Mike Leach hospitalized - passed away 12/12/22

I of course have no idea what’s going on, but rumors earlier had his family waiting to pull the plug. If this thing drags out long enough, he’ll find a way to pull this off. I can’t believe he has not been pronounced yet if things are as bad as some of the reports.
I of course have no idea what’s going on, but rumors earlier had his family waiting to pull the plug. If this thing drags out long enough, he’ll find a way to pull this off. I can’t believe he has not been pronounced yet if things are as bad as some of the reports.
Why? If his family is making their way to Jackson to say their goodbyes, he could easily be kept on life support until everyone has had a chance to do that. This is not a race.
Until Mississippi State announces something, or the family does, don’t believe it or spread it. That’s the respectful thing to do for everyone. If you believe in prayer, then pray. If you don’t, do whatever you do in situations as such.

Until I see a rant calling out the doctors for low effort trying to save his life, I won't believe he's gone.
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i was in my early 60's when I had mine. Always led a healthy lifestyle. Ate well, 6', 175lbs and worked out every single day. P90X and weights. Lot's of cardio as well. I was considered the last guy you'd expect to have a heart attack. Needless to say I didn't see it coming. It does, however, run in my family and as my cardiologist said...you can't change or run from your gene pool. Every man should have his cardiac situation and health evaluated. You're not going to get a lot of warning. One minute you're working in the yard. Next minute, you're staring up at a surgeon getting ready to address and rearrange your heart's plumbing. Talk about a WTH moment!!! :oops:
Sometimes good health and size doesn’t matter and it doesn’t make sense. I went to church with s guy who ran alot like in marathons and was in great shape 175 and trim. He had a massive heart attack at 47 and died. Here I am 255lbs I smoke I’ve cut back though and drink beer yet I’m 49 years old and still kicking and he’s dead it don’t make sense. When it’s your time to go it’s just your time I guess.
Folks, until you see a formal announcement on a respected outlet, do not jump to any conclusions. And certainly don’t rely on tweets and the like.

I’ve always been a huge fan of Coach Leach. It certainly sounds bleak, but I still hope for the best.
Sometimes good health and size doesn’t matter and it doesn’t make sense. I went to church with s guy who ran alot like in marathons and was in great shape 175 and trim. He had a massive heart attack at 47 and died. Here I am 255lbs I smoke I’ve cut back though and drink beer yet I’m 49 years old and still kicking and he’s dead it don’t make sense. When it’s your time to go it’s just your time I guess.
My SIL ate all organic and wouldn’t even use a microwave, and was fitness model gorgeous, always worked out, and died at 34 from melanoma… my husband is super fit and healthy and had a bunch of strokes at 46 (but C—-d).. it’s crazy how you can be in great health and wham! Some people don’t take care of themselves at all and live a very long time 🤷‍♀️
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Sometimes good health and size doesn’t matter and it doesn’t make sense. I went to church with s guy who ran alot like in marathons and was in great shape 175 and trim. He had a massive heart attack at 47 and died. Here I am 255lbs I smoke I’ve cut back though and drink beer yet I’m 49 years old and still kicking and he’s dead it don’t make sense.
There are a lot of factors beyond physical fitness and heredity that can cause the widow maker. For instance, dental hygiene can effect the heart. A couple of winters ago I had a leaky crown replaced. Several months later I started having a tightness in my chest and breathing became shallower. Had to go to ER where my fantastic new cardiologist diagnosed me with pericarditis. It's a swelling in the sack surrounding the heart. Possibly caused by an infection that made it into my bloodstream. Like from the crown replacement. Now I take an antibiotic before cleanings. Funny thing, during imaging of my heart, they found a leaking mitral valve and several blocked arteries. So, I had to go into the shop for a week to get four stents and a new valve. I'd already had my radiator rodded the year before, so, that was good. So, guys, take care of your teeth. It's important... God bless Coach Leach.

* in regards to heredity, my Dad died at 49 from his first heart attack. I'm 68.
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Why? If his family is making their way to Jackson to say their goodbyes, he could easily be kept on life support until everyone has had a chance to do that. This is not a race.
I know, but I had seen that they were all expected to be there by like noon or something today. I do understand that they could keep him on life support indefinitely, pretty much, I was just trying to read the tea leaves and maybe do a little wishful thinking.
According to multiple sources, he did not receive medical attention for between 10 to 15 minutes. EMTs used a defibrillator machine and delivered multiple shocks to restore normal heart rhythm. The bold part tells us a lot.
Wow!! Thought I would never see so many HIPPA violations in one thread on VolNation. The only likely source of any medical information would have to come from the family and I have not seen anything posted by them.
You know Volnation, we know more than anyone, including the person we talk about.
Wow!! Thought I would never see so many HIPPA violations in one thread on VolNation. The only likely source of any medical information would have to come from the family and I have not seen anything posted by them.
It’s not a HIPAA violation if nobody actually knows anything and are definitely not his clinicians.. it’s more like speculation
Sometimes good health and size doesn’t matter and it doesn’t make sense. I went to church with s guy who ran alot like in marathons and was in great shape 175 and trim. He had a massive heart attack at 47 and died. Here I am 255lbs I smoke I’ve cut back though and drink beer yet I’m 49 years old and still kicking and he’s dead it don’t make sense. When it’s your time to go it’s just your time I guess.
Pretty much.. heredity plays a huge role too
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