BJ Coleman (Merged)



Patience... It's what's for dinner
Jul 7, 2005
will ever be the starting qb for us, but i just watched his post game press conference intereview on, and that guy is destined to be a coach some day.

and regardless of whether or not he starts a down for us this year, he will be a leader for this team.
I had the exact same thought; it was as if he had already rehearsed every question
I've said the exact same thing about BJ last year. He sounds like a coach when he speaks.
Coleman's arm is strong. Same as Stephens and Crompton. He has the physical tools.
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I was thinking the same thing as the rest of you guys. He's a great leader and a smart football player. Anyone who watched today and thinks his only talent is public speaking is out of their minds... Also, in that same press conference it was pretty exciting to see how Brandon Warren lit up when talking about this being a "new team" this year.
Coleman was awefl last year. But then again who was even close to being good? Sounds like a two man race between BJ and JC.
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Coleman was awefl last year. But then again who was even close to being good? Sounds like a two man race between BJ and JC.
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he only played one game in a very limited and simplified offense. and even then he only threw about 6 passes....
guys this guy has 3 things that will make him great. leadership, work ethic , and brains. he may not have the strongest arm of the 3 but he is a born leader. he has won in high school against great competition and if given the chance will lead this team to greatness. i would rather have a qb who is a great leader than one who has great arm strength but when the chips are down doesnt have the ability to rally the troops. i promise you coleman has this ability .he is a gamer watched him since his soph year of high school. hell the best qb coach on the planet cdc is the one who recruited him . tells me all i need to know. go vols
All I know is that when Coleman went into the game last year he moved the ball...until he threw the pick:cray:
just a little more seasoning he will be fine . this guy is super intense, loves tennessee,and will win the other players love him to. eb said a year ago what a great leader coleman is . we need leadership above all else for this team to be a great team. this kid is a lead by example leader besides being a vocal leader as well. he is young and will make some mistakes but he is smart enough that i bet he doesnt make them twice.
Man that is awesome. He might have three solid years as the starting QB. He can put up some great numbers for us.
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He truly knows the game of football! You've gotta be a smart QB before you can be a good QB. Did anyone notice when he named off all the coaches he's learned from he mysteriously left out Clawson? haha
pretty sure once clk see's the film of todays game and grades the qb's,we'll see that bj is,will be the man.:pepper:
I don't know if anyone else realized this during the athletics honor roll presentation before the game, but I'm pretty sure that Coleman is the only one of our quarterbacks that made the list. For those of you that may not know, it requires a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
I just really don't understand how he won't be the guy?? And this is the proof why I'm not a coach.....but i totally agree, I would much rather have a guy like BJ who is a leader and smart, than a brickhead who has a slightly better arm (and that is really debatable).
I always thought he sounded kinda fake when he talks. Maybe just me...

That is crazy. BJ is one of the most straight up, intelligent, humble, and polite guys you will ever meet. I watched him during the autograph session and he was thanking everyone as they thanked him. There is not a fake bone in his body this guy has his head on straight and loves the game, while also loving the fans that support him and the VOLS. I have known him for 6 years now and I assure you he is the real deal. He may night be the most talented QB we will have had at UT but he for sure NOT FAKE
After hearing from some of the other players, I want BJ at QB. A lot of these guys would run through a brick wall for him.

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