Pearl's Character - More to be revealed


And by, "Freak" - I mean "the dude that runs this site".

Just to be uber-clear.
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I assume this is meant to be humorous in some way, but I'm not following.

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Just some addition information bout Pearl

I know for a fact that he (CBP) has add zero contact with any of his former assistant coaches sans Jason Slay, who if he wants to coach again must maintain a relationship with Pearl as he is the only man he ever worked for in coaching. I thought Pearl shot the moon, until recently. Prior to learning this information the situation was disappointing…. Pearl got in over his head…we all can get caught up…whatever he is human also. This latest incite coupled with the recent article that portrayed the Illinois assistant’s side of the Deon Thomas saga has led me to have a change of heart. Pearl was and always will be a salesman, a highly skilled one, but still a salesman that is willing to do whatever it takes to make a sale. I now I all but certain that his actions in regards to the NCAA, ignoring the administration in regards to acting lily white, the Deon Thomas deal, and now acting as if the men you spent all day every day with the last six years are so unimportant that they due not even warrant …what a phone call…maybe an apology? are more revealing of his character than the cancer work etc.. I hate to say this but I got conned by the man…wow this is hard… He is cheese ball and perhaps always has been! This might be even more difficult to own, but I got to give it up to the HatMan…You were right.

Do not believe one word of it.
I don't live in a world in which the (possible) moral / ethical depravity of the fanbase- however small or widespread - should serve to justify or rationalize away the same glaringly egregious missteps for what is, arguably, one of the most widely recognized representatives of an institution which I both care for and support.

He was (handsomely) rewarded for his voluntary agreement to assume that position, all that came with it - those lofty standards of personal conduct, included - and which were entrusted to his care.

He then, and of his own volition, willfully, intentionally, knowingly and continuously violated that trust - and worse still, then went so far as to attempt to enlist the conspiratorial aide of others in order to conceal it, which not only increased the injurious harm, both to himself and the institution as a whole, but exponentially so.

And he was fired for it, both as a punitive and preventative measure of its future occurrence - and rightfully damn so.

And anyone who doesn't agree that his termination was completely justified (and some might add, belated) is either delusional and in complete denial of the facts of the matter, or a fool of the first and highest order.

So, you are welcome to pick whichever of those you most prefer, or leave it to the sane amongst us to do so for you - but know that there isn't a third option available, insofar as you wish to protest his firing, at least within the bounds of reason or good sense.
Posted via Captain Logic & Uncle Common Sense

Potentially the most obnoxious post in message board history.
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I don't live in a world in which the (possible) moral / ethical depravity of the fanbase- however small or widespread - should serve to justify or rationalize away the same glaringly egregious missteps for what is, arguably, one of the most widely recognized representatives of an institution which I both care for and support.

He was (handsomely) rewarded for his voluntary agreement to assume that position, all that came with it - those lofty standards of personal conduct, included - and which were entrusted to his care.

He then, and of his own volition, willfully, intentionally, knowingly and continuously violated that trust - and worse still, then went so far as to attempt to enlist the conspiratorial aide of others in order to conceal it, which not only increased the injurious harm, both to himself and the institution as a whole, but exponentially so.

And he was fired for it, both as a punitive and preventative measure of its future occurrence - and rightfully damn so.

And anyone who doesn't agree that his termination was completely justified (and some might add, belated) is either delusional and in complete denial of the facts of the matter, or a fool of the first and highest order.

So, you are welcome to pick whichever of those you most prefer, or leave it to the sane amongst us to do so for you - but know that there isn't a third option available, insofar as you wish to protest his firing, at least within the bounds of reason or good sense.
Posted via Captain Logic & Uncle Common Sense

I cant stop laughing at this post. Injurious harm. Of his own volition, willfully. Insofar as you wish to protest his firing.

Were you watching the royal wedding while you typed this? It reads like a Saturday night live script mocking the royal family.
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Bump for tenacious eloquence.
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It was a combination of a writ, a royal decree, and a message board rant.

Top 5 most ridiculous post ever, insofar as what I've ascertained from VolNation.

Then said Freak was in a trailer park!
Phony pretending to be friends with someone who signed your napkin after you bought them drinks...or being friends with a guy bc you paid to attend his camp along with hundreds of others.
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Now you know how I felt for six years reading babble from people stupd enough to believe Bruce Pearl was anything more than a lying, phony scumbag.

Man, must have been torture. Poor you. You must have hated every second of those 6 straight tourney runs and the most successful run the program has ever had. All those "stupd" babbling posters going on and on about how great our coach was.

Really feel for you. I don't know how you made it. When posters have differing opinions on a message board it really wrecks me up inside too. Your a real victim. Want to talk about it? I am here.
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This place is more divided than Washington... We should just have elephants and donkeys for sigs... lol

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