Do You Think Phil will be a Good AD?

I know he bleeds orange, but his hiring selection towards the end of this coaching career was not good.

Can he hire a good coach?

Now we're hearing Bilimea has been spotted on campus...gross

If he keeps Haslam and boosters under control and he runs things not them then yes
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All hope is gone

Good ole boy system still in play in Knoxville

Now we have someone who hired Clawson, only to not let him run his offense, hiring a coach

Do you think Phil will keep his hands off the football team as far as coaching?

Yeah. At least Currie had an inferno **** storm under his ass for motivation.

What's Fulmer got? A love for Tennessee is good and all, but that isn't what has been missing the last few years. Far from it.

Competence, and a overt fear of complacency is what we need.

Don't think Fulmer brings either as an AD.
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I'm not sure if I trust him picking our next coach.

Really. All us low-life fans have a bad taste in our mouth. Leach or Brohm would have been good hires,IMO. The game is changing, evolving, and faster. Fulmer may have too much old school in him to notice some of the up and coming coaches like Frost or someone along those lines. I was hoping he'd just be an interim but good coaches would balk at that. UT is trapped, I feel. Some feel Fulmer may not want a good coach to over-shadow his legacy. That's just pure BS to me but this in-fighting has to go. Our school is embarrassing itself in the national spot light. I've had enough personally.
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Fulmer is PERFECT until the coaching crap is settled. Then give a new AD (spelled B L A C K B U R N) a chance with a clean start.

This. Get everybody calmed the **** down and get the ship back on course.

Don't necessarily think he's qualified long term. Need more of an MBA/business type than a coach. Although Bill Battle at Bama might be an exception, I guess. But, he was a businessman for a long time in between.
Hard to say. In terms of the search, he may be seen as a coach's AD, which would be attractive to prospective hires.

On the other hand, will he want to control or micromanage, with the thinking that he knows best how a team should be coached?
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OBB nailed it, get thru this mess and hire Blackburn. We need someone with experience to fix this mess not someone in training.
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Good compared to what??

Great fatabulous compared to Currie.

As far as what is needed currently to stabilize program and get it back on the tracks.....good move.
Of course reasonable people understand Phil had to be the one put back in charge. No other name at this point would work. And of course we’ll have a few Fulmer haters that will make petty comments. To me it feels like an adult is monitoring the situation. I hope it works to our advantage....
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Be interesting to see what Fulmer's list of coaches looks like. If he wanted Doeren then it could be a Dooley like list.
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I'm going on record and saying fulmer hires Les Miles . Runs a fulmer offense and has had contact with him over the years
It just hit me that he will/should be the guy tasked with replacing Holly this year. Uhhhhhhhh....??
I would always rather have an AD that has coached a major sport, and who is a native Tennessean, as opposed to the paper pushers we have been hiring since Doug Dickey left.
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After Phil was fired he said there were issues in the AD that was putting Tennessee at a disadvantage, looks like he is going to get the chance to change those things.
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I think he'll put the university and the football team first. It should work well as long as he's up to it. He is getting in the deep end right off the bat with the coaching search. I sure hope it works out.
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Phil as No Experience as an AD, but he should get the job cause he bleeds orange? I love flying planes...does that mean I’m qualified to run Boeing
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I like the decision. Hell, you guys are all bringing up points about who Fulmer was as a coach, an employer, and a man over 10 years ago.

He's probably changed some in those 10 years, I know I have. I have complete faith that AD Fulmer wants to do what is best for the University of Tennessee, first and foremost, and that he would probably do this job for free. He loves this school and this team.

I want to see a team and a group of leaders who love being at the University of Tennessee. I think this is a very good start to that.

Go Vols. #EndTheCurse
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Not sure about Phil as AD, but two people that we can scratch off potential coaching list:

1) Johnny Majors
2) Lane Kiffin
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