Recruiting Football Talk VII

Then you’d be an employee - you’d be paid for work this case, playing football. However, being paid for NIL by outside entities does not make you an employee of the university. The university isn’t paying you for your NIL, an outside entity is.

Let’s say that you play soccer on your local adult rec league team and you’ve become quite popular in the community because of your crazy over the head scissor kick scoring skills and behind the back passes. A local restaurant owner contracts with you to do some commercial spots for them because everyone in the community knows your name, and they all know your name because of the way you play soccer for your adult rec team. The restaurant owner wants to use your name and image to drive business to the restaurant. Are you an employee of the rec league?
What I meant was, when they integrate the NIL into the university and the university is doing the contracts, would they be employed by the state? I guess the state can hire independent contractors, I believe they do it all the time. Just seems a little different with them being students and athletes for the University too. . . kinda like if the rec league player was also a cook at the restaurant.
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You have 100ms, or the blink of an eye’s worth of time, to decide to swing or take.

On top of that it’s a round object trying to hit another round object moving at 85-100mph.

It’s the hardest thing to do in sports and even scientific research says so.
This is so wrong. Fat, drunk guys on beer league softball teams hit balls everyday. And what a capitalistic thing, to cash in on a skill that is a God given winning lottery ticket. We should reward our comrade anorexic soccer players and javelin chuckers who endlessly toil in obscurity. I say force people to watch them and pay for the privilege. Redistribution of fans now!
Besides soccer is a perfectly safe alternative to barbaric and oppressive American sports.
I dont think we'd soil ourselves. Undoubtedly its one of the most difficult things to do consistently in sport. Granted someone who throws 90+ can do something most people cannot, and it DOES take a great deal of mechanics to do so. Hitting it is in same vein. Saying an MLB athlete is even near the same level athlete as an Olympian, soccerx player, or triathlete - those things are not in same realm.

Also hitting a baseball isnt akin to throwing a javelin, pole vailting, or even doing a gymnastics routine. Bartolo Colon and Fernando Valenzuela wept.
You’re comparing niche sports to another niche sport and think it’s a level playing field. Not so fast my friend
love that science gets used when it's beneficial and refuted when it fits an agenda. i agree it's difficult. but it isnt same as any of those other things. nor are they the same thing.
I’m very intrigued what topics you’re referring to lol
any of you know anything about honey bees? Man at work says his neighbor has a few hives. He said one of the hives went crazy. If anything gets anywhere near them, they attack. Not just a few bees, but the entire hive attacks. Said his neighbor's dog got attacked and they attacked his neighbor (the beekeeper) while mowing the yard. He explained it like a pissed off yellow jacket attack, but with thousands more honey bees.

He says the guy has had the same hive for a few years and they just suddenly became enraged. He also said it wasn't a one-time attack. They attacked the man and dog one day, then the man again the next day and then again yesterday morning. Apparently the beekeeper is gonna execute the hive.

Any idea why a normally docile hive will flip out like that and attack anything living with 100' of the hive? I kinda wonder if a carpenter bee got into the hive. . . but I dont know if they would even act that way if something like that happened.

I've never really heard of honey bees attacking like killer bees.

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