The Thread Where People Argue About Kneeling in the NFL (merged)

he also tweeted it is the South Ignorance is everywhere, Not exactly and good ting to be posting when you play in the South. I am not liking this kids attitude, but thats me. He has been tweeting some crappy stuff today.
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He can leave the team. This crap won't fly with me. I lost 2 uncle's in WWII. My father served in Korea. I served in Desert Storm. You disrespect this country and this flag...I have no use for you.

Thank you for you and your family's service and always reminds me when Jack Nicholson goes off at the end of a few good men....i have family in about every battle since civil thank u
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Reporters have stooped so low that they interview 3rd string QBs now ?

The first two are in a battle for the starting job. Last thing either of them want is a political **** storm. Let one or the other support this and see how quickly boos start and seats empty.
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Lol that was for hurricane relief, but okay. Conservatives say people have the right to march around with nazi flags, but kneeling football players should be fired...double standard much??

I don't think they would have the right to march with nazi flags while being paid by their employer - so not sure bout that double standard thing.
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Yes you do. You're just not free from consequence by your employer.

Looks like the NFL has no problem with the protests since they are not punishing those who protest. Other than Kaepernick of course.

Put this into perspective. Players aren’t allowed to taunt after a touchdown, aren’t allowed to act a fool, What’s the difference in things they do on the field? Isn’t it their first amendment right if they wanna twerk on the field? They wouldn’t even let the players wear 9/11 memorials. This is just fine though. It makes no sense to me.
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They are bad now cuz Pinkel retired...has nothing to do with protesting police brutality lol

No, Mizzou has lost enrollment big time, and had to shut down dorms. That incident absolutely affected recruiting. The SEC should have stepped in. You cannot allow a bunch of players to blackmail you over a reported incident that police had investigated and did not find enough evidence to charge anyone with a crime. I expect it to happen again, now that they did it and got what they wanted out of it. The fallout for the school has been devastating.
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That's what the flag stands for. You guys are way too caught up in your own ideals. You don't fight for freedom and then demand how the public uses it.

I think its more about the hypocrisy and pointing it out... there is nothing wrong with that. And yes, when people are paying for something they can demand anything they want or not pay.... I think its clear for some time that paying up is might be problem soon.
They aren't disrespecting the flag, just using the platform to raise awareness to serious social injustices in our country. People should have some thicker skin geesh

Also, if they were truly wanting to raise awareness to serious injustices, they would be boycotting games as long as one police officer was working the game/stadium.....
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If every time I went to the movies, the actors came out and told me their political views, I'd quit going. I don't care what the views are or if I agree. Actors and athletes are nothing but dancing clowns to me. They are entertainment. Don't wast my time giving me your uninformed opinion. IDGAF. I won't watch another NFL game, and if UT players start this @#$# I'll quit watching and donating money there also.

You and about 50% of the rest of the donors. I can't wait for a couple of the older majors to weigh in.
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Those hypocrite a-holes have all the free speech they want, have at it. It cuts both ways. They wanna bring politics into the NFL, go ahead, kill the golden goose, slit your own dumbass throats....cause I'm done with the NFL, and there are millions and millions more just like me as we watch their ratings fall through the floor. F em!

Hey it's a free country. Your loss. I'll keep on enjoying watching professional football. It sure beats the hell out of the garbage the Vols have been putting out on the field lately
No, Mizzou has lost enrollment big time, and had to shut down dorms. That incident absolutely affected recruiting. The SEC should have stepped in. You cannot allow a bunch of players to blackmail you over a reported incident that police had investigated and did not find enough evidence to charge anyone with a crime. I expect it to happen again, now that they did it and got what they wanted out of it. The fallout for the school has been devastating.

I keep waiting for SEC schools to offer a trade with someone for Mizzou. Give us West Virginia for them?
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They aren't disrespecting the flag, just using the platform to raise awareness to serious social injustices in our country. People should have some thicker skin geesh

Not entirely correct. There is no sign that athletes kneeling really helps anything. Kneeling has become so common place that it is the equivalent of giving a dollar to unicef, expecting to end world hunger. If you're really passionate about something then do something enduring...that requires time and commitment. People kneel and go on with their entitled lives, thinking they made some great statement, while offending those who made sure we have the privalidge of watching and playing the great sport of football.
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This kind of crap should be SHUT DOWN very quickly by the Coach...What happens to his teammates that feel differently? Where's the leadership?
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Put this into perspective. Players aren’t allowed to taunt after a touchdown, aren’t allowed to act a fool, What’s the difference in things they do on the field? Isn’t it their first amendment right if they wanna twerk on the field? They wouldn’t even let the players wear 9/11 memorials. This is just fine though. It makes no sense to me.

What's hard to understand? No rule exists penalizing the players for, I know the horror, of kneeling during the anthem.
If this was playing out in Iran with players in their soccer league, what would you think? The players are disrespectful, the players are heroic, or the players are insignificant? What would be be the responses from the teams and owners that you find admirable? What responses would you consider wrong?

This stupid and irrelevant question again?
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That's what the flag stands for. You guys are way too caught up in your own ideals. You don't fight for freedom and then demand how the public uses it.

Exactly, live and let live. Those that served didn't do so to protect a piece of cloth or a song. They served to protect the constitution which includes the 1st amendment.
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We don't give a **** when highly educated politicians **** all over everything we stand for, but we get upset about a bunch of dumb jocks.

OK, folks.
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No, Mizzou has lost enrollment big time, and had to shut down dorms. That incident absolutely affected recruiting. The SEC should have stepped in. You cannot allow a bunch of players to blackmail you over a reported incident that police had investigated and did not find enough evidence to charge anyone with a crime. I expect it to happen again, now that they did it and got what they wanted out of it. The fallout for the school has been devastating.

The ignorant will believe what they wish to believe. I am surprised the MO is still in the SEC.
I don't think they would have the right to march with nazi flags while being paid by their employer - so not sure bout that double standard thing.

You're missing my point. I'm saying that conservatives say that those marches are fine but everyone gets up in arms about kneeling during the anthem. It's ridiculous
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