Recruiting Forum Football Talk LIX

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my second wife left me for her best friend, another woman. The kicker is that the other woman was married to the associate pastor of our church.
You want to talk about gossip around the bbq chicken and potato salad every sunday afternoon- we were the main course.

lol 😂
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According to the Scriptures (Ephesians 5:22-33; esp. 32), the primary reason God created marriage was so that the husband and wife were to reflect the covenantal love between Christ and the church. Like the church, the wife is to submit to and respect her husband. Like Christ, the husband is supposed to love His wife in a sacrificial way. Malachi tells us that God hates divorce and this is true because Christ would never divorce Himself from His bride, the church (just as Yahweh would never divorce Himself from Israel). We're told divorce is a product of hard hearts, especially when unforgiveness is involved. Again, human marriage is only a foreshadowing of the great end-time marriage relationship between Christ and His church.
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I most always recommend to not talk with family, most are biased one way or the other. Both of our parents divorced and have been miserable in marriage, so we have told them we don't want/need their advice.

We discuss our marriage with people we trust, our pastor, friends that will keep our issues private and older married couples within our sphere of influence. We take from them the things we find beneficial and the things that don't seem to work within the construct of our marriage we don't use.

My grandparents were married for 60+ years before my grandpa passed. All my aunts and uncles have been married for a very long time. We don’t ask for mediation. We ask for tips for success. What have they found that worked for them.
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I’d argue it’s the opposite. Getting married young or without having spent a long time with the partner (my opinion) is irresponsible.

Same for having kids young

I married at 21, had known Mr Smokin for 3 months when we got engaged, 7 months when we got married. Had our first child when I was 25. 2nd child died 10 days after birth when I was 27, had our 3rd and final child at 29. We will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary in December. Kids are grown and life is good.

Generalizations are irresponsible. :whistling:
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I married at 21, had known Mr Smokin for 3 months when we got engaged, 7 months when we got married. Had our first child when I was 25. 2nd child died 10 days after birth when I was 27, had our 3rd and final child at 29. We will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary in December. Kids are grown and life is good.

Generalizations are irresponsible. :whistling:

Did you honestly assume I didn’t think there are exceptions?
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My grandparents were married for 60+ years before my grandpa passed. All my aunts and uncles have been married for a very long time. We don’t ask for mediation. We ask for tips for success. What have they found that worked for them.

My Na was 16 and PaPa was 18 when my Na got pregnant. My Great-Uncle drove them from central Illinois to Kentucky because they could get married there without parental consent. We will be celebrating their 70th Wedding Anniversary in August. If you want advice on something, a good place to start is people that have been the most successful at it. Since my grandparents have been married longer than most of my mentors have been alive, I tend to go to them when I am looking for marriage advice.
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According to the Scriptures (Ephesians 5:22-33; esp. 32), the primary reason God created marriage was so that the husband and wife were to reflect the covenantal love between Christ and the church. Like the church, the wife is to submit to and respect her husband. Like Christ, the husband is supposed to love His wife in a sacrificial way. Malachi tells us that God hates divorce and this is true because Christ would never divorce Himself from His bride, the church (just as Yahweh would never divorce Himself from Israel). We're told divorce is a product of hard hearts, especially when unforgiveness is involved. Again, human marriage is only a foreshadowing of the great end-time marriage relationship between Christ and His church.

Well stated post and I agree for the most part. Yet, the Hebrews were provided the ability to divorce under God's law and Jesus acknowledged it as permitted due to adultery. Reconciliation is far better and divorce is never preferred. Yet, it happens along with many other sins due to the fall of man. Which led to the saving grace of Christ and his atonement for the sins of the world.
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Got married when I was 25, my wife was 23.

We met in high school. Dated senior year of high school and freshman year of college.

Broke up. Dated other people, stayed in touch, and reconnected after college - I went to UT and she went to FSU.

Been marred 13 years and have 3 kids.

No idea how I would react to any kind of cheating... really hard to say unless you are in that position.

I will only say this... she can't do anything to make it up to you and you should not set your expectations like that.

