Proof The Government is Lying About Marijuana

I took some Purple Kush and cross bred it with some Master Kush, and created a hybrid. I then named it Ambush, because I wasn't ready for it, it took me by surprise. Sometimes I think I'm coming down, but nope I'm still high. In my house you can get high simply by breathing in.

Wow. What an accomplishment.
Pass me one of those beers you were talking about earlier..

Lol....BJ's actually started on the west coast as a pizza joint that made their own beer. Now they are across the US.... Still make their own beer and good pizza and have a heck of a menu. If you get a chance, give them a try.
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This thread started, the title of it said "more proof....." or some variation. Proof that the government lied. Was more needed? Are some in any disbelief that this is true? That's what.

Sadly, yes.

This is the politics forum and even outside of that, yes, people need(ed) proof. I didn't need proof, you didn't need it, and neither did a lot of others in this thread but for a lot of people unless they see it for their own eyes they don't believe it. Even after I post this people will still argue against it.
Sadly, yes.

This is the politics forum and even outside of that, yes, people need(ed) proof. I didn't need proof, you didn't need it, and neither did a lot of others in this thread but for a lot of people unless they see it for their own eyes they don't believe it. Even after I post this people will still argue against it.

People who have experienced real adult life experiences? Who know. Do some of these people even struggle to believe such things with proof? I imagine those who struggle to believe it haven't ever KNOWINGLY been affected by something related to government issues (ie were unaware how it relates). Idk I'm struggling to relate lol
Yep, these are the people we want designing and building our jet engines and doing brain surgery.

:lolabove: I bet I've got a higher IQ than you, bruh! It's not an easy feat to grow high a little high quality ganja. It's not as simple as throwing some seeds in the ground and watering it.
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:lolabove: I bet I've got a higher IQ than you, bruh! It's not an easy feat to grow high a little high quality ganja. It's not as simple as throwing some seeds in the ground and watering it.

Yeah you probably do if it's over 150.

P.S. Stay away from building jet engines and surgery please.
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Maybe that was the point

Yep, I don't think it's a coincidence that some people now make a profit off of it either. I no longer want to pay for someone to go to jail just to line the pockets of someone else. It seems like congress is going to address this in the up coming years.
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Yep, I don't think it's a coincidence that some people now make a profit off of it either. I no longer want to pay for someone to go to jail just to line the pockets of someone else. It seems like congress is going to address this in the up coming years.

Lol Yea
This is interesting to look at.

Imagine that. Amazes me how so many on here complain about what their tax money pays for but often fail to mention putting and keeping nonviolent drug offenders in jail. All the while the prison system reaps record profits almost solely on the back of all the drug related incarcerations.

Once again, it's all about the money.
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