So what was it like inside BMS?

I had a great time.

My seats were better than I thought they would be. About on par with sitting toward the back of the lower bowl in Neyland. I could see the action on the field pretty clearly from the 50 to VT end zone but found myself watching Colossus more often than not.

It did take a good 45min to get through the gates but we made it with plenty of time before kick-off.

The stadium looked about 2/3 TN. Even the VT side had huge chunks of orange in it.
Did you sit in Petty? looks exactly like my view
I loved it..but they could have done better moving people thru quicker...and traffic control was awful...I got to be a part of the stunts..glad I went...I'm home because I parked on Bethel Road and walked two miles to the stadium :)
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Still regret not getting tickets.

I'm not. The view from the couch was amazing.

Handling over 102k fans has virtually been perfected by UT over decades. Add another 54k to a venue that isn't used to it and you've got chaos.
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Some of the Tech fans are butthole, bad when they were up 14, worse when they were losing. Walking back from getting hotdogs, and a drunken VT frat guy trying to tell me to leave, that this is his SECTION. Not sure my old butt and my brother could have taken the 3 of them, but we made it back to our seats after a few choice words.

Security awful, idiots were in charge of the big screen. Showed the crowd more than the game. Had so many games and give-aways, I felt I was at a minor league baseball park.

My seats were directly inside gate 15, but had me going in gate 13. No cattle grates, so huge mess trying to get in. Cars driving through the crowd everywhere.

Poorly run event by Bristol Speedway. Glad we won.
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Was in pit road and views where obstructed but the atmosphere was amazing. Bristol went all out for this game. This experience is of to remember. Greatful I was part of the record breaking night.
Speakers too loud. Video couldn't keep up. The band did a spectacular job.

I had no problems with traffic. Less than 30 minutes to get out. Parked in the cut through lot by the Methodist church.
This was by far one of the worst executed events I have ever attended. We waited outside in the heat for over three hours to get in with thousands of people on top of each other with no security personnel anywhere that I saw. My husband almost got in a fight with a drunk Tennessee fan who tried to cut line going in the gate. We waited in line for over an hour to get food and I almost got in a fight with some drunk Tennessee sorority girls - one of them was mouthing at my daughter. Too much alcohol, no security to be found - I never saw one security personnel. It was a miserable experience. As a matter of fact, I am still sitting in the parking lot waiting to get out. Glad the Vols won, but this will do me for while. I'll be watching from home.

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I can say, been there, done that and never again! View from our seats much better than expected in Earnhart Terrace. I thought I would watch most of the game on colossus because I couldn't see the field. It was actually easier to follow by watching on the field! Sound was way too loud and too many commercials. Atmosphere was fantastic! Sat by a great group of Vol fans, we had a good time. Halftime was great! Parking logistics leaving was a nightmare!
Overall, I can say we had a great time and were a part of history, but I was a little disappointed in basic logistics from bms. Best thing-a Vol win! Now, can we please go back to Neyland?
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Video Director for Colossus gets a F minus. They should have just left a continuous network feed instead of cutting away after every big play for fan reactions. Missed several plays entirely and not nearly enough replays were shown.

Security screening was a joke.

The last 4 miles driving to the Speedway parking lot took 2 hours.

Concession stands could not handle the demand.

I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.
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Did anyone sit in the middle of either endzone at or near the top? It looked like the endzone on the opposite side from those seats would be three football fields away!!!
Have you guys reporting negative experiences ever been to a race there?
I would expect with this being the first time something like this was attempted there would be a lot of miscues.
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I'm not. The view from the couch was amazing.

Handling over 102k fans has virtually been perfected by UT over decades. Add another 54k to a venue that isn't used to it and you've got chaos.

Bristol is used to 150k crowd.

I only got hung up at my gate while entering. It was cramped and annoying but I still got to my seat well before kick-off.

I actually left with about 8 min left. Judging from the fireworks show, the game was well over before we reached our car. I wasn't stuck in the parking lot for too long though. They funneled us out onto the back roads toward Bluff City. It was congested, moved slow but never stop and go. Still took me an hour to get home to JC.
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Worse view I've ever had at a football game, but also much better than what I expected. Reminded me of sitting on the top row of Bryant-Denny, but just a little further away. For the most part the atmosphere felt like a normal college football game. I couldn't help but grin when I first walked in, place is huge.

Traffic was a mess afterward but that was expected. Biggest disappointment was the concessions. Line was huge until halfway through the 4th quarter and in our area they started running out of water and lemonade in the 1st quarter.
Have you guys reporting negative experiences ever been to a race there?
I would expect with this being the first time something like this was attempted there would be a lot of miscues.

Yes have been to several races within last 15 years when NASCAR was really strong. BMS handled this so bad it wasn't even a comparison. Would never go to another game there took us 1.75 hours to get through security at our gate.
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I enjoyed being part of it, but I still prefer Neyland any day. Got back to Knoxville at 5AM!!!
Maybe it is my old eyes but was difficult to see the players well and as such the plays developing. Even the Colossus was of little help. Not trying to be negative but glad I went but will be hesitant to do it again in this venue. Might have been better in a little cooler weather. Fortunately my wife began to feel ill so we left at halftime and got home in time to watch the rest on the tube. Hopefully the blahs experienced by the offense is over and we start our march. GBO
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We didn't get on I-81 til 2:25am out of Earhart West parkng lot. And we left with a minute to go in game!
Seriously screw these people claiming that it was an awful time.

If you're not into drunk people, just ignore them, don't try to start fights then complain about it.

You set a world record tonight, and you can't even look at the bright side that TN scored 24 unanswered after being down 14-nil and ended up kicking some Hokie ass.

There are idiot fans at every game, that argument doesn't hold water for me. Also, I didn't see any fights, but sh!t, if I did it'd be entertaining as fug, I live for that crap.

Also, it only took me 30 min to get into the gate before the game. Just cut the line, baby! I thought this was America? Security was real, had to remove stuff from pockets and go through a body scanner. Just telling myself to act sober the whole time like I was 16 and stoned at a traffic light next to a cop again or something. Hilarious. They have scanners at Neyland, brah? Security was tight.

We left mid way through the 4th, walked back to our lot (red barn lot SW of the stadium) and drove back to my parents place in Knoxville in 2 hours.

This was the biggest game in the history of the sport. Stop using Volnation like you use YELP and showing your age. THE BIGGEST GAME IN THE HISTORY OF THE SPORT.

In 20 years if you remember this game as some nightmare fighting frenzy with no security you're either over 60 or have serious issues. Time of my life. GBO. This one was for Harambe, baby!!

Can't wait til we do it again and Butch gets on the mic midfield and gives me a "FINALLY BUTCH HAS COME bristol..." (Sheer pandemonium ensues)


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Do some of you all complain just because you enjoy complaining. What kind of security do you want checking you at the gate. Complain the check you. Complain they don't. Damn people. If someone carried a gun or pipe bomb in there and used it you would be complaining the other way. Next time will have suggestion box beside the gate so you security experts can tell us how to do it.
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