#5 Louisville just lost

Serious question here:

Whom would you rather have as your HC, if you were a school looking for a HC?

Petrino or Kiffin?

my fingers feel dirty just from typing this.

Not to be insulting, but the only thing serious about your question is the brain damage it would take to ask it.

But of the two, Petrino. He at least has a segmented track record of success as a HC, while Kiffin has left nothing but a train wreck in his wake at the Oakland, Knoxville, and Hell A.

Petrino may have learned from his one or two mistakes. But I am sure there is an AD out there with enough idiots in his ear who will push for Kiffin to get a HC position. Some say if Saban retires, he gets the Bama job. I can't imagine Bill Battle being that dumb. But if he does get it, it should resemble a shotgun wedding. Kiffin's next NCAA investigation might turn his employer into SMU.
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Agree. If we hadn't blown the uscjr game and then upset bama in Atlanta I could see it. There's no way a 3 loss team goes, bama would still have a spot if we did beat them.

Even if we'd beaten SCar, even as a 2-loss team, our body of work is poor and puts us behind the 8-ball IMO. And, as we've both said, no way we get there with 3 losses. Its silly that some are even discussing it.

Let's just win our next 2, play Bama in the SECCG, win our bowl game and be somewhat happy with a 10-4 season.
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"Costly" is the word I'd use. Very costly.

Bingo. I look at the SC loss as Butch bending over backwards to keep a malcontent happy. Had he dismissed him, the backlash might have been greater than what really happened.

It is a costly mistake. But if it is repeated? Now that would be inexcusable.
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Does anyone still want to hire Bobby Petrino, lololol . seriously tho. This should show our fans things like this happen, it's part of the game. One thing I've noticed as of recent, even tho impossible, our fans are taking playoffs and SECCG and I gotta say... Man it's fun to be at least back to this level. I hope it's a long time again until we have another drop off. :)
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Yep, they will be firing Petrino this morning - clearly he's not the coach to take them to the NC...
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Yep, they will be firing Petrino this morning - clearly he's not the coach to take them to the NC...

And then they said and I quote, "Look at Jim Harbaugh up in Michigan, we're gonna get us a coach like that we should be better than Alabama."
People need to stop focusing on this crap. The teams in the playoff discussion are a class or two above where Butch has UT as a program. We shouldn't even be discussed with those teams. Separate class, separate conversation.

Focus on who we will be playing in the Citrus bowl. After all Butch is going to be pitching that as "progress" because it's a better bowl game than last year. "Brick by brick" right? He will make progress as slowly as humanly possible and steal the university's money along the way.
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Yep, they will be firing Petrino this morning - clearly he's not the coach to take them to the NC...

On the contrary, they're consoling themselves with the relief from wildass speculation.
Houston should be undefeated with that talent. Getting out coached by Navy and SMU is inexcusable. I'm sure the Houston fans will be happy when Herman finally moves on.
I think Houston had some significant injuries when they lost, including two starting LBs out, and QB's throwing shoulder.
I'm with you OP. If the next 3 weeks look similar to last Saturday, it ain't over yet and until it is over, then I'm still looking at schedules seeing what needs to happen to help us.

I know we need LSU to beat Florida, until that happens, the rest of the teams in front of us need to lose some games.

Plan D all the way to Tampa.
Serious question here:

Whom would you rather have as your HC, if you were a school looking for a HC?

Petrino or Kiffin?

my fingers feel dirty just from typing this.

Petrino but only 'cause the school couldn't afford all the NCAA infractions lame k would cause. Satan has a firm hand on him or bammy would be on fire now. JMHO

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