JaWuan James James is Officially a UT Vol

WOW! Now we need 2 or 3 more linemen to go with him . A dominating O line will = a championship with Brown / Oku combo . VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVBBBBBBBBBBBBB
Its a great pick up but I'll be interested to see the product on the field. I remember being really pumped about picking up chris donald, that hasn't work so well, but I think this kid is gonna be good so I'm gonna shut up.
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I don't need to see shat, I'm a FIRM believer in James, Kiffin, and ALL things Tennessee football. GBO!!! V,B
Early enrollee with an NFL frame. Will blow up in our S&C program. Future All SEC, book it.
This is great news, the shot in the arm to help with recruits. There will be others who follow and help us move to the #1 class.
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James notes that he wasn't 'promised' any playing time, but was certainly made aware of the chance for early playing time that exists on the Vols' roster.

"That's a big deal, everyone wants to come in and play early on," James said. "They let me know that I'd have a chance to come in and compete for a spot as a freshman, and that's all you can ask. I know I'll have to work hard to get to that point, but I'm ready to give it my best shot."

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