Nick Saban says NIL made him ask, "Why are we doing this" Ted Cruz YouTube



Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2020
Nick Saban tells Congress what wrong with NIL. Says "who ever pays most money gets best players and has best chance to win" he talks about freedom of transfer and how NIL is effecting all sports even sports that doesn't earn money.
Will Congress fix NIL or make it worst?
Nick Saban said his wife said( players don't care what they had to offer them. They just cure How much money their going to get.)
Nick Saban and wife have dinners for players that's where his wife got to talk to players.
Side note Im liking all on comments in this thread
Thanks for your input on this thread
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Nick Saban said his wife said( players don't care what they had to offer them. They just cure How much money their going to get.)
She said, from their 18 million dollar Florida "second home." Vomit worthy hypocrisy. The Sabans want to be the only ones who only care about the money, esp the money they made off the backs of those kids. They're exactly why this mess happened.
She said, from their 18 million dollar Florida "second home." Vomit worthy hypocrisy. The Sabans want to be the only ones who only care about the money, esp the money they made off the backs of those kids. They're exactly why this mess happened.
Saban's total compensation package was over $10 million a year. Gosh darn those greedy student-athletes....
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She said, from their 18 million dollar Florida "second home." Vomit worthy hypocrisy. The Sabans want to be the only ones who only care about the money, esp the money they made off the backs of those kids. They're exactly why this mess happened.
he said two NFL people said the college players aren't being developed like they were before NIL more entitlement is what some NFL said NIL players that the NFL are getting now.
Nick Saban said (they need to be a balance between helping players and having level Competition balance)
There is another guy their talking to Congress about NIL
She said, from their 18 million dollar Florida "second home." Vomit worthy hypocrisy. The Sabans want to be the only ones who only care about the money, esp the money they made off the backs of those kids. They're exactly why this mess happened.

Your comment is absurd. The players are full-time students. The coach is a private employee with many years of high-level experience. Big difference. The student-athletes are getting a free college education plus numerous other benefits--all worth a lot of money, probably close to $50K a year. How come we never hear the activists--and this BS about paying the players was started by black activists, mostly--talk about the value of a free college education? Because education never meant much too them. It's always about the free cash--and now this nonsense has infected everybody--including privileged basketball players at Dartmouth and swimmers. It's also influenced judges, who've bought into this ludicrous idea that the student-athletes are soooo put upon. NIL in recruiting is wrong, corrupt and should be outlawed--period. NIL for current student-athletes is a good thing, but keep it out of recruiting. Of course now that idiot schools have let the genie out of the bottle and the money-grubbers are all licking their jobs, it will be hard to put back in.
Sounds like capitalism. Kids Go to college to earn a good living, Athletes can make enough money to give themselves a great head start in life, I can’t say I love it or hate it but it’s really good for most athletes. A few will hurt their chances of going pro by Chasing the money but most will benefit. It’s the new age of college sports and you can run with it or retire. I understand why he didn’t want to fool with it but there are thousands of players setting themselves up to be ahead in life with NIL.
Are most 18 year old boys as mature as most 26 year old young men?

No. Prefrontal cortex development (reasoning, planning, judgment, and impulse control) lags 3-4 years behind that of females, and doesn't fully develop in males until their late 20s or early 30s.

Do we have other laws which recognize that fact of life, and thus protect them until they are older and more capable of making better decisions and controlling impulses?


Do tens of thousands of dollars open up more temptations than just a beer keg or grass?
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Saban was and is one of the biggest cheaters who ever got away with it there is in college football. He was buying players cars and building their families houses since the day he arrived in Tuscaloosa. He was just butthurt over this NIL cause it leveled the playing field essentially and he no longer had an unfair advantage over everyone else. His constant whining the last couple of years wasn’t a good look either. I loved when Jimbo called his ass out too over it and saying he knows where the bodies are buried. F&$@ Nick Saban
Saban was and is one of the biggest cheaters who ever got away with it there is in college football. He was buying players cars and building their families houses since the day he arrived in Tuscaloosa. He was just butthurt over this NIL cause it leveled the playing field essentially and he no longer had an unfair advantage over everyone else. His constant whining the last couple of years wasn’t a good look either. I loved when Jimbo called his ass out too over it and saying he knows where the bodies are buried. F&$@ Nick Saban
He can eat a giant bag of d**** 🖕
Saban didn't like Everyone else getting top players like He had since 2006. He was happy as long as He was the only one Buying Talent. Nutshell.
This would be an awesome narrative if it was the slightest bit true. His last 4 classes were ranked 1, 2, 1 and 2 respectively. He had no drop off.
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he said two NFL people said the college players aren't being developed like they were before NIL more entitlement is what some NFL said NIL players that the NFL are getting now.
Nick Saban said (they need to be a balance between helping players and having level Competition balance)
There is another guy their talking to Congress about NIL
They are wasting their breath here. As with defunding the police, COVID school lockdowns, the legalization of hard drugs, etc., the public is going to have to fly this plane directly into the mountain first and then while sorting through the inevitable wreckage that follows, at that point, enough may realize there needed to be some guardrails. Right now alot of our fans are drunk with the idea that this all helps us, but they will be the first to turn when things don't go our way in the brave new world.
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Sounds like capitalism. Kids Go to college to earn a good living, Athletes can make enough money to give themselves a great head start in life, I can’t say I love it or hate it but it’s really good for most athletes. A few will hurt their chances of going pro by Chasing the money but most will benefit. It’s the new age of college sports and you can run with it or retire. I understand why he didn’t want to fool with it but there are thousands of players setting themselves up to be ahead in life with NIL.

