A boy named Trayvon Martin is shot and killed by neighborhood watch goon

Have you listened to the 911 call from Zimmerman. He stayed in his truck until TM came at him and then took off running. Zimmerman did get out to try and see where TM went. Zimmerman then, according to eyewitnesses, stopped the persuit and was walking back to his truck to wait for police. Zimmerman at no time was the aggressorup to this point.
TM then jumped Zimmerman, knocked him to the ground, beat him and that is when Zimmerman, rightly or wrongly, pulled his weapon and shot TM.
Zimmerman did not start the fight and just following someone is not cause to get attacked.

Lol - would you guys like for me to send you a picture of my ID badge? I'd be glad to just send me your email. Or we can meet downtown Chattanooga for lunch if you all don't believe me.
Address the racist remark.

I will - I've read several but haven't been able to located the pages. Mainly they were addressing the fact that if it were a white kid shot by a black man it wouldn't be heard of - and other similar comments.
Insinuating that this is only a popular case because the victim is black is racist imo yes.

No it's not just like when black people saying a Casey anthony story wold've never been paid attention to if she was black. Their opinion, doesn't mean they are racist.
I will - I've read several but haven't been able to located the pages. Mainly they were addressing the fact that if it were a white kid shot by a black man it wouldn't be heard of - and other similar comments.

Not by me.
What you do not seem to grasp is that every thing you have said is pure speculation/hate/emotion. What I have said comes from the reports from that night from the man that was there AND the eyewitnesses.

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