Worst tournament loss?

Which is Tennessee's most heart-breaking tournament loss in recent memory?

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Mar 24, 2007
Over the past decade of Tennessee basketball, we've witnessed several incredibly heartbreaking losses. This one certainly ranks up there, but I'm honestly having a hard time deciding which is the worst.
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Anyone know how to edit a poll? I obviously mean "1-pt" loss to Michigan State and not "1-pot."
Was at the Mich St. game

we missed free throws but our pg at the time (goins maybe?) got MAULED at the end of the game should have been two fts...
Those were all devastating, but were hard fought losses against favored teams. For me, I was more bothered by the absolute debacle vs. Michigan in BP's final game- a complete and total embarrassing blowout, and to me a clear sign that the team had quit. I'd much rather go down swinging and suffer a tough one than just not even compete. Just my two cents on our "worst" loss.

Indy was fun- wish I was still there to watch UT-Louisville but went 0 for 2 on my wishes.
Was at the Mich St. game

we missed free throws but our pg at the time (goins maybe?) got MAULED at the end of the game should have been two fts...

By now we should all realize the Vols are not going to get call at the end of any game that would be to our benefit.
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Michigan St hurt worse in retrospect when we saw we would have drawn Butler and had a really good chance of playing Duke in the title game. Although like 1985 Vols said we aren't going to get a call in that situation. Against Ohio State. Ramar Smith was blocked by Greg oden but fouled by him with lower body and no call. Against Michigan St. J.P. Prince blocked their guys shot cleanly but they called lower body contact. Sheesh!
The 18 point lead turned into a loss against Ohio state and oden was pretty heartbreaking.
Blowing the late lead against UNC was pretty terrible.

More so than a game which we weren't in at all until the last few minutes.
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Can't be this year's game, because once we fell behind by 10 in the first half, it never looked liked we could win until there were nine seconds left.
It's not a game, but I think Selection Sunday 2008 qualifies as one of our most heartbreaking tournament moments. My expectations of a deep run were realistically quashed that day.
Over the past decade of Tennessee basketball, we've witnessed several incredibly heartbreaking losses. This one certainly ranks up there, but I'm honestly having a hard time deciding which is the worst.

After winning SEC championship in 67 the Vols lost in first round of NCAA tournament to Dayton by 2 points.
It's gotta be the Ohio State game. We were a 5 seed playing a 1. We had the game in the bag, and just sloppy free throw shooting and not being able to close out and keep our lead was just brutal to watch. Michigan and Michigan St. were both close and both games we necessarily weren't supposed to win. But being up by 20 at half, you SHOULD win that game. Michigan St. is the second worst, but a big guy missing free throws is something you can accept, it hurts, but even some of the best players miss free throws in the clutch, but you cant accept throwing that big of a lead. That one hurt me a lot more, I spent the next week hoping i'd wake up and find out blowing a 20 pt lead was a dream. That one's the worst for me.
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It was before my time, but the '77 team losing in 2 OTs to Syracuse should make the discussion.
Gotta be Michigan State. I honestly think we could've gone all the way.

I will say that this one is really hard to swallow as well. If Michigan wasn't hitting every 3 they threw up we may have won by double digits. Not taking anything away from them. They had to make the shots, just saying it makes it a lot harder to swallow to know that if they even shoot good from 3 we probably win. Unfortunately they were lights out.
Losing 1 pot always hurts. The last time I lost a pot, I had to go out and buy another one before I could cook my porridge.
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