Neyland Stadium becoming more annoying (my thoughts)

I just don't get why anyone would want to script how many times the Pride plays Rocky Top. There's not a fight song in the country that pisses off more opponents and their fans, and (obviously used to) hyped up UT fans. Adding hip hop does not add to the home field advantage, because if our players love it, then opposing teams will too. A bit counter productive.

point of it missed. There's so much more to the home team getting pumped over the noises and music vs the away team. It's a completely different type of noise and distraction when you are the away team, regardless of what's being played.
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I think it would be cool as hell if the band and the DJ worked out a back and forth type of deal. Kind of like Run DMC and Aerosmith type thing.

Since we are an Adidas school, maybe they can find a few pairs of these in the back of the closet somewhere for the DJ's.

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As Vollygirl asked" were any of you actually at that game?"
I never once saw SC jumping up and down getting hyped up
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Ive never had a problem with cell phone service... Maybe its a certain section
That is getting a blocked signal...

And I had the age groups covered with me this weekend...
I took my 57 yr old father,Im 37, and my son is 12...
Both had the best weekend ever on the Hill... As did I...
My Dad was loving every bit of everything(except that 3rd qtr).

I couldnt tell you a single song played outside of Down the field
And Rocky Top... But I remember Sterling Hinton getting the
Crowd rocking again... Its all a moot point if you remember
The most important reason you are there... "Because its
Football time in TN" not dj or POTS time... But the are additions
to everything that we show up to see...

Sterling Hinton helped us win that game. No doubt about it.
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As Vollygirl asked" were any of you actually at that game?"
I never once saw SC jumping up and down getting hyped up

I was there and Clowney was the only one I saw jumping up and down. That was prior to the 3rd quarter kickoff.
Well its not just about what you like op. The kids love the music and it gets them hyped up. They were jumping on the sideline the entire game.
Nice try at trying to paint me as a racist. I'm black. If they pumped Kenny Chesney as loud as the crap they pump it would be even worse.

Thus, the comment about "old white dudes?" Many "old white dudes," as you characterize two of them, have been going to UT games longer than you have been alive and many of those VFL former players whom CBJ has reached out to are, "old white dudes."
Anyone know if there's a video of this anywhere?

I would love to see that again too. Sterling was going nuts, and after he finished this man walked over to him and put his hand on Sterlings forehead as if he was checking to see if he was
Anyone know if there's a video of this anywhere?

I doubt it. It was very impromptu. They just put the camera on him because he started dancing. Then he started engaging the crowd. Players on the sidelines were watching and dancing too.

It only lasted a moment or two, but I swear, that is one of the best feelings I've ever had in that stadium. Just pure joy and happiness. (I know that sounds lame, but it really was.)
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Since we are an Adidas school, maybe they can find a few pairs of these in the back of the closet somewhere for the DJ's.

View attachment 69405

I hadn't even thought about the adidas lol.

I know a lot of venues pipe in music now but I have never seen a band/dj interaction. I personally think it would hype everyone up even more so than either the DJ or Band can independently. Dj plays a segment and the band blasts back. Hell mike the Band and let the Dj scratch along with them. Anyway if the Band would embrace the situation they could make it even more memorable.
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I would love to see that again too. Sterling was going nuts, and after he finished this man walked over to him and put his hand on Sterlings forehead as if he was checking to see if he was

Could you tell who that guy was?
I have to agree with the OP a little. I think there is a fine line between the 2. I do have to say that I did notice that during the pregame right before the players went in the locker room for the last time the bands were trying to get the crowd ready by playing fight songs but you could not hear them at all. USCe was doing the battle of the bands against POTS which is a tradition but to no avail. The music was drowning them both out. My seats are in section L which is about 2 sections to the left of the band behind the goal post and i cound not hear the bands at all. I knew they were playing because I could see them but if you didn't look their way you wouldnt have known. The bands and the DJ need to get on the same page and agree on when each other play.
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I doubt it. It was very impromptu. They just put the camera on him because he started dancing. Then he started engaging the crowd. Players on the sidelines were watching and dancing too.

It only lasted a moment or two, but I swear, that is one of the best feelings I've ever had in that stadium. Just pure joy and happiness. (I know that sounds lame, but it really was.)

the fact that it was on the jumbotron proves the video is out there. If they were rolling it on the jumbotron, it was being rolled into "b" roll for later on. The question is can we get the AD to release that video.
I doubt it. It was very impromptu. They just put the camera on him because he started dancing. Then he started engaging the crowd. Players on the sidelines were watching and dancing too.

It only lasted a moment or two, but I swear, that is one of the best feelings I've ever had in that stadium. Just pure joy and happiness. (I know that sounds lame, but it really was.)

Not lame at all! I've read so much about it that I'd love to see it. Oh well, thanks anyway Volly!
As far as the music getting the players hyped, based on the fact that the team and coaches both ran to the endzone where the band was and sang Rocky Top with them tells me that they will get hyped with the band as well.
the fact that it was on the jumbotron proves the video is out there. If they were rolling it on the jumbotron, it was being rolled into "b" roll for later on. The question is can we get the AD to release that video.

I meant it wasn't produced for the jumbotron like the other videos they show.
I meant it wasn't produced for the jumbotron like the other videos they show.

but, my point is, any production crew tapes the whole thing, to review the broadcast and for later uses. So, the video is saved somewhere.
Bottomline ... as a "old dude", I've been happy to see the excitement return to Neyland in ALL forms. IMO, some traditions will never die and each generation will add their own spin. Contrary to the belief of some in this thread, the music played, when it is played and who plays it will not deter the attendance of us "old people". Its Football Time in Tennessee and life is too short to miss a single season.

I do think the interaction between Sterling and POTSB as some suggested would be pretty awesome.
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I stood up on 3rd downs and big plays this past weekend, and that was it.
I had a state trooper tell me that the people behind me couldnt see!! AND this was in the 4th qt.
I couldnt believe it I am a mild fan I never talk ish to other teams or our obnoxious fans, I dont even always stand up on 3rd down. I was shocked

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