Terrible Awful Horrible Coaching

The coaches made the adjustment..players didn't execute.

When it was obvious we couldn't run up the middle AND drop back and pass without getting sacked the offense went to quick passes and the receivers kept dropping them. I put the game on the WR's. The coaches are working with young talent. We ran the same plays as the last two weeks. We just played a better D line.

RE: "We ran the same plays as the last two weeks. We just played a better D line"

Not pointing fingers, but are you confirming we are limited to being one-dimensional, 3 weeks in a row, against 3 diff oppositions?

What is the point to making adjustments, if one is running the same plays as the last two weeks?

Maybe the point some are trying to make, is maybe change up the play calling in the week-ahead practice with different play calling, if you're playing a stronger D coming up -- since this is what Bajakian knew going in:

"Those guys are very talented and they are very quick off the edge. And the fact that they have two guys...I’m sure they’re going to want to be disruptive in the pass game...They do a lot in the way of twists in games too that can take away quarterback rush lanes.”

#VolReport: Next Man Up - VolNation
USA Today has an interesting article about Nebraska and Pellini....then goes on to discuss other "under performing" programs according to expectations.

James Franklin's year at Penn State sounds very similar to this year at UT. Emphasizes that his great recruiting and motivating personality has raised expectations beyond what's realistic and he is taking a beating on fan social media.

sound familiar?
o line made those WR drop the passes?...your so smart

no, but it does make the quarterback throw the ball earlier in the route than he's supposed too, throwing off timing ,and WR trying to turn when going across the middle because they are anticipating getting plastered......I swear, about 85 percent of the VN has never been on a football field and know how the game is played....
Just as my father always says: "you don't have to be the jockey to know who won the race". You people do realize that this is a message board for FANS to discuss, and often complain, about UT athletics. Haven't seen many on here claiming to be experts and as long as they don't take personal shots at players I don't see what the big deal is. Again, it is a MESSAGE BOARD PEOPLE.

Exactly the point of a board. We got all types.

Btw love the avatar
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These threads

It was a close play. Coleman planted his feet on the 40 but reached out to catch the ball. There were 2 timeouts remaining, so I am not sure it made that huge of a difference. Some of you are laying in wait to pounce on a perceived bad call. God help the coaches if the fake field goal had failed. The coaches did not fumble the ball or tip it for the interception. The coaches are not playing with torn ACLs . The coaches did not get suspended. They have recruited well. They have changed player attitudes. They have encouraged 60 minute hustle and "no quit" play. This staff did not abandon us for dream jobs or fail to recruit a single offensive lineman in 2012.
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well, I'm convinced by your logic that CBJ would not know the first thing about physics (your reference); but would be nice to believe (I can't say know because I don't know physics so I will use the personal "believe"), our coaching staff is capable of big-time adjustments, because it looks like the opposing team did make adjustments during the half-time which resulted in two long plays for the win.
I was clearly referring to third graders attempting to grasp and subsequently relate a recently achieved physics theorem, and not CBJ. Inscribing in terms you might grasp: It's not just X's and O's, but Jimmies and Joes. Game time adjustments require (1) intuitiveness, (2) competent execution and (3) an element of luck. Their Jimmies and Joes have the experience to pull off adjustments more efficiently than our kids can. Switch players, and maybe CBJ would look like the genuis. Patience, young man.
I was clearly referring to third graders attempting to grasp and subsequently relate a recently achieved physics theorem, and not CBJ. Inscribing in terms you might grasp: It's not just X's and O's, but Jimmies and Joes. Game time adjustments require (1) intuitiveness, (2) competent execution and (3) an element of luck. Their Jimmies and Joes have the experience to pull off adjustments more efficiently than our kids can. Switch players, and maybe CBJ would look like the genuis. Patience, young man.

A great coach not only can take his players and beat yours; he can take your players and beat his. But, we couldn't switch the coaches out, could we?

quit playing with your jimmies and joes---very distasteful.
So let's go ahead and fire this coaching staff and start all over again..................NOT

who said anything about firing the coaches ??? So what are we suppose to do sit back and not call Butch on a obvious mistake ??? I love Butch and everything he is doing for UT but he messed up simple as that
Why don't you coach football then? It's always a dumb decision if it doesn't work. If it does work then it's brilliant. What isn't brilliant is prematurely hoping for another coaching change when the program can't afford that right now. Butch is the right guy, and his assistant coaches are fine. Just shutup and watch. You're not helping the program any by putting your lack of intelligence on display and asking these things.

