Jason Swain Speaks Out

I have all the respect in the world for good cops.

However, there are some worthless SOBs that are cops.

Just like teachers, doctors, coaches or whatever.

A badge does not equal great human being.

What I find funny is that several Tennessee athletes, both former and current, have mentioned how the KPD and UTPD have it out for athletes.

Several people that have attended Tennessee have mentioned their run ins with the KPD and UTPD and how ass backwards their priorities seem to be.

But by God he's got a badge so he's a saint.


I am pretty sure that you have said you have worked in the AD as a student as did I. I would bet, that like myself, you heard your share of stories of either UTPD or KPD being dicks about certain things.

Always seem to me like the ones that were pricks seem to be the ones that were probably picked on by a bully in high school, so they their revenge in life to become a cop.

Btw, I will say that the cops that were assigned to security for the teams always seemed to be the better ones.
Yeah, blame the police. That's what my uncle would do every time my lying, thieving, blood sucking, dope dealing cousin got caught. He finally murdered his girl friend and thankfully is locked up for life. Police are not always right, but when they do their jobs, there are always some who blame them for everything. It's disgusting.

I love cops, I have good friends that are cops... I used to be best friends with with the son of the local sheriff and stay over at his house all the time.

But there are absolutely some police departments that are better than others, whether that's in fact or in perception... UTPD and KPD both have terrible reputations among nearly everyone at the actual University.

Also, equating people saying that the local police aren't great with something that indirectly resulted in the murder of another person is as intellectually dishonest as someone invoking communism or nazism to get a kneejerk emotional response.
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NO! This is the "problem". KPD and especially UTPD are on power trips when it comes to students, especially athletes. Everyone would think that it would be the opposite because of the limelight on these kids, but for some reason at our school they're harder on them. I can't figure out if its jealousy, wanting to show their power, intimidation, or what but there's a rift between the police departments in Knoxville and the patrons on that campus.

Yep. This has been going on for decades. I spent seven years at the Knoxville campus. Jealousy by the KPD and UTPD of the students that they know are headed for a far better life than the local police lives makes for a volatile situation. The regular students have to tread lightly, but it is worse for the athletes, especially the black athletes.

My son graduated a little less than ten years ago. Nothing had changed with the KPD and UTPD in that thirty year interval. There has always been a need for more black cops in Knoxville. Dollars to doughnuts, this incident or the Tyler Smith incident would have been handled differently if the students were caucasian. For the record, I'm white.
Yep. This has been going on for decades. I spent seven years at the Knoxville campus. Jealousy by the KPD and UTPD of the students that they know are headed for a far better life than the local police lives makes for a volatile situation. The regular students have to tread lightly, but it is worse for the athletes, especially the black athletes.

My son graduated a little less than ten years ago. Nothing had changed with the KPD and UTPD in that thirty year interval. There has always been a need for more black cops in Knoxville. Dollars to doughnuts, this incident or the Tyler Smith incident would have been handled differently if the students were caucasian. For the record, I'm white.

No matter how much anyone wants to deny this...

I like Jason swain, but I have to dissagree with him on this one. I bet alot of the time cops are very very leinant on the football players, because just like the rest of us the vast majority of cops are UT football fans. Its only when the crime is outrageous like robbing a couple of country boys for their cheeseburgers, or stomping a off duty cop's brains out do we hear about it.

Your "bet" or Swain's "experience" ... hmmm? :ermm:
Yep.The fight starters are Florida and Alabama plants, right?

You know that was exactly what I was thinking...two thugs come in from Bamer and Hogtown and start trouble at the bar saying how the Tide and Gators are going to whip up on UT this year at Neyland and that Hughes will get his lunch ate by the two teams big offensive lines...yeah, this is really what happened and I am glad that you brought this up ... time to send some of our hosts to Tuscaloser and Gainesberg to start some trouble before all the 5* recruits get gobbled up. :eek:lol:
I like Jason swain, but I have to dissagree with him on this one. I bet alot of the time cops are very very leinant on the football players, because just like the rest of us the vast majority of cops are UT football fans. Its only when the crime is outrageous like robbing a couple of country boys for their cheeseburgers, or stomping a off duty cop's brains out do we hear about it.

BS, some cops are power hungry
I would trust the players before I would a cop. Cops have the holier than thou type attitude and think because they carry the badge they are shielded from the law, pun intended. I have never been in trouble yet I cannot stand cops. If I see one speeding without his lights on or run a stop sign I take his plate down and turn him in. What good it does I don't know but makes me feel like they do, you know a real A$$hole. Go VOLS!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I've seen cops be leniant towards players. when I was younger I did a ride a long with my cousin. We went to the site of a crash, in which, Donte Stallworth was trashed and had rammed his car into another dudes car. This was right before his nfl draft. He then told us that the other guy in the car was his brother from california or whatever he said. The other dude look just as effed up as Stallworth. The cops just asked for someone else to drive if they weren't going to press charges on one another. He was very grateful and got someone else to drive. I got his autograph too. I'm sure he remembers PoPo being nice to him. That could of killed his draft stock.
Former Vol says police "pick on football players"

