
Some people will believe anything, LOL!

The smell of BS in this thread really reeks.

Troll tide, Troll.

Team 120 will earn their respect WIN by WIN...VFL...GBO!!!
Love that VN is now getting its updates from a Bama thread. We act like a group of beaten dogs sometimes..... smh

Glad to hear Hurd is on the mend. That young man came to a program in shambles and has put us on his shoulders. Has he been frustrated? I hope so! We all have and it is because we have yet to achieve our potential! Let's stop jumping at shadows, support our kids and go kick the living you know what out of the Tide!
Haha, c'mon now! I may not agree with what some of you all agree with, but thats just ridiculous. I have no malice toward anyone, want nothing from anyone, etc. I am just like everyone else on here - looking for info and bringing info.

And I can with 100% certainty tell you all that is completely bogus. The family loves TN, the coaches and this team. Has he been frustrated at times, yes, but he got over it because theres nowhere he'd rather be.

Dont ever believe anything about a TN player on a Bama board.

It's a shame that you had to write this post in response to the torch and pitchfork crowd on VN. I hope Jalen gets well and brings the pain against the toothless bammers this weekend! GBO!
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Absolutely, had those symptoms for lower body injury. As I
cleared the line of scrimage, I was blindsided, and got my D**k knocked in the dirt. :)

Haha. Gotcha. But did you miss the rest of the game and then the next game a week later because of it? Probably not, eh?
Don't know that I'd call it a "lower body injury" exactly, but I did have those exact symptoms once following a four hour erection from one of those little blue pills...Told my coach to keep it to herself, too...Damn sure didn't sue...

Haha! Well done.
Haha, c'mon now! I may not agree with what some of you all agree with, but thats just ridiculous. I have no malice toward anyone, want nothing from anyone, etc. I am just like everyone else on here - looking for info and bringing info.

And I can with 100% certainty tell you all that is completely bogus. The family loves TN, the coaches and this team. Has he been frustrated at times, yes, but he got over it because theres nowhere he'd rather be.

Dont ever believe anything about a TN player on a Bama board.

Damnit 74, there you go again, sharing personal family information, violating HIPPA privacy and confidentiality agreements. Why, that type of information is disgraceful and just plain old unwanted around here. Have you no shame???😳
That has nothing to do with following Concussion Protocol.

But everything to do with He and his family suing the team! If Hurd and His family Lawyered up do you think Hurd would be talking with Butch at all? Use some common sense here Man.
If he had a concussion, they would have took his helmet away.

And there's the rub and likely mistake. By most all credible sources he did have a concussion or concussion-like symptoms yet the training staff didn't take away his helmet. Could that be the reason for the misinformation and secrecy around why Hurd essentially hasn't played the last game and s half?
Okay, well it's good to have a little more clarity on this situation. Thanks Vol74. I had a friend send me something pretty crazy that he claimed to be from a big booster who is close with the program. Glad to know it isn't true.
Coaches and trainers don't always know when players get concussed. Yea, it's easy to suspect when a guy clearly takes a shot to the head and goes down and stays down. But sometimes a guy gets knocked in the head and it happens in a crowd of players or it simply isn't obvious, or he hits his head on the ground, which happens a lot--and if the player gets up right away, nobody may suspect, and a player may go on playing for a play or two or even longer, even though he's a bit woozy--that happens. I doubt the trainers would suspect or decide that a player had a concussion--after going through the protocol--and then allow him back in the game. That would be gravely irresponsible. It is more likely that it wasn't really know that he was concussed--if in fact that's what happened, as the Hurd Mystery Hour/Butch Jones 'I'm In Control Here' Saga unfolds.

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