Official Global Warming thread (merged)


cliff notes version:

man allegedly creates global warming via increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere to somewhat more than trace levels. (a stretch in an of itself)

sea ice melts, creating more water vapor in the atmosphere

that water vapor results in incredible amounts of snow in Siberia (really? snow in Siberia?)

sunlight reflects solar radiation back out into space

planet cools

essentially, what he's said is that the earth achieves equilibrium through natural means and that man's rather feeble presence here is barely more than a mosquito bite on an elephant's behind
If CO2 is ever above trace levels, we'll all have long died of poisoning.

Sea ice melting would mean less albedo just as much as any snow increase would mean more albedo. Siberia is already covered in snow, and whether it is 2 feet or 20 feet deep, white snow is white snow in terms of reflection power. I see his crude "arctic sea creates epic lake effect" logic, but Siberia already has lots of snow, and more importantly has huge dark green trees with low albedo that will continue to protrude through the supposed epic snowfalls and thus albedo would not be increased, certainly not so considering the sea ice surface is now just dark blue sea and thus has low albedo as well.

He isn't thinking that through.
How much do you stand to make by ignoring global warming? Why is capitalism or your bizarre fear of "massive wealth redistribution" relevant? The world is either getting warmer or not( it is), and this is harmful for our planet.

Been happening for billions of years. It's a natural cycle.
The colder winters britain has been experiencing are due to global warming according to these scientists
Global warming 'will give Britain longer, colder winters' as melting sea ice plays havoc with weather patterns | Mail Online

A few years ago Global Warming scientists were saying the oposite:
Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

does anybody actually believe the global warming garbage, except the people that are making billions from this myth? LOL

I personally think it is total bunk. The weather has always cycled and will continue to do so. The living things on this planet including man have always had some impact on the weather and global temperatures and will continue to do so. The earth is designed remarkably well to regulate its temperature.

That said, a warming cycle would in fact change air current patterns. That would mean that some areas would get colder while many others would get warmer.

Again, I think the Climate alarmists are propagating false information unintentionally or intentionally that is much more political than scientific... but the earth's climate is changing just like it always has.
There's a natural cycle. Upright apes pumping hydrocarbons out of the Earth and combusting them into the atmosphere isn't part of it.

why is that not part of the "natural cycle"? hasn't wildlife (both flora and fauna) always had some impact?
On a smaller scale, yes. But there hasn't been any fauna that burned fossil fuels before.

True but throughout natural history, both have had environmental impact.

Evolution would lead one to conclude that all actions of man are in effect natural phenomena since man and his abilities are by definition products of natural processes.

and yes, I'm just being argumentative and only half serious.
There's a natural cycle. Upright apes pumping hydrocarbons out of the Earth and combusting them into the atmosphere isn't part of it.

volcanic eruptions are natural events, and before man came along forest fires would rage unchecked for who knows how long.
volcanic eruptions are natural events, and before man came along forest fires would rage unchecked for who knows how long.

Indeed. There are, however, some very important distinctions there. Volcanoes are not a big contributor to global warming or CO2 concentrations (in fact, they tend to cause a temporary net cooling, particularly if the sulfur they emit is carried into the upper atmosphere). As for forest fires, while they emit large amounts of CO2, we also all know that re-growth happens very fast following forest fires, which begins to re-sequester that CO2 fairly quickly. The only time this is not the case is if man, for example, kept the land clear and prevented the re-growth following the fire.

With burning of fossil fuels, we are taking CO2 that has been sequestered for a very long time and that took a long time to accumulate in the form of carbon matter, and we are burning it very, very quickly. The earth can sequester a lot of this CO2, but its process is much more slow than the rate we are burning, thus we are accumulating CO2 in the atmosphere and seeing increasing CO2 concentrations.
Court blocks EPA plan to take over Texas pollution permits | Business | - Houston Chronicle

A federal appeals court has temporarily blocked the EPA's plan to seize control of greenhouse gas permits from Texas.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency must wait until at least Friday so the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia can make a decision on Texas' bid to prevent the federal takeover.

The first federal rules on emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases took effect Sunday. Texas is the only state to refuse to implement the new rules — a position that prompted the EPA's intervention.
You know what, I quit. These guys have officially gone crazy.

Take the time to read this list of Obama moonbat loonies appointed to important governmental positions.

Obama Surrounds Himself with the Most Extreme Appointees in American History | Western

Most Americans have a hard time understanding this because they refuse to believe Obama is this extreme. But he is. For a year prior to his election conservatives warned voters that everything we knew about Obama indicated that his views were far from the mainstream.

This was obvious when one analyzed his friends, which groups he funded while a “community activist,” his Illinois State Senate record, his United States Senate record and even what he wrote in his own books.

The reality, of course, is that Obama’s views are far from the mainstream and it is embarrassing so many Americans fell for his leftist candy-coated lies.

Indeed, it appears that Obama is the most far left President in American history. His appointees only confirm this.

These appointees hail from the crowd who regard their pedigree as the 60’s activists who cheered on the Vietcong, while American boys were slaughtered in the jungles of Vietnam. They hate America, or more precisely, they hate America’s heritage; American institutions, and the American Constitution.

Many of these extremists nominated by Obama hail from academia, where they were shielded from outside scrutiny while they quietly indoctrinated our youth. But don’t let the cloak of academia fool you; they are out to change America in ways most Americans oppose. More importantly, Americans need to realize their views are Obama’s views.
The people that make these cartoons don't actually understand climate change, apparently.

The drill represents a culture of academic dishonesty propagating the myth of global warming in order to usher in socialist policies.
The people that make these cartoons don't actually understand climate change, apparently.

Would you care to explain climate change to us non-cartoonists??

Or frontal lobotomy; much easier to go through the orbit.

At what age did you get your first lobotomy?

The drill represents a culture of academic dishonesty propagating the myth of global warming in order to usher in socialist policies.

How did you stumble upon the truth with which you speak?
True but throughout natural history, both have had environmental impact.

Evolution would lead one to conclude that all actions of man are in effect natural phenomena since man and his abilities are by definition products of natural processes.

and yes, I'm just being argumentative and only half serious.

There's a logic to it, but man's strongest attribute has been to both adapt to his environment, and adapt his environment to him. In that way, it's completely natural for us to put the breaks on disrupting what we have going currently, as it would be far more destructive and expensive to have to adjust to large scale climate change. Even gsvol unwittingly bumps into this sort of theme, when