Recruiting Forum: Football Talk XVI

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Jwill is caping up hard for Jameis.

Can't we take this to its own thread maybe in around the NCAA? Cause I'd prefer to not add to the 4 months of jameis discussions I'm gonna have to see on TV leading up to the draft.
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Notice how Butch handled the AJ thing versus how Jimbo handled the Winston thing? AJ was arguably just as important to the Vols as Winston was to FSU.
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Wow you got that from what. I raise my kids to be the best they can be. One is National Honors and headed to college and the other two are honoroll and solid football players. I don't judge people especially when I don't know all the details. I blame society for how people are quick to judge others as if their shot doesn't stink. We can think the Internet for some of it. Sites like volatile where you can hide behind a keyboard and type random remarks without anyone knowing who you are. Yes that is a societal problem.

I do apologize for my accusations toward you. That was unfair. That being said, I judged by your comments that you dismissed JW being part of a group that did damage to property during a BB gun fight and the fact that he stole soda from a restaurant as 'kids will be kids' kind of prank. In my opinion, it's not one particular instance of JW's that causes alarm. It's the sum of them all and in a short period of time.

Murderers and thieves and arsonists and rapists usually don't start out being murderers, thieves, arsonists, and rapists.

I want to think that JW will not become any of the above mentioned criminals. But, unless he finally 'gets it', and makes a conscious choice to change his ways, I do believe that he will eventually find himself inside a courtroom. I hope that I am wrong.
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If the criteria for NFL success at QB is to be like Cam; Kap would have already won the SB and Harbaugh would still be the 49'ers HC. It's the brain. You can have the best arm and physical talents around, but if you cannot process what you see and make the correct read in less than 2 seconds, 3 if your O-line is good, you will not be able find the passing lane, set your feet and make the correct throw. Period. That's why the best are the best year after year. This mobile QB stuff is not new. D's in the NFL are too smart, fast and physical for that style QB to sustain long term success.

Winston runs less than those guys. But he does not read D's quickly. He has a long way to go for the NFL. They can dumb it down and hope he improves like they tried with Tebow. But it will look like what you saw with Oregon for awhile.
OMG he was involved in a b.b. Gun fight and drink soda at the fountain at Burger King from a water cup.

Red flags mean reasons to be concerned, you said you hadn't seen a list of red flags from anybody. The list I posted, by definition, are reason to be concerned about drafting him. That doesn't necessarily make him guilty of everything he's ever been accused of or evil incarnate but it is A LIST OF RED FLAGS.
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If the criteria for NFL success at QB is to be like Cam; Kap would have already won the SB and Harbaugh would still be the 49'ers HC. It's the brain. You can have the best arm and physical talents around, but if you cannot process what you see and make the correct read in less than 2 seconds, 3 if your O-line is good, you will not be able find the passing lane, set your feet and make the correct throw. Period. That's why the best are the best year after year. This mobile QB stuff is not new. D's in the NFL are too smart, fast and physical for that style QB to sustain long term success.

Winston runs less than those guys. But he does not read D's quickly. He has a long way to go for the NFL. They can dumb it down and hope he improves like they tried with Tebow. But it will look like what you saw with Oregon for awhile.
Being sober more than you aren't and having your priorities in order helps a lot too. Running aside, brains aside a lot of guys washup and out in the nfl.
Notice how Butch handled the AJ thing versus how Jimbo handled the Winston thing? AJ was arguably just as important to the Vols as Winston was to FSU.

Spot on, friend. That's why I said what I said when informed of what happened. Butch handled this 100% the right way. Could not have been handled better.
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My last post on this subject. If it is true that AJ did not do anything wrong then did Butch do the right thing by suspending him. I think he did the right thing and wanted to avoid the media firestorm.
Winston is not VY. People fell in love with VY running ability but he couldn't pass with consistent accuracy. He also didn't work hard and study. Winston is a true prostyle pocket passer.

Winston is going to be really good NFL QB as long as he stays out of trouble.

I hate his guts but he is a stud.

If I'm an NFL GM I'd probably choose another position if possible but if I'm desparate for a QB then I'm taking Winston all day over Mariota and dealing with the devil

This guys gets it.
Spot on, friend. That's why I said what I said when informed of what happened. Butch handled this 100% the right way. Could not have been handled better.