Its funny to me how defensive you are getting. I cant be sure but i would bet good money if you asked Butch about how he managed the end of that game he would be the first to admit he messed up... These coaches r getting paid millions of dollars to make the right calls and its not the end of the world to call them on a mistake... im not calling for his job just stating the obvious
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I love reading the many good responses to this rambling, half incoherent, and uninformed post. Keep up the good work guys. :hi:

My response...the challenge was stupid but it probably didn't matter at that point anyway. The timeout on the one was necessary. Had Dobbs been sacked or thrown an int, we probably don't score a TD there and everything else is irrelevant. Try to drink a bit less, okay? :crazy:
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Give it a freakin rest. It's one thing to hear about it from opposing fans but to come onto VN and hear Vol fans doing it? Find some positives to talk about or have we not had enough negatives the past few years to talk about?
It's ok to point out bad coaching decisions when they happen. So what. With Butch you're going to get them because that was his MO at Cincinnati according to people who follow that program. Nobody is jumping off the Butch wagon but he needs to fix his game management as much as he needs to fix his O line.
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Our O-Line was the reason we lost tonight.

Let's give a little credit to the Missouri Tigers as well. Maty Mauk made two great throws and Sasser made two fantastic catches for their last two TD's. VN calling out our DB's - Coleman got beat once and so did Sutton, but they were in position and just got beat on those particular plays. When the offense executes to near perfection even the best get beat. Both catches were inches from being broken up. I personally don't think Mauk could make two more throws that good in those situations in 100 tries but he made them when he had to. So a :hi: tip of the hat to Mauk and Sasser.
I would say that the reason he challenged the call was that he felt that it was their only hope left. Even if you keep that timeout, you're only leaving yourself about 30 seconds to drive down the field and score a TD against a good defense.
I would say that the reason he challenged the call was that he felt that it was their only hope left. Even if you keep that timeout, you're only leaving yourself about 30 seconds to drive down the field and score a TD against a good defense.

No CBJ is a total idiot who couldn't coach a pee wee team and you are an idiot and sunshine pumper for saying otherwise! Get with the program or get off the board!
even Kirk Herbstreet was beside himself almost laughing when he realized Butch Jones had thrown the challenge flag on the onside kick essentially ending the game without even giving ur defense a shot to get a stop.... Even before this debacle the Vols have the ball on the one and you must assume that they have a played called just incase they get stopped at the goal line ( most likely a fade or some quick throw).. The vols get lined up and butch inexplicably calls at time out ??? and for what ?? they come right back and throw the fade... for what possible reason did a time out need to be burned in that situation??? Again pointed out by Herby and company... I could understand if its 4th down and you want to make sure everyone is on the same page.. these basic clock management issues r inexcusable and i wont even get into the PURE Vanilla play calling by the OC.. it makes it so easy to stop an offense when u only have to worry about the ball going 6-10 yards down the field... you have to take shots you have to make them respect the threat that you will take a shot.... Its hard enough to win games in the SEC playing frosh and sophomores
but when you add in terrible coaching its damn near impossible

You can't "take shots" when your offensive line is barely giving the QB 1 second to throw.

It takes longer than 1 second, which is the time it took Shane Ray/Markus Golden to get around our tackles, for deep routes to come open. Plus, Mizzou was shutting down our run game by just rushing 4 down linemen - that means they could play two safeties over the top taking away the one on one matchups you look for when throwing deep routes.

But yeah, go ahead and blame Butch. God knows he's put his heart and soul into rebuilding UT and you get on here and slam him for some irrelevant decision.

Who cares when he called a timeout. That is not why we lost the game.

Derek Dooley and his 0 OLinemen in the 2012 class lost us that game. Even if Blair had been ready out of the box, we still would be missing a tackle on the other side.

Give it time, bro. This is YEAR 2! Have you forgotten that?

We are miles ahead of where Dooley had us after 3 full years. UT program was in worse shape than some people care to admit.
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A great coach not only can take his players and beat yours; he can take your players and beat his. But, we couldn't switch the coaches out, could we?

quit playing with your jimmies and joes---very distasteful.
Then why bother to recruit, Forrest? You're surmising that if CBJ and Pinkel swapped players, CBJ would still lose. You've got no Jimmies and Joes in your skull--very dense.
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It was a close play. Coleman planted his feet on the 40 but reached out to catch the ball. There were 2 timeouts remaining, so I am not sure it made that huge of a difference. Some of you are laying in wait to pounce on a perceived bad call. God help the coaches if the fake field goal had failed. The coaches did not fumble the ball or tip it for the interception. The coaches are not playing with torn ACLs . The coaches did not get suspended. They have recruited well. They have changed player attitudes. They have encouraged 60 minute hustle and "no quit" play. This staff did not abandon us for dream jobs or fail to recruit a single offensive lineman in 2012.

Thank You :popcorn:
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