Bruce Feldman on DaRick Rogers

Should he get drafted by the Cowboys, then the old Da Rick will come out again. He will be with Dez Bryant to influence him.

However; if he goes to New England or Pittsburgh, they will not tolerate him acting silly. He will be on a short leash.

It depends on the environment he will be in.
Going to Dallas would make me laugh.
Get reunited with coach Dooley!!
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its just weed guns or beating people many on here do some sort of mind altering substance,,,alcohol included

True, but when you're too stupid to realize the obvious consequences, refuse repeated counsel, and trample on the repetitious grace ...
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Wait a minute. Have you forgotten who the new receiver coach for the Cowboys is? Dooley will cut DaRick and Bryant in a heart beat. He simply doesn't tolerate poor behavior by any player.:eek:lol:

Dooley will not have the power to cut a star player.
Far better athletes than Duh' Rick have washed out of the NFL. I expect this will happen to him. My guess is he will wise up when he is about 35 and has no money nor athletic route to take anymore to make the fast cash. There is an addage about old dogs and new tricks.
Honestly i wish him the best. I hope he's a first round pick and lives up to all the potential that he has (which is a lot). I always want players who gave their all for Tennessee to go on and do well in life. He learned his lesson, it's the Christian thing to do to forgive, and forget.

Please stop it with all the hate. My God you are acting like a bunch of children.
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Either way at least he is smart enough to say the right thing. That has to be worth something.

I noticed your avi is the legendary still master Popcorn. :cool: Don't know for sure but I think Mrs. Popcorn sold Pop's recipe to a distillery , and the product is on the shelves. :unsure: :matrix:
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As a student athlete, he's held responsible and to a higher standard. He didn't uphold that. His loss.

Besides, this isn't Colorado or Washington, weed is illegal, end of story. Alcohol is illegal under 21. Neither of which DR was at the time of the problems.

Your point is moot to me.

Damn get the stick out your ass. And BTW, Tennessee is #2 in the Nation in Marijuana Cultivation, behind California, and ahead of Colorado and Washington.
The NFL will not allow potheads to tarnish the "image". :no:

But dad, Da'rick smokes weed.......... :question:
CP, JH, and DR might have been the greatest trio on a college team ever had they been able to keep it together.
Send him to the Broncos or Seahawks. Let's find out just how reformed he truely is at Rocky Mountain High or Temptation Sound. lol

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