You know another thing? This may show a difference in fan bases too. I don't recall any criticism of Butch for doing it the way he did. Everyone wanted AJ back if he was innocent but most understood that Butch had to error on the side of caution. It may very well have cost the Vols a game too. Now look at this guy and other FSU fans making excuses for everything he's done. I think in the long run that may bite ole Jumbo in the backside sometime.
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Actually AJ allegedly bought alcohol for minors this season, resulting in the police being called to his apartment and making a few arrest.

You may be correct but I don't remember AJ being charged with buying alcohol for minors. I do remember that minors were at the apartment in possession of alcohol. A few Sheriff's office officers made a big deal out of nothing in that incident IMO.
I will probably completely stop watching NFL football if the Titans take him. I will not cheer for that piece of crap but I ain't gonna switch to a new team either.

Don't force my hand Titans!

Poor Titans need all Top 10 picks in 2015 draft to compete. Their management has been awful over the past 3-5 years. Wasted picks on mediocre OL men. They might want to consider drafting LB Shaq Thompson from Wash. Their LB's are well below average.
You know another thing? This may show a difference in fan bases too. I don't recall any criticism of Butch for doing it the way he did. Everyone wanted AJ back if he was innocent but most understood that Butch had to error on the side of caution. It may very well have cost the Vols a game too. Now look at this guy and other FSU fans making excuses for everything he's done. I think in the long run that may bite ole Jumbo in the backside sometime.

100% agree. Many fan bases, not just ours, are tired of supporting trouble makers that take for granted the opportunity they have been provided. Make no mistake AJJ made a couple of poor decisions in his time at UT, particularly so in this last event. He could have avoided both situations by just saying "no" or staying away. Butch held him to a higher standard as a leader on the team than Jimbo did with Jameis. All Jimbo did was confirm what most of the public already thought of FSU as it was the same old rationalizations and cover-ups under Bowden. The negative recruiting is going to bite Jimbo in the a$$ IMO.
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You may be correct but I don't remember AJ being charged with buying alcohol for minors. I do remember that minors were at the apartment in possession of alcohol. A few Sheriff's office officers made a big deal out of nothing in that incident IMO.

No offense fellow Vol fan, but I think you might be "splitting hairs" on that one. If it is your domicile, then you are responsible to an extent for what is going on inside.
Well thanks for ruining this place, jwill. This was a nice forum until you brought your know-it-all douchbaggery here.

Do you know all the details? Please share if you do. If not, news flash, you are on a message board, a place where people express opinions...

Please leave us alone now. You've grinded your ax, and you won't win any arguements here. Stop wasting you time rationalizing with irrational message board characters.
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So attempting to steer toward the non-Jameis, non-draft topics I think most are looking for...

I'm really happy for Terry Fair. That's the type of coaching change you want to see.
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So attempting to steer toward the non-Jameis, non-draft topics I think most are looking for...

I'm really happy for Terry Fair. That's the type of coaching change you want to see.

Awesome for him! Also a really impressive career leap from quality control assistant to DB coach at a D1 school.
With the EE's already on campus, the likes of Kahlil arriving this fall and the terrific young players already on the Hill, it seems like CBJ and staff are putting together one incredible team in the near future. Does anyone else see a resemblance to the Seahawks of the NFL? Granted it is college and the talent level is different, but the framework looks similar.
1) Dominant D-line with strong and quick LB's. Nice secondary with a shutdown CB.
2) Hurd="Beast" mode
3) Highly intelligent QB's. Obviously Dobbs will some improvement in accuracy.
4) Tough WR's who can block
If the facts of the case proved Winston's innocence, I would not have a problem stating as such. However, there seems to be an institutionally-driven conspiracy by both the Tallahassee Police and FSU to, at best, sweep this under the rug but, at worst, aid and abet him in covering up a sexual assault. To me, that makes the allegations against Winston and circumstances surrounding them that much more insidious.

Add in the fact that FSU fans vehemently defend him while simultaneously vilifying the victim....I'm the father of two, soon to be three, girls--you can imagine which side of this debate I land. I'll be raising my girls to not only defend themselves but, when the time comes, I'll be having serious discussions with each of them about how to avoid situations like this because, apparently, there are very few advocates for victims.

Its not only sad but disgraceful, to say the least.
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