerships so we have no other choice. :)

Seriously though, I think that IS great! This is what I've wanted MS to do since last generation. Exclusives to me are what defines a console and provide the biggest reason to want support a console.

Hahaha yep! We lost the COD exclusivity and now we need to go to plan B.
Xbox One continuing to kill it with these deals.

Offer is from Aug 25th thru Dec 31st.

Even though I already have 2 of the games through Games With Gold, this is now a buy for me, and it's only $40.

I guess Microsoft learned a bit with the Halo:MCC fiasco.
Seems the problem in Knoxville is neither store has both in stock. Couple tvs at Cedar Bluff, but no systems. Couple systems in Farragut, but no tvs.

Runs all week. Not a bad deal at all if you need a tv or can get rid of it for $200+. Perhaps they get more stock in in stores or online.

Currently available online it appears.
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