You will have to either forgive her or not. This would include the understanding that it could happen again. But the burden is on you to forgive her. Not for her to earn anything.

Just my two cents...
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I married at 21, had known Mr Smokin for 3 months when we got engaged, 7 months when we got married. Had our first child when I was 25. 2nd child died 10 days after birth when I was 27, had our 3rd and final child at 29. We will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary in December. Kids are grown and life is good.

Generalizations are irresponsible. :whistling:

My wife and I met when I was a freshman in college at 18. We were "mature" I guess. We both stayed together and actually did a long term relationship for a couple of years while she went to another school for her bachelors degree, which was hard. We didn't marry until we were 26. We held off having kids until we had our first, a girl, at 32. We carefully planned to not have two kids in college at the same time so we didn't try for another until our daughter was three. We had our son in Dec 1999 when we were 36. We thought he might be a Y2K baby as his due date was Dec 30. He came a little early though. We've now been married for 28 years and plan on staying that way... you know... till death do us part....
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Most everyone I know from home in the south gets married at 18 to have sex bc premarital is bad

WTH? Did you time travel here from 200 years ago? Every small southern town I've ever known or heard of has more sexually active young teens than I ever heard about, growing up (I'm 39). Premarital isn't even a thought to 97-98% of them...
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Got married when I was 25, my wife was 23.

We met in high school. Dated senior year of high school and freshman year of college.

Broke up. Dated other people, stayed in touch, and reconnected after college - I went to UT and she went to FSU.

Been marred 13 years and have 3 kids.

No idea how I would react to any kind of cheating... really hard to say unless you are in that position.

I will only say this... she can't do anything to make it up to you and you should not set your expectations like that.

You will have to either forgive her or not. This would include the understanding that it could happen again. But the burden is on you to forgive her. Not for her to earn anything.

Just my two cents...

Lanco wrote a pretty good song about you and your wife then...
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Catbone is just trying to make an excuse for his virginity. Haha

You're not wrong...

And I was exaggerating a bit about the everyone getting married at 18, but I do know a lot of people that have done that 🤷
Got married when I was 25, my wife was 23.

We met in high school. Dated senior year of high school and freshman year of college.

Broke up. Dated other people, stayed in touch, and reconnected after college - I went to UT and she went to FSU.

Been marred 13 years and have 3 kids.

No idea how I would react to any kind of cheating... really hard to say unless you are in that position.

I will only say this... she can't do anything to make it up to you and you should not set your expectations like that.

You will have to either forgive her or not. This would include the understanding that it could happen again. But the burden is on you to forgive her. Not for her to earn anything.

Just my two cents...

Spot on here SBV
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Callahan retweeted this. Don't know if that means anything for the Vols or not, but even still its nice to see GA may lose one of their best recruits


He tweeted it because when thenkid was asked if anyone else was involved besides UGA and auburn he said TN was after him hard
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I mean I don't know who will be on the paper as our #1 but we are going to run a stable backfield so I'd say the order will be London, Chandler, Banks, Jordan.

I think Banks will start to make an impact as the season goes on, but I doubt he’s ahead of Jordan early in the season. They may pick some spots for him where they need a bigger back, but if something were to happen to Chandler then Jordan would slide to that number 2 spot IMO.
According to the Scriptures (Ephesians 5:22-33; esp. 32), the primary reason God created marriage was so that the husband and wife were to reflect the covenantal love between Christ and the church. Like the church, the wife is to submit to and respect her husband. Like Christ, the husband is supposed to love His wife in a sacrificial way. Malachi tells us that God hates divorce and this is true because Christ would never divorce Himself from His bride, the church (just as Yahweh would never divorce Himself from Israel). We're told divorce is a product of hard hearts, especially when unforgiveness is involved. Again, human marriage is only a foreshadowing of the great end-time marriage relationship between Christ and His church.

Good post. We also read in Matthew that the only grounds for divorce is adultrey. Every situation is different I guess, but if it were me, I'd have a hard time not leaving.
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