A former Vol is using Twitter to chime in on the latest arrests in Knoxville involving Tennessee football players. Jayson Swain was a standout wide receiver for the Vols from 2003-2006. The Huntsville native said he's "not surprised about the brawl and police getting whooped." He went on to say it was "only a matter of time."
WRCB archives could not find any police incidents involving Swain during his UT career.
Swain became critical of some officers in the Knoxville Police Department but was complimentary of the Department as a whole.
"KPD is a good police force but has young punks who want to make name for self. It's unfortunate they sometimes players get sucked in," he said.
Swain added, "Although I've never gotten in trouble, I've seen police officers deliberately pick on football players."
The former Vol does not believe the problem of high-profile athletes getting into trouble with police is unique to Knoxville.
"Some college towns have cases with hometown police while others get along. We so happen have a issue with KPD," he stated on his Twitter account.
The problems are not the responsibility of the coaches, according to Swain. Phillip Fulmer, Lane Kiffin, and now Derek Dooley are having similar incidents happen on their watch.
"I'm not making excuses for the players but there's a problem on BOTH sides. With police and players...Let's think about this... 3 different UT coaches. Same issues. Every school is the same. Same clubs... Ask yourself what is the variable??"

punk cops meet thug athletes (we all lose)

some truth in what swain says,party at the house (problem solved)
I've seen cops be leniant towards players. when I was younger I did a ride a long with my cousin. We went to the site of a crash, in which, Donte Stallworth was trashed and had rammed his car into another dudes car. This was right before his nfl draft. He then told us that the other guy in the car was his brother from california or whatever he said. The other dude look just as effed up as Stallworth. The cops just asked for someone else to drive if they weren't going to press charges on one another. He was very grateful and got someone else to drive. I got his autograph too. I'm sure he remembers PoPo being nice to him. That could of killed his draft stock.

What a charming story. Instead of facing consequences at that point, our favorite alcoholic had to wait until he killed a guy to realize he was a dumbass. Go KPD. Way to enforce! We wouldn't want the kings of Knoxville to have their draft status impacted by something so silly.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Why did the off-duty cop feel the need to get involved in the first place? If it was a matter of life or death, I could see him getting involved, but we're talking about a bunch of rowdy drunks that the bar's security staff should have been able to handle. To jump in is to just further provoke the situation. The off-duty cop should have just let the security staff do what they're paid to do and never have gotten involved. No matter his intentions, he made a bad situation worse.
Why did the off-duty cop feel the need to get involved in the first place? If it was a matter of life or death, I could see him getting involved, but we're talking about a bunch of rowdy drunks that the bar's security staff should have been able to handle. To jump in is to just further provoke the situation. The off-duty cop should have just let the security staff do what they're paid to do and never have gotten involved. No matter his intentions, he made a bad situation worse.

Uhhh..... 10 guys were beating up one, out of the club on a public street. you are not very bright are you.....doubt the cop pulled his gun or there would be some dead Vols.....which is where this will end up now that the cops have a martyr....if i was a Vol, id keep very low key
Well if the cops in K town are anything like they were in the 90's i'd say Swain isn't making that up. We got arrested and hauled off in a paddy wagon with shackles on our legs, like a chain gang. One of my friends got pepper sprayed at point blank range. His skin peeled off like a onion a few days later. We were charged with being drunk in public. The punishment didn't fit the crime in that case. I'm not surprised so much stuff goes on up there. I'd say teams to the south of us have more lenient police forces. I learned you don't mess with the KPD.
I would trust the players before I would a cop. Cops have the holier than thou type attitude and think because they carry the badge they are shielded from the law, pun intended I have never been in trouble yet I cannot stand cops. If I see one speeding without his lights on or run a stop sign I take his plate down and turn him in. What good it does I don't know but makes me feel like they do, you know a real A$$hole. Go VOLS!
Posted via VolNation Mobile

How old are you, 12?
I know an ex-cop in Athens Tennessee that would say you dont know what you are talking about.

Ex-Cop Huh? Nuff Said. I am sure he wouldn't admit to being part of a corrupt department.

For the Record, I know a current cop who will admit that the KPD and generally most Police Depts are corrupt to a certain extent.
It's like going 35 in a 30, some of the older officer's would let you pass, the younger one's would pull you over and write you a ticket. I KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE HAHA, :peace2:
Uhhh..... 10 guys were beating up one, out of the club on a public street. you are not very bright are you.....doubt the cop pulled his gun or there would be some dead Vols.....which is where this will end up now that the cops have a martyr....if i was a Vol, id keep very low key

What are you trying to say? This will end up with some dead vols? really? sure sounds like you are trying to make threats
It's like going 35 in a 30, some of the older officer's would let you pass, the younger one's would pull you over and write you a ticket. I KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE HAHA, :peace2:

Most departments have a set amount of leeway on speed limits over 35... too much time would be wasted getting everyone doing 40 in a 35.

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