Practice #4 - Updates

Worley throws a dirt ball every 1 out of 4 throws and Dobbs throws it in the 3rd row every 1 out of 4. Good grief. This is against air for crying out loud.

That's what I see too.

Worley Pros: Quickest decision making/release (at least in these practice videos), game manager, experience.

Worley Cons: Throws behind the receiver, throws in the dirt, (a year ago I would have said arm strength, but he definitely looked better in the O&W game).

Dobbs Pros: I think he throws the seam better than the others, running ability, smarty pants.

Dobbs Cons: Overthrows his receivers, forces throws.

I'll admit I've been a Dobbs fan, but truth be told, I'm excited about whichever QB Butch names starter. If all things are equal, I would choose the younger guy to get a jump start on 2015. But if Worley helps us win now, you go with Worley all the way.

If Dobbs problem is overthrowing the ball, and Butch is calling out receivers for not running full speed, I wonder if that is a good thing for the Dobb Goblin.
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It could be that when it comes to finding a starting QB, Coach Jones is looking for something that just isn't there. He's looking for 5* performance from a bunch of 3* QB's. Of course, Coach Jones is absolutely right to demand his QB's to perform at a high level and he will continue to push them to get the absolute most out of them that he can.

At some point he will have to name a starter but it's not today, it's not tomorrow, it's not this week, hell it may not even be this week. However all you need to do is follow the reps. Regardless of what Coach Jones says to the media, just look at which QB starts getting the lions share of reps with the 1's and there's your answer as to who will be the starter.
I'm confident that there is a calculated method behind what Butch is saying to the media. I don't think practices have been nearly as bad as some want to believe; I personally believe Butch wants perfection and the best way to go about that is to get on the players early to eliminate the little mistakes and the less than 100% effort on the practice field. With such a young team he realizes it is important to establish his demands now.

The problem is, while I think his players are mentally tough enough to handle it, and grow from it, I'm worried that VN is NOT strong enough to handle his comments and will continue to melt down between now and the USU game.

You are exactly correct. Some VN posters are like a bunch of hormone driven teenaged girls who go ballistic over just about anything. Butch is trying to set a high standard and expects the players to meet it. If we have any chance to go bowling he needs to get their attention and make them over achieve. Whatever is said to the media and then picked up by the Chicken Little crowd has its purpose to hopefully win ball games. Will it work for winning games? Only time will tell. Will it work with the Chicken Littles? Just read the previous posts in this thread for the answer.
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I cannot fathom the wrath of some posters on here if butch doesn't make a bowl game..

That post though, is a understatement. They will be upset that we let Charlie High Transfer.

They will come down from Bulls Gap with pitch forks and cheeks packed with snuff yelling FAHR BUTCH. Bring in the next victim and we can start over and fahr him too.:crazy:
Josh Malone sounds like a guy who needs to get it together. He needs to understand you earn playing time under butch. It's not handed to you just because you are a 5* talent. Heard the players were sore some but this is not time for soreness. Once the pads come on it better pick up or Butch is gonna send all of them on a run or some "punishment" more than just not speaking to the media.

What are you talking about?
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I thought everyone knew this was obvious, but I reckon not. No starter had been named, so basically the coaches are allowing others a chance to show they can surpass JW. It's exactly what I expected he would do. Don't understand why people are reading so much daily performance into who takes 1st or 2nd team reps. Relax. We have a ways to go. Not even in full gear yet.

Thank you for providing a little common sense and maturity to this conversation. Why the hell is everybody losing their mind in here. Worley will be our QB on August 31.
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I don't think Dobbs starting the last game has anything to do with it, in my opinion. Worley was the starter until he was injured. He beat South Carolina.

Now that he's healthy again, you could hand him the job back without him having to go through some sort of pretend competition. We all know he's the guy, at least at first.

I'll restate what several on here said. It's what I think is the most important item noted in this discussion.

Worley is getting the vast majority of reps with likely first team players.

Also, if you watch the drills, there's usually more than one ball being thrown at a time. So, while the number of reps may be "equally split," the first team personnel seems to be pretty set.
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I wouldn't call it "fail" yet, but I would like to see CBJ show some of the leadership he has been preaching and just name a QB.

If Worley has improved as much as Swain, Ainge, et al are saying then it's his job to lose. Just name him. If the Dobb Goblin comes in against USU and kills it, there is still no problem.

just further proof that ainge and swain are telling folk what they "wanna hear". they did it with the ferguson thing
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Hey fans. Let's not start jumping off bridges and kicking our dogs just yet. The coaching staff is acting as it should to motivate and foster competition. Jones knows a lot more about what he is doing than us fans in the peanut gallery who wring our hands and watch for the sky to fall. There are a lot of concerns such as youth and lack of depth that the staff are trying to manage at this point. This is going to be a tougher season than many of us might expect. So just relax and either enjoy or suffer through the season and hope we can somehow go bowling. Maybe we can pull off an upset or two because of the tough practices right now.

I was at Parris Island and know first hand that young Marine recruits are given more than they can handle, screw up a lot, get beaten down and feel as low as whale manure. But when it counts, they kick butt when the real bullets start flying. If the DIs were sunshine pumpers and giving praise for meeting mediocre standards I doubt the Corps would be very successful.

At this point, I want my coach to be tough as nails so the team will perform better when the real bullets start flying in a few weeks.

I agree.

To the left of the "quote" button you hit is a thumbs up button. You can click that if you agree... you don't need a full post just to say something a "like" alone could do.

Hey fans. Let's not start jumping off bridges and kicking our dogs just yet. The coaching staff is acting as it should to motivate and foster competition. Jones knows a lot more about what he is doing than us fans in the peanut gallery who wring our hands and watch for the sky to fall. There are a lot of concerns such as youth and lack of depth that the staff are trying to manage at this point. This is going to be a tougher season than many of us might expect. So just relax and either enjoy or suffer through the season and hope we can somehow go bowling. Maybe we can pull off an upset or two because of the tough practices right now.

I was at Parris Island and know first hand that young Marine recruits are given more than they can handle, screw up a lot, get beaten down and feel as low as whale manure. But when it counts, they kick butt when the real bullets start flying. If the DIs were sunshine pumpers and giving praise for meeting mediocre standards I doubt the Corps would be very successful.

At this point, I want my coach to be tough as nails so the team will perform better when the real bullets start flying in a few weeks.

Sounds good to me.
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you have my attention!! but if your kissing the mods ass ill hold a grudge ...just saying... happy for all the info you bring but not gonna kiss a mods ass for a jerk post

I made a point; not sure what that has to do with kissing anyone's ass. Do you have a point or opinion to add to the discussion?
Sad you can't ignore a moderator.

A moderator is still a poster here and is entitled to his/her opinions... no matter how bad they might be.

The moment he/she starts censoring other posts or outright deleting them is when it'll be a concern. Until then? It'll just be another poster on here waxing poetic about something they don't know much about or understand.

Look. We're given a very limited window to practices. The coaches know and see all that happens at those practices. They also know exactly how the team feels. They probably also know that if they name a QB it's possible that QB will stop pushing himself so in this way a competition is what is needed.

I would think a starter would be named by next week though so he can start working with the WR1s. However... UT has such a disgusting WR rotation there isn't really a true "WR1" as we'll probably see a healthy rotation of 5-6 WRs every game for different sets so there is still value in QB1 working with WR2s.
I'm confident that there is a calculated method behind what Butch is saying to the media. I don't think practices have been nearly as bad as some want to believe; I personally believe Butch wants perfection and the best way to go about that is to get on the players early to eliminate the little mistakes and the less than 100% effort on the practice field. With such a young team he realizes it is important to establish his demands now.

The problem is, while I think his players are mentally tough enough to handle it, and grow from it, I'm worried that VN is NOT strong enough to handle his comments and will continue to melt down between now and the USU game.

Who here said they don't think Butch has a plan or isn't trying to eliminate mistakes and maximize effort? That better be the case. And where is anyone melting down? All I see is people having a discussion about the first week of practice. Isn't that why we all come here, to over analyze everything? Lol.
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Its a coaching decision not to pander to the "psyche" of the QB position. Begin to instill entitlement in one position to avoid competition in the long run has a corrosive effect on the team. Its a trade off. I think Jones approach is fairly well evident from how he treated the QB position at his previous stops.
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Its a coaching decision not to pander to the "psyche" of the QB position. Begin to instill entitlement in one position to avoid competition in the long run has a corrosive effect on the team. Its a trade off. I think Jones approach is fairly well evident from how he treated the QB position at his previous stops.

While Bray was pandered to, he melted in high stress situations.

What you brought up is hinting that this could pay the most dividends not against a Utah State where someone will throw for 400 yards but a UGA, Florida or South Carolina where we need a QB that will simply just not turn the ball over and get the "gimme" throws.

Bray always wilted to the stress and pressure because he never faced any in the offseason and he didn't motivate himself (which many college QBs don't).
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Who here said they don't think Butch has a plan or isn't trying to eliminate mistakes and maximize effort? That better be the case. And where is anyone melting down? All I see is people having a discussion about the first week of practice. Isn't that why we all come here, to over analyze everything? Lol.

You bring good info at times but get angry and act crazy.

You know I had to do that.
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I'm just enjoying the fact that there's so much young talent battling for playing time this season. You can definitely tell there's more for the coaches to work with this time around. The next few years on Rocky Top are going to be pretty exciting.

FWIW, I'll throw in that I believe our secondary will be much improved, also. Not just because of the freshmen, but because of Coleman's move to nickel and Riyadh Jones coming back to provide mature depth. Can't wait until August 31!
Thank you for providing a little common sense and maturity to this conversation. Why the hell is everybody losing their mind in here. Worley will be our QB on August 31.

I agree that Worley will be our quarterback. I think he is the best man for the job this year. I know it's early in fall camp but I believe it would be beneficial for our offense if this is announced as soon as possible. If I was one of the receivers I would want to know who is going to be the one flinging passes to me. jmo
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