Uniform/Helmet/Shoe design thread (merged)

Honestly to me, The oragne on top of the shoulders of any of our jerseys looks like the generic ugly uniforms in teambuilder from the old NCAA football video games.
Agreed. Very ugly in my personal opinion. Looks like some old 90s NHL jerseys. This one is a miss for me, for sure. I’d rather see the gray adidas tire tread uniforms.
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Officially, it's going to be labeled as a Smokey Grey version of the Condredge Holloway throwback uniforms from 1972/2004.

Though I was initially told they were targeting A&M for them, the Austin Peay game falls on the anniversary of Holloway's first start at Georgia Tech, so it's possible we run them out then.

Sounds like a blessing. Just need to rip the band-aid off and get it over with. not to mention there will be less eyes on them for AP.
Officially, it's going to be labeled as a Smokey Grey version of the Condredge Holloway throwback uniforms from 1972/2004.

Though I was initially told they were targeting A&M for them, the Austin Peay game falls on the anniversary of Holloway's first start at Georgia Tech, so it's possible we run them out then.

UT VS GT in Atlanta. That game was a big deal because of both teams starting an AA QB in the South. . IIRC we won something like 34-3. I was thinking about that game a week or two ago and trying to remember the GT QB name. The only thing I could come up with was Eddie?

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