What I am hearing about reasons for current UT Football dysfunction

We'll know how serious JP is at turning this thing around by who he hires at OL/ DL. If it's another friend of his, it's over.

It's like JP thinks he's the only leader the coaching staff needs. He only wants to be surrounded by yes men at this point.
If Bo Davis were to sign up for this mess, the higher ups are committed to Pruitt for at least two years...preemptive ughhh. Volwire is floating the Peterson guy for OL...that’s Walt Wells level.
I want to be respectful to you as a fellow poster....but....Not only is this not true, it is laughably false. Knowing several of the the names you reference, it is inaccurate. One thing that should make you think...if you are hearing from “reporters” and they haven’t reported it...then there isn’t anything there. They aren’t about to give the scoop to someone else. This more a summation of multiple board rumors constructed as an insider scoop. Sorry, just can’t let this one hang.
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I don't doubt that there's something wrong over there but I don't know how much of it is Fulmer interfering. First, he is the guy who hired Pruitt. If Pruitt fails, then Fulmer will be in jeopardy and if anything is true, it's that Fulmer is loving his return to relevancy. His two biggest hires are going to be Kellie for women's BB and Pruitt. I'm still undecided about Kellie but her recruiting is not exciting me. If she and Pruitt fail, Phil is toast.

But the thing that really doesn't ring true is that Fulmer is putting that much time into it. What got Fulmer fired as HC was 2 things, first was his unwillingness to hire the best available Offensive Coordinator from outside his circle. Sure he was thrilled to have Cutcliff, but he knew Cut was totally loyal and wouldn't do to Phil what Phil did to Johnny Majors. Then when he hired Clawson, he wouldn't let him install his offense.

But the big thing for me was Fulmer got lazy. He didn't get out on the recruiting trail like he once did and some of you may remember that when the OL started underperforming he rejected suggestions that he take over that unit because he was so busy. With guys like Spurrier running their teams whole offense, that just didn't ring true.

The clincher for me was when we had an open week before a Florida game in the early 2000s. Instead of getting with his coaches and work on scheme, he took Vicki to Colorado for a three day weekend and the following week was beaten by Florida. That was nothing short of malpractice. Find me another college coach who would do that.
He definitely got complacent. Still is. Only reason he has this job is because he wanted to get even with Currie.
I think “moral obligation” and “reporters” stopped going together around 2016.

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I trust Deerpark. We know he works in the AD's office (or with a contractor that supports the AD's office, that bit has never been entirely clear). We know he is quick to cut off untruths, though much slower to provide new information himself.

So when Deerpark noted which of the OP's claims were complete horse poop...
1, 4, 5 and 9 are laughably false.

I haven't heard anything like 6, but Tee knows if Pruitt gets fired, he's not sniffing the HC job.

...I took him at his word. Fulmer is not the problem. Pruitt is not micro-managing the offense. The team is not divided.

Having said that, all is not rosy. Let's look at the parts of the OP Deerpark did not contest. Let's look at lines 2, 3, 7 and 8.

2. There are three factions in coaching staff:
  1. Tee and Jay are Fulmer's boys and they act very much like it too. Tee in particular acts like he is above head coach and has been cause of a lot of friction with in staff.
  2. Pruitt, Friend, Nerdimeyer, Weinke are in another camp. Tee and Jay particularly dislike Nerdimeyer
  3. Derek Ansely, Chaney and Shelton Felton generally stay away from these groups.
3. Ansley has a weak personality and deflects any pressure to Pruitt. Lacks leadership.

7. Pruitt will be forced to let go of his guys (Friend gone, Nerdeimeyer and Weinke next). Tee will likely be Co-OC for 2021. Pruitt is fed up with Fulmer and would be happy to take his buyout and leave.

8. Fulmer has a lot of boosters support and Pruitt still feels like outsider.

The picture those not-confirmed-but-not-denied lines paints is of a coaching staff in turmoil. A staff where all the parts don't fit together well all the time. Including a head coach who doesn't yet feel at home, or comfortable in his position. And a staff that is destined to see some changes this off-season. Which changes? Well, not the head coach. Other than that, could be several possibilities.

That's what our conversation could more usefully focus on. The bits that seem likely to be true.
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The contracts are written so that if the coach doesn’t turn it around quickly they get frustrated and want out. Hell yes Pruitt wants out. He, his family take $12million and move back to Alabama.
That just sounds gross
I trust Deerpark. We know he works in the AD's office (or with a contractor that supports the AD's office, that bit has never been entirely clear). We know he is quick to cut off untruths, though much slower to provide new information himself.

So when Deerpark noted which of the OP's claims were complete horse poop...

...I took him at his word. Fulmer is not the problem. Pruitt is not micro-managing the offense. The team is not divided.

Having said that, all is not rosy. Let's look at the parts of the OP Deerpark did not contest. Let's look at lines 2, 3, 7 and 8.

2. There are three factions in coaching staff:
  1. Tee and Jay are Fulmer's boys and they act very much like it too. Tee in particular acts like he is above head coach and has been cause of a lot of friction with in staff.
  2. Pruitt, Friend, Nerdimeyer, Weinke are in another camp. Tee and Jay particularly dislike Nerdimeyer
  3. Derek Ansely, Chaney and Shelton Felton generally stay away from these groups.
3. Ansley has a weak personality and deflects any pressure to Pruitt. Lacks leadership.

7. Pruitt will be forced to let go of his guys (Friend gone, Nerdeimeyer and Weinke next). Tee will likely be Co-OC for 2021. Pruitt is fed up with Fulmer and would be happy to take his buyout and leave.

8. Fulmer has a lot of boosters support and Pruitt still feels like outsider.

The picture those not-confirmed-but-not-denied lines paints is of a coaching staff in turmoil. A staff where all the parts don't fit together well all the time. Including a head coach who doesn't yet feel at home, or comfortable in his position. And a staff that is destined to see some changes this off-season. Which changes? Well, not the head coach. Other than that, could be several possibilities.

That's what our conversation could more usefully focus on. The bits that seem likely to be true.
The bullet points you mention would point to a team divided though. If you have three different camps within the staff, that’s a pretty major division. Plus, if Pruitt wanted to take his money and walk, I’m pretty sure he’d make that be known and do it.

I think the truth of the matter is that no one save Pruitt, the coaching staff, Fulmer, and the powers that be, truly know what’s going on. And we as a fanbase can’t accept that, so we’re making our own stories to make us feel better and help explain what you don’t like.
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The bullet points you mention would point to a team divided though. If you have three different camps within the staff, that’s a pretty major division. Plus, if Pruitt wanted to take his money and walk, I’m pretty sure he’d make that be known and do it.

I think the truth of the matter is that no one save Pruitt, the coaching staff, Fulmer, and the powers that be, truly know what’s going on. And we as a fanbase can’t accept that, so we’re making our own stories to make us feel better and help explain what you don’t like.
Well, it points to a coaching staff divided. That doesn't mean the players are divided. Those are two different dynamics that can, but don't have to, affect one another in big ways.

I do agree with your second paragraph in its entirety. We can't know. We would be better off not speculating. But, being who we are in this reality-entertainment day and age, stopping ourselves is all but impossible.
Obviously I have no idea what’s true or not with the OP but after watching the dysfunction of the team this year it’s not hard to believe for me. Something is very wrong on this team and organization.
Look at all the staff turnover, lack of player development. Who fires a coach mid game? We got progressively worse as season progressed. After the Mizzou game I really thought we may be on our way then the 2nd half of Georgia happened and it’s a sh*tshow. Some of the OP’s information has to be correct. But that’s just my opinion..

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