THEN, lets stop the Hypocrisy and call them employees instead of "Student Athletes". You think a guy making a million+ a year is going to be reprimanded for missing class? LMAO
They are wasting their breath here. As with defunding the police, COVID school lockdowns, the legalization of hard drugs, etc., the public is going to have to fly this plane directly into the mountain first and then while sorting through the inevitable wreckage that follows, at that point, enough may realize there needed to be some guardrails. Right now alot of our fans are drunk with the idea that this all helps us, but they will be the first to turn when things don't go our way in the brave new world.
That was Just in his opening statement.
Besides paying everyone same Salary Cap in sports like football that made money.
Congress could make rules on NIL..
Like all NIL made public
And does player have earn money by Promoting a product.
Or limits on who can give NIL deals
And how much each player from their sport can get.
They may set rules for football/Men's basketball That turn a proFit.
And different rules for other Sports
But Congress is the one Who can pass a national wide laws
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Saban didn't like Everyone else getting top players like He had since 2006. He was happy as long as He was the only one Buying Talent. Nutshell.
You really think Saban was the only guy paying players under the table? All NIL has done is brought what occurred under the table above the table.

If you listen to the various comments he's made since he retired, what really seemed to wear him out was having to re-recruit many of his own players each offseason because of the Portal. And honestly, I get it. NFL coaches don't even have to do that. Especially if you are 72 years old, have won everything there is to win in the sport already, and have a gigantic pile of money.
That was Just in his opening statement.
Besides paying everyone same Salary Cap in sports like football that made money.
Congress could make rules on NIL..
Like all NIL made public
And does player have earn money by Promoting a product.
Or limits on who can give NIL deals
And how much each player from their sport can get.
They may set rules for football/Men's basketball That turn a proFit.
And different rules for other Sports
But Congress is the one Who can pass a national wide laws
Totally agree, in fact I've been trying to educate people on the power of Congress here and the fact that they are the only ones who can really set any enforceable rules because it is their laws (the Antitrust laws) that the courts have ruled are being violated and only Congress can change them. That said, I think there is a big difference between what Congress CAN do and what Congress WILL do. I am not optimistic they are going to do anything this year. I think eventually they will do a partial/conditional Antitrust exemption for college athletics which puts some enforceable rules in place provided that there is significant revenue sharing and that will end the "Wild West" period, but I think we've probably got another year of the Wild West at least. Saving women's sports and the non-revenue sports will be the primary driver of compromise, along with probably some horror stories that will emerge of students being taken advantage of by unscrupulous collectives. This train is going to have to get pretty far off the tracks, farther than it even is now before people realize action needs to be taken.
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Your comment is absurd. The players are full-time students. The coach is a private employee with many years of high-level experience. Big difference. The student-athletes are getting a free college education plus numerous other benefits--all worth a lot of money, probably close to $50K a year. How come we never hear the activists--and this BS about paying the players was started by black activists, mostly--talk about the value of a free college education? Because education never meant much too them. It's always about the free cash--and now this nonsense has infected everybody--including privileged basketball players at Dartmouth and swimmers. It's also influenced judges, who've bought into this ludicrous idea that the student-athletes are soooo put upon. NIL in recruiting is wrong, corrupt and should be outlawed--period. NIL for current student-athletes is a good thing, but keep it out of recruiting. Of course now that idiot schools have let the genie out of the bottle and the money-grubbers are all licking their jobs, it will be hard to put back in.
Why does the fact that they are black matter? Ed O'Bannon was a black activist ? Education never mattered to them?
Would it bother you if Steve Bannon had started this push?
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So, the arms race where Alabama built incredible facilities, paid millions for coaches and generated hundreds of millions for the school was OK, but now that the absurd cloak of amateurism that they hid behind has dropped, the world is ending.

Go find a good course Nick and stop yelling at clouds.

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