Pot smokers, drug users.

UN World Drug Report


I read every part of that report that talked about Portugal, and it ain't saying what you were saying:

Portugal did experience an increase in drug use after this policy was implemented, but so did many European countries during this period. Cannabis use increased only moderately, but cocaine and amphetamine use rates apparently doubled off a low base. More alarmingly, cocaine seizures increased seven-fold between 2001 and 2006. While cocaine seizures in a number of European countries increased sharply during that period, in 2006, Portugal suddenly had the sixth-highest cocaine seizure total in the world. The number of murders increased 40% during this same period of time, a fact that might be related to the trafficking activity. Although the rate remains low and Lisbon is one of Europe’s safest cities, Portugal was the only European country to show a significant increase in murder during this period.

Hmmm...murder rate went up as they increased # of seizures? How weird is that. You're being dishonest in trying to show Portugal as a failed experiment. Say Portugal has failed, it doesn't change the fact that prohibition has failed everywhere, and that it is costly.

What social engineers don't understand in their attempts to make the world their ideal place is that they are asking for action to be taken. Money and resources to be spent. Even lives to be sacrificed, etc. Shouldn't they have to prove that prohibition works, first? You're asking us to prove that freedom works, but prohibition cannot be treated as the default unless we want a backward society.

I mean, honestly if you want us to spend $1B per week in drug enforcement, shouldn't you prove to us that drug enforcement is a good use of resources?
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Impact On Lungs Of One Cannabis Joint Equal To Up To Five Cigarettes

5 joint = 25 cigs

You just took the harshest method of using marijuana and compared it the only way to smoke (inhale/exhale) tobacco. Thanks for screwing your own argument.


Is marijuana addictive?

However, it's wrong to say that it is not at all addictive. More and more studies are finding that marijuana has addictive properties. Both animal and human studies show physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms from marijuana, including irritability, restlessness, insomnia, nausea and intense dreams. Tolerance to marijuana also builds up rapidly. Heavy users need 8 times higher doses to get the same effects as infrequent users.

Health Services at Brown University

Marijuana | Brown University Health Education

Find me a similar test with humans and then I'll take it seriously. There's a reason people aren't stupid enough to use the term "marijuana addicts."

Well, you being the exception. For what it's worth, you wouldn't have learned a great deal about this had you even finished high school, so no worries.

I also double checked your stats on Portugal... you provided false information.
Lemme simplify it for ya. If we continue arresting drug users for violations of drug laws and subsequent probation violations we can continue to thwart some of the more serious crimes some will certainally be involved in.

Your simple-minded approach still reduces to the following:

You think individuals ought to be arrested and incarcerated simply for engaging in an activity which they enjoy and you do not. You think that by incarcerating enough of these individuals, you will keep the few bad apples in the bunch from inflicting harm on others.

Statistics prove that southerners, both white and black, are more likely than non-southerners to commit violent crimes in America. Maybe, we ought to just incarcerate all southerners.
Your simple-minded approach still reduces to the following:

You think individuals ought to be arrested and incarcerated simply for engaging in an activity which they enjoy and you do not. You think that by incarcerating enough of these individuals, you will keep the few bad apples in the bunch from inflicting harm on others.

Statistics prove that southerners, both white and black, are more likely than non-southerners to commit violent crimes in America. Maybe, we ought to just incarcerate all southerners.

I said what I said. Continue enforcing laws we have. Not everyone shares your belief in running away from problems.
I said what I said. Continue enforcing laws we have. Not everyone shares your belief in running away from problems.

I would say that showing support for incarceration for drug offenses is much more akin to running away from problems than saying, I will take my risks in order that we do not wrongly and unjustly incarcerate individuals that have done no harm to anyone but themselves.

Again, what argument do you have against locking up all southerners in America? The argument I am using to support such a move is the same argument that you fall back on in support of incarcerating drug users who have harmed no one: they are statistically more likely to commit a violent crime.

Maybe we should lock up those individuals who hold two contradictory beliefs, since doing so is irrational, and, further, irrational individuals are more likely to commit violent crimes.

Enjoy your time in the clink.
Trut I didnt respond because being southern is not currently illegal. Possessing certain drugs is. You used to argue intelligently, now...well its almost silly.
Trut I didnt respond because being southern is not currently illegal. Possessing certain drugs is. You used to argue intelligently, now...well its almost silly.

I forgot, you think that something being a statute means a damn thing. Continue to worship at the altar of the state legislature and ensure that you never question their infallible edicts.

Not only are you irrational in that you hold two absolutely contradictory points of view, but you are also a slobbering moron and tool of the state. Congrats.
I forgot, you think that something being a statute means a damn thing. Continue to worship at the altar of the state legislature and ensure that you never question their infallible edicts.

Not only are you irrational in that you hold two absolutely contradictory points of view, but you are also a slobbering moron and tool of the state. Congrats.

Thats cool. You disagree with the law of the land and want me arrested for being southern. Sounds rational, Merry Christmas.
Thats cool. You disagree with the law of the land and want me arrested for being southern. Sounds rational, Merry Christmas.

The land has no laws; persons do. I disagree with the laws of the persons who form state and federal legislatures. They are not neither gods nor angels. Most of them are individuals that I have little to no respect for. Why would I then blindly follow such laws, especially laws that are unreasonable and unjust?

I do not want you arrested for being southern. I am not surprised that you would be lead to believe such a notion, though, with your limited cognitive capacity. It is called an analogy. I used the exact same reasoning you used to defend drug laws in order to demonstrate that such reasoning, simply extended further, would also lead one to lock up southerners.

By the way, you ought to look into the story of Jesus before wishing anyone a Merry Christmas. Jesus was the last person who would follow human law merely because it was human law (this is one of the main reasons he was crucified). Basically, what I am trying to say, is that if Jesus is real and is the Son of God; and if to serve God one is supposed to make Jesus their example and live as Jesus did; then, hmm...how else do I say this...enjoy hell.

“I like your Christ;
I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

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Intense dreams shouldn't be a side effect. It should be a selling point. Where in the heck do you guys think some of these crazy movies come from.
If it weren't for weed, movies wouldnt be entertaining in the least.
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The land has no laws; persons do. I disagree with the laws of the persons who form state and federal legislatures. They are not neither gods nor angels. Most of them are individuals that I have little to no respect for. Why would I then blindly follow such laws, especially laws that are unreasonable and unjust?

I do not want you arrested for being southern. I am not surprised that you would be lead to believe such a notion, though, with your limited cognitive capacity. It is called an analogy. I used the exact same reasoning you used to defend drug laws in order to demonstrate that such reasoning, simply extended further, would also lead one to lock up southerners.

By the way, you ought to look into the story of Jesus before wishing anyone a Merry Christmas. Jesus was the last person who would follow human law merely because it was human law (this is one of the main reasons he was crucified). Basically, what I am trying to say, is that if Jesus is real and is the Son of God; and if to serve God one is supposed to make Jesus their example and live as Jesus did; then, hmm...how else do I say this...enjoy hell.

“I like your Christ;
I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”


Underrated quote!

As a christian I see this more than I care to...but thats another thread.

I say legalize and tax. Weed is from the earth.I don't smoke it anymore but its just like any other thing in life...In moderation and in responsible hands its fine.
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The land has no laws; persons do. I disagree with the laws of the persons who form state and federal legislatures. They are not neither gods nor angels. Most of them are individuals that I have little to no respect for. Why would I then blindly follow such laws, especially laws that are unreasonable and unjust?

I do not want you arrested for being southern. I am not surprised that you would be lead to believe such a notion, though, with your limited cognitive capacity. It is called an analogy. I used the exact same reasoning you used to defend drug laws in order to demonstrate that such reasoning, simply extended further, would also lead one to lock up southerners.

By the way, you ought to look into the story of Jesus before wishing anyone a Merry Christmas. Jesus was the last person who would follow human law merely because it was human law (this is one of the main reasons he was crucified). Basically, what I am trying to say, is that if Jesus is real and is the Son of God; and if to serve God one is supposed to make Jesus their example and live as Jesus did; then, hmm...how else do I say this...enjoy hell.

“I like your Christ;
I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”


Merry Christmas. Thanks for explaining what an analogy is. I hope to meet you some day and I pray for your salvation.
Merry Christmas. Thanks for explaining what an analogy is. I hope to meet you some day and I pray for your salvation.

I'll gladly provide my address (I've done it before on here). You can come visit whenever you like. I do not make threats over the internet; however, I will gladly make it easy for those that do (or imply such threats) to carry them out.
I'll gladly provide my address (I've done it before on here). You can come visit whenever you like. I do not make threats over the internet; however, I will gladly make it easy for those that do (or imply such threats) to carry them out.

I was not threatening you. Why would you think I was threatening you? I like talking to people with opposing views and never take these things personally. I'm sorry if you felt I was making a threat, I would have hoped you would have known me better than that since we are usually on opposite ends of the spectrum in this forum. At any rate, if I were to show up at your address you would surely escape out of the back door before any confrontation took place. :peace2:
Thats cool. You disagree with the law of the land and want me arrested for being southern. Sounds rational, Merry Christmas.

Are you implying that disagreeing with the law of the land is irrational? That'd sure be stupid if you were.

You ain't a sheep, is ya? I REALLY like sheep.
Are you implying that disagreeing with the law of the land is irrational? That'd sure be stupid if you were.

You ain't a sheep, is ya? I REALLY like sheep.

It was his analogy I was referring to. How has my favorite hemp champion doing?
I'll gladly provide my address (I've done it before on here). You can come visit whenever you like. I do not make threats over the internet; however, I will gladly make it easy for those that do (or imply such threats) to carry them out.

Grow up from this crap before you get married. Taunting people in order to get a response or make up some bs threat against you is weak sauce and already played out by you previously.
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It was his analogy I was referring to. How has my favorite hemp champion doing?

Apparently, your favorite hemp champion is in support of smaller government than you. Apparently, gubment needs to take care of my lungs more than my income.

Ain't that a bltch?
Grow up from this crap before you get married. Taunting people in order to get a response or make up some bs threat against you is weak sauce and already played out by you previously.

Welp daz wun wei tew luuk at it!

Actually, if ya read the discourse, you'd realize how terribly befitting that response was.
The social conservatives in the Republican party are against drug legalization. Many pundits, including R's, are adamant that the social conservatives need to soften and the party focus on fiscal issues.

I have never smoked pot or taken an illegal drug. So, if I am going to change my view on drug legalization, I would like some insight.

Alcohol is a drug and it is legal. However, I can have a glass of wine and not get drunk; can someone smoke pot and not get high? Is the whole purpose in smoking a high?

If pot is legalized, should a smoker be able to toke in public (or would the anti tobacco smoking laws apply to pot?) What drugs should remain illegal because of extreme addiction or harm to the user (if any)?


I stopped at i've never smoked pot. :eek:lol::crazy:
Apparently, your favorite hemp champion is in support of smaller government than you. Apparently, gubment needs to take care of my lungs more than my income.

Ain't that a bltch?

Your lungs are now propery of the "gubment". So, yeah I kinda want you to take care of them.
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But he does make a valid point. You are now officially property (subject) of the federal government... something liberals have been drooling over for quite some time now. They'll have the total power they've craved since childhood once they destroy the 2nd Amendment.
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