Cooper Leaving

As a taxpayer, I think I have a right to know. This is a public institution.

Oh, good grief. You do not have the right to know about a personal situation involving a player and furthermore you're not going to know. This does not affect your life. This may be the most absurd comment I have ever read on this forum! You surely cannot be serious!
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I don't know Cooper's situation--but if she committed violations and was kicked off the team, then the program should have said as much. That is usually what happens in any sport--you say Johnny Chowderhead has been dismissed from the team for violating team rules. If you say s/he is transferring then you are needlessly damaging the reputation of your program--and that is not a smart thing to do. Whatever the situation, I would hope that the program was honest about it. I will assume that it is a transfer and not a dismissal, despite suggestions to the contrary. The last thing this program needs is self-inflicted public relations problems. It's Murphy's Law already.
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Protecting the reputation of a young woman who made some mistakes is classy, in my opinion. Yes.
Should we then make an assumption that when you say something, we should consider that you might be lying to protect your own interests. I'm not saying reasons must be divulged, but "no comment" is better than a lie. The person involved can either elaborate or not, as she desires.
Should we then make an assumption that when you say something, we should consider that you might be lying to protect your own interests. I'm not saying reasons must be divulged, but "no comment" is better than a lie. The person involved can either elaborate or not, as she desires.

Stop trying to make it something it's not. It was a classy move by Holly and that's That!
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Lying is classy? Perhaps it wasn't a dismissal.

Ever heard of resign or be fired?

And there is a precedent, Hammy was paid a million dollars when he "resigned", no one gets paid to quit(resign). They get paid to get rid of them as quickly and easily as possible.

I'm more concerned as a taxpayer about that, or paying hart to sit on his rear end for months, or the salary B. Cheek is currently drawing than I am about a young lady's personal life and maybe some poor decisions she's made.

Semantics....maybe as simple as transfer or be dismissed. She chose to transfer. Not lying, just not a bunch of data disseminated to those who don't need to know...and none of their business any way.

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Ever heard of resign or be fired?

And there is a precedent, Hammy was paid a million dollars when he "resigned", no one gets paid to quit(resign). They get paid to get rid of them as quickly and easily as possible.

I'm more concerned as a taxpayer about that, or paying hart to sit on his rear end for months, or the salary B. Cheek is currently drawing than I am about a young lady's personal life and maybe some poor decisions she's made.

Semantics....maybe as simple as transfer or be dismissed. She chose to transfer. Not lying, just not a bunch of data disseminated to those who don't need to know...and none of their business any way.


Perfectly put. ⭐️
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Should we then make an assumption that when you say something, we should consider that you might be lying to protect your own interests. I'm not saying reasons must be divulged, but "no comment" is better than a lie. The person involved can either elaborate or not, as she desires.

I brought the information, you can take it or leave it. I know what the truth is.
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With all the transfers going on around the country any chance UT is able to pick up one or is it to late or is Holly just standing there scratching her head
With all the transfers going on around the country any chance UT is able to pick up one or is it to late or is Holly just standing there scratching her head

There were only two that Holly would go after, and one decided not to transfer and the other is going to Miami.

She may look at JUCO, but I doubt it.
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I don't know Cooper's situation--but if she committed violations and was kicked off the team, then the program should have said as much. That is usually what happens in any sport--you say Johnny Chowderhead has been dismissed from the team for violating team rules. If you say s/he is transferring then you are needlessly damaging the reputation of your program--and that is not a smart thing to do. Whatever the situation, I would hope that the program was honest about it. I will assume that it is a transfer and not a dismissal, despite suggestions to the contrary. The last thing this program needs is self-inflicted public relations problems. It's Murphy's Law already.

How does saying someone is transferring damage the reputation of your program? UConn has had a lot of players transfer, and their reputation seems to be intact.
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Better for everybody

Truth is eternal, a Lie is just immortal.

think about it.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. If this was indeed a "forced transfer," as has been reported, this young woman obviously (based on what I do know about previous rule violations and what Deer Park has stated about this situation) broke the rules one too many times. HW is the type person that she would want this young woman to have a chance to get it together, so she would not want to damage her reputation. It's a shame the word got out somehow. Now people (not saying you) want to turn it into a reason to bash Holly. It's a shame people can't just follow the rules and we wouldn't be having this conversation. That's just my opinion on the situation...not worth 5 cents to anyone, I know, but there it is, nonetheless.
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