Recruiting Football Talk VII

Kentucky Proud Park
LF: 335 ft
LC: 375 ft
CF: 400 ft
RC: 365 ft
RF: 320 ft

Lindsey Nelson Stadium
LF: 320 ft
LC: 360 ft
CF: 390 ft
RC: 360 ft
RF: 320 ft
The wind is a factor in that stadium. Last year when it was cold nothing was getting out. The wind was blowing in. Friday was similar. Saturday and Sunday this year everything was jumping out and the wind was aiding that.
“My guys are crap, come here and you’ll start”. Hard to believe these kids are so desperate for a starting spot at a power 5 school that they’ll take a bag and verbal offer of a spot to move from winning programs to the mess Deion is running.
Buffs lost a guy so he went from the 3 deep at OSU to the 2 deep at Colorado. OSU added the stud from Ole Miss so he was likely not to see a ton of time.
they definitely haven’t made many cars over the last 4 decades that I would buy. I had a Pontiac G8 with the 6.0 LS that I loved.
I have an 2002 suburban 2500 with the 8.1 liter. I would put any of those model trucks with the 5.7-8.1 or the 3800 V6 cars as some of the most reliable ever made. On par with Yotas and Hondas that people overpay for.
Vfl for a little while is an ironic way to phrase it, but I agree with your sentiment
While they are here, they’re considered VFLs and that’s the way I see them until I don’t when they move on. My old mind has had to be constantly changing in this new landscape. I get wanting to get the most bang for your buck for your services. Hell, we all do it in our jobs, but it sure has changed how I look at college athletes. I miss SOME of the old ways, but it did have to change with the Major influx of money in college athletics, but damn, it’s moving too fast for me.
Yeah Cam was special. Til he wasn't.
What sullies his legacy even further is his NEED to discount Peyton and drop back passers in general…like that redeems him or strengthens his case for Canton. Dating back to his post SB press conference. His apologists dredged up the trainer crap and tried to sully Peyton all the way to his retirement PC. Manning handled it right by addressing it once. Cam couldn’t follow the great QBs in growing his game and ultimately failed in adult dignity.
Losing fans
Gaining 3/4 of a billion.

There is a reason women get on only fans and try to pretend they still have self respect, and it ain't the admiration of their fans. Lol

If you're going to sell out, that's a pretty decent price tag indeed.

Maybe I need to learn how to hit balls with sticks good. 🤔
Great weekend for Tennessee sports!

Been watching some of the softball games recently and it amazes me how the pitchers and especially Pickens throws that ball so hard.

Looks totally unnatural but man she can generate so much speed..
Softball is much more natural arm movement.

It’s how softball pitchers go out and throw 130 pitches, then come back the next day and pitch again.

Baseball pitchers throw 80 pitches and have to shut it down for 5 days.

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