Briles to FSU

You guys really buying into that coaches are overrated stuff huh?
With the class that was brought in you think we will be competitive against vandy? Seems we beat them in recruiting every year.

They have to buy into it. They have backed themselves into a corner and are now required to believe all things coming from CJP lest they appear hypocrites.
You guys really buying into that coaches are overrated stuff huh?
With the class that was brought in you think we will be competitive against vandy? Seems we beat them in recruiting every year.
I mean you got a point. But Pruitt has only lost to them once though without his players. I think if you ask Pruitt, he would absolutely say we need the guys, the depth, the players, and they are more of a priority right now. That being said, Pruitt’s confidence in his coaching ability and that of his staff isn’t priority now bc he is just cocky enough to know that this is a given with his staff.
I’m keeping my mouth shut about this......except this one time.......

I love the hire.......don’t trust the boss!
Pretty simple!
Those P-5 studs at Army didn't have much trouble with it. FSU friend told me several days ago that there were rumbles from the PTB about Briles' baggage, but felt they would live with it. We probably could have too, but after that bowl game???
That was as bad a beat down as I’ve seen in a long time. Go Army!
True, would hate to score 35+ ppg as every 1 of his offenses ever has.

Everyone of those offenses that routinely played inferior defenses? Stop hanging on KB's sack. The guy seems good at his job, but it's not like he was facing top tier defenses week in and week out.
I know people keep saying Pruitt has his man and we might be waiting till after a bowl game. Has anyone thrown out James Coley yet? He is CO OC/QB coach at Georgia. Fisher tried to hire him as OC at A&M. Guy checks a lot of the boxes. He has coached with some of our coaches (Tracy Rocker and Kevin Sherrer), has been an OC before (FSU and Miami), is killer at recruiting (was #20 in the country in 2018), and is good with QB's. I know there are a ton of names and rumors going around but I didn't know if this guy had been talked about yet. If this was his guy we would probably have to wait till after the sugar bowl to find out. I am just taking guesses like everyone else. Guess we will have to wait and see.
cant help but feel we dodged a bullet here
Ok. You realize this guy has done nothing but put up 35+ points a game at every job he’s ever had, right? Or you prefer the mystery candidate that apparently is just waiting to pounce for the UT OC gig?
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Any character who misspells lobotomy that badly could probably use one.

Oh, he wasn’t meaning lobotomy. When he said labodomy he was referring to sticking something up his lab.

Not actually sure what that even means though....
Everyone of those offenses that routinely played inferior defenses? Stop hanging on KB's sack. The guy seems good at his job, but it's not like he was facing top tier defenses week in and week out.

ok and he did so with houston, fau, and baylor level talent. Not exactly NFL hotbeds. It's all relative! Use your head.

And the fact he did it at 3 schools is very very impressive. He wasnt playing with Bama talent. He walked right in and killed it. Kiffin struggled without him this year. Houston will drop off too. Of course he just out up an absurd 44 a game, kind of hard not to move backward from that video game stat.
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Ok. You realize this guy has done nothing but put up 35+ points a game at every job he’s ever had, right? Or you prefer the mystery candidate that apparently is just waiting to pounce for the UT OC gig?
I prefer an offense that doesn’t go off the tracks if the qb gets banged up. Maybe a system that a freshman can run who has been there a year. One trick pony chit, and gimmicks won’t fly long in the SEC.Dont believe me ? Ask Butch .
I prefer an offense that doesn’t go off the tracks if the qb gets banged up. Maybe a system that a freshman can run who has been there a year. One trick pony chit, and gimmicks won’t fly long in the SEC.Dont believe me ? Ask Butch .

Scored 31 vs Memphis... but how dare a true freshman only score 14 (actually it's the run game and OL that failed - TEN sacks allowed), in a bowl game, vs the #13 scoring defense. Sure, make an "analysis" LOL off 1 game, as compared to FOUR YEARS. Really hope your job doesn't rely on analyzing data...yeesh. Hopefully we hire that guy that puts up 35 ppg each season (his worst season) AND never has an off game with a true freshmen. There's such an abundance of them.
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Friend is a proven, successful OC. I know he isn’t the sexy hire, but he’d probably be a good OC for Pruitt.
Friend is a proven, successful OC. I know he isn’t the sexy hire, but he’d probably be a good OC for Pruitt.

Only thing is he's never called plays. Prefer him at OL myself, need consistency from a great coach there.

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