Ole Miss Losing More Than The Game on Sat

Let a group of (Insert your favorite non-white group such as Muslims, Hindus, Blacks, Native Americans...etc) start chanting some similarly ignorant slogan and I guarantee you, the University wouldn't do SQUAT about it.... It would be cloaked under the "diversity" guise that schools use to promote so-called "tolerance".... Funny how tolerance only covers folks who agree with the leftist agenda....
I understand taking whatever means needed to get rid of the confederate battle flag. Regardless of its origins, it's been hijacked by hate groups so it is now established as a symbol of intollerance. But I think it's a jump in logic to say that shouting "the south will rise again" is a call to reinstate slavery.
What a bunch of Liberal BS!! What is this world coming to? Might as well just change their names from the Rebels all together. People will always find someting to "protest"
If things go as planned, Ole Miss won't be giving their band any reason to play their little song..:rock::rock:
Seems like a lot of angry white men on here. "Dang Liberals, White Power(in my best Chapelle voice)."

Seriously, why would you want anything associated with your university athletic system that might keep you from getting the best athletes? It's not like the state MS has the best image to begin with.
Because being an intellectual is a bad thing? :huh:

Props to the Chancellor. He warned the dumbasses yelling "the South will rise again!" that if they kept on doing it, he'd remove the song completely. They did it, and he's following through.

I'm as proud of my southern heritage as the next guy, but it's instances like this that a group of people flash their ignorance and make the rest of us look bad.

So he let a bunch of idiots influence whether or not they play the song, and you're commending him for it? It is beyond stupid to let the actions of a few idiots influence heritage or tradition. How bout actually having a sack and kicking the idiots out of the stadium?
You have a state where 88% of white residents voted for the white guy, and 98% of the black residents voted for the black guy... and everyone is trying to tell me that harmony has suddenly been achieved in Mississippi?

Funny thing is, Obama also won the youth vote by a pretty wide margin... so I'm willing to bet that it's pushing 95+% of the white vote for McCain from anyone over about 30.

This kneejerk reaction crap where everyone whine "political correctness" and calls people latte drinking wimps... makes the guys doing it sound like a bunch of reactionary wimps too. Nobody thinks it's a little more than coincidental that the fall of Mississippi football began around the time of integration? The violence of 1962 was more than a dim memory when black athletes began playing SEC football in the 1970s, and many of the grandparents of black kids still remember the news very clearly.

The South Will Rise Again chant only serves to reinforce the stereotype whenever they host black official visitors... and I can't imagine that it helps them very often.
Wow... just wow. How pathetic we all are... From the tone of this thread, it appears racism is alive and well in America.. on all sides concerned.
Regardless of whether it helps recruiting, does anyone really think that factored into the Chancellor's decision? I like to think that being Southern is about more than a history of slavery, so it seems a little over the top to ban something that seems pretty harmless. They got rid of the mascot and the confederate flags too, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's a movement to change the nickname in the next decade or so. After all, doesn't the nickname Rebels imply the same thing as this supposedly racist chant?
What a bunch of Liberal BS!! What is this world coming to? Might as well just change their names from the Rebels all together. People will always find someting to "protest"

like protesting people who protest
Says the southern white male. Hilarious.:eek:k:

Says the Damn NYC Yankee on a "Southern" football board. Oh, and by the way i love how us Evil White Males have been Villianized by douches like you and liberal media. I am NOT an appologist for my Gender or my ethnicity. I believe there was some other men you may of heard of that were also White Males, Names of Jefferson, Washington or Lincoln ring a bell, you know those evil Founders of our country ....This idea is what is Hilarious

i also find it Hilarious that if i disagree with this PC nonsense then i am a Racist..or if i disagree with Hoimosexuality then i am a Homophobe. In this line of thinking i guess i am a BamaPhope and a Gatorphone.becuase i dont agree with them either so i must fear them right.
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Look everybody just order and wear a Fightin' Whities t-shirt and everything will be okay.
Memphis fired their football coach. WKU fired their football coach. Both teams were soundly whipped by the Vols. The way things are going, you have to wonder if a loss to Tennessee will also sound the death knell for Coach Nutt. Jevan Snead and company haven't exactly lived up to the pre-season hype.

come on now...

this is silly. No way Ole Miss fires Nutt after ONE season.
Give me a break. That would be completely absurd.

Unless of course, they caught him using a university credit card at a strip club.

I know one song they're gonna hear a lot of this Saturday!!

On another side note...a friend of mine was sitting next to GA's band this year when the Dawgs played the Vols and the band had a dry erase board and were marking down a tally mark every time Rocky Top was played. They were in general making fun of the song and the band and were having a pretty good time, laughing and joking about it and making the crowd pretty mad until they got to about 25+ marks on the board and TN was whipping GA's butt into oblivion. GA's band suddenly stopped marking it down and some of the TN fans around the band kept "reminding them" they had forgotten to mark it down and even offered to mark it for them.:) Needless to say the dry erase board soon disappeared and will probably never be seen in Neyland again. Here's to hoping something similar happens this Sat! :crossfingers:
Seems like a lot of angry white men on here. "Dang Liberals, White Power(in my best Chapelle voice)."

Seriously, why would you want anything associated with your university athletic system that might keep you from getting the best athletes? It's not like the state MS has the best image to begin with.

Yea man your right, why we are at it we should drop "rocky top" as our song because it is not hip enough.
I'm thinking maybe something a little more urban sounding would really bring those recruits in.
Yea man your right, why we are at it we should drop "rocky top" as our song because it is not hip enough.
I'm thinking maybe something a little more urban sounding would really bring those recruits in.

Lil Wayne dogggg.

The times they are a changin'.
I went to Ole Miss for 3 semesters before ultimately transferring to UT and getting my degree.

I was a KA at Ole Miss 1996-1997 (we got booted from campus)

This old south, confederate B.S. is nothing new there. it went on when I was there, and it will go on for a long time to come.

it DOES keep Ole Miss from getting the best talent.

If you don't believe that then you're blind. Or ignoring the situation.

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