DC To Erect 8-Foot Statue Of Crack-Head Democrat Mayor

I think you mean the Jews. I will let Slice defend his nation's actions. The Old Testament is a reference section for most of Christianity.

you might also want to start throwing stones (pun intended) at Islam and their active practices of slavery.

Paul tells slaves to obey their masters. Why not say masters free your slaves if that's actually God's position? I'm not aware of anything in the NT that forbids anyone from owning slaves.

I have plenty of feelings about Islam, too.
Paul tells slaves to obey their masters. Why not say masters free your slaves if that's actually God's position? I'm not aware of anything in the NT that forbids anyone from owning slaves.

I have plenty of feelings about Islam, too.

Unless you have a direct quote I am going to assume this is one of the parables where they are using stories to make a point.
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.
Ephesians 6:5-6:8
but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.

wouldn't let me direct quote. he is saying God doesn't care if you are slave, you are welcome as long as you serve your role, whatever it is. it kinda goes with the render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.
wouldn't let me direct quote. he is saying God doesn't care if you are slave, you are welcome as long as you serve your role, whatever it is. it kinda goes with the render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.

Paul tells slaves to obey their masters. Why not say masters free your slaves if that's actually God's position?

It's written in stone to not covet your neighbor's manservant, but God won't tell people to not own slaves?
Oh. that's old testament. That doesn't count.

Oh, well then it's gotta be a parable.


Slaves of Christ...

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I think you mean the Jews. I will let Slice defend his nation's actions. The Old Testament is a reference section for most of Christianity.

you might also want to start throwing stones (pun intended) at Islam and their active practices of slavery.

It's all the God of Abraham, bro. It's the Christian God, whether you want to own it or not. The fact that you are trying to put it on others is telling.

When people want to take monuments to the 10 Commandments down, I don't typically hear Christians say "It's up to the Jews to defend it."
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Thanks for repeating everything that's already been said. What's worse? Supporting a statue for Barry because of a (D) or supporting Roy Moore because of an (R)?

The parties are 2 sides of the same coin
In 50 years, both will be dead, but there will be a reminder of one.
It's all the God of Abraham, bro. It's the Christian God, whether you want to own it or not. The fact that you are trying to put it on others is telling.

When people want to take monuments to the 10 Commandments down, I don't typically hear Christians say "It's up to the Jews to defend it."

a couple things. some of this is going to Wafflestomper.

1. christians inherently believe the jews got several things wrong. usually starting with Christ as the savior as the biggest thing. as that is literally how we define our religion I would say there is a pretty severe break. In general we also believe that they misunderstood the message of God. pretty easy when your "scripture" isn't written down for millennia and you are conquered and enslaved.
2. please quote me where I have defended a monument on the 10 Commandments. I don't even think I have tried to say that the US is a Christian nation.
3. not sure why you are conflating a matter of faith with monuments.
4. I have yet to see anywhere where Christianity was formed on the idea of slavery. its mentioned in the book. so is sex, murder, the devil, and horseloads of cum. none of those are foundations of our faith either.
5. even when it is mentioned it doesn't establish a link to slavery and faith "All faithful will keep slaves." or "All faithful will be slaves (to not God)". all it does is establish rules of conduct "follow your master's word", just like they have statements on being a good worker, good parent, good child etc etc. this is where slice and I differ all the time. He often looks at one reading and makes assumptions from there without taking the whole thing into context.
The 10 commandments thing is just an illustration of how Christians pick and choose with the Old Testament. You may not, but we aren't talking about you, we are talking about Christians in general, particularly the ones who supported slavery or looked the other way.
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The 10 commandments thing is just an illustration of how Christians pick and choose with the Old Testament. You may not, but we aren't talking about you, we are talking about Christians in general, particularly the ones who supported slavery or looked the other way.

its always an interesting thought scenario with the looked the other way aspect.

Are you performing a "right" action if to do so requires "wrong" steps? How does God see "do the ends justify the means?" I think most of my readings would say that no the ends do not justify the means.

now certainly there are "Christian" means of freeing them; but I think it is up to the individual to figure out what they can justify themselves. and a lot of this we can only make assumptions based on the modern view. We would certainly say today it would morally fine to "steal" the slaves from their owner in order to free them. But at the time? Do the environmentalists justify stealing other people's cars by saying they are saving the environment? Today that sounds absurd, 30/100 years from now?

not comparing slaves to cars beyond the scope of the conversation above.
I think it is up to the individual to figure out what they can justify themselves. and a lot of this we can only make assumptions based on the modern view. We would certainly say today it would morally fine to "steal" the slaves from their owner in order to free them. But at the time?

If it's objectively wrong to own slaves then why does the Bible not explicitly state that?
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Faith is belief without evidence; literally anything can be believed with faith.

Wouldn't slaves be required to own slaves then? How much sense does that make?

So what are we arguing? Seems like you have realised your argument makes no sense.
So what are we arguing? Seems like you have realised your argument makes no sense.

No, your objection made no sense. It's like asking someone why, if democratic lawmakers are actually for a woman's right to an abortion, they don't require every woman to get one.
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This has gotten very sidetracked.

Bottom line. Blue waffle can have Marion Barry. I'll take George Washington
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Christians are part of the institution, however I would consider the ones who denounce such practices as not culpable, or far less culpable, than the hypothetical ones who are pro-slavery. I think there's still room to blame the doctrine upon which the institution is founded though.

here was the initial jumping off point, at least for me. you have yet to prove that the institution of slavery was based on anything from Christianity, or that Christianity is somehow based on slavery. its a topic covered, nothing more, nothing less.
here was the initial jumping off point, at least for me. you have yet to prove that the institution of slavery was based on anything from Christianity, or that Christianity is somehow based on slavery. its a topic covered, nothing more, nothing less.

I've not claimed either of those to be the case. The Bible is part of the doctrine taught by Christianity, and slavery is tacitly accepted therein, since they've prescribed the acceptable practices associated with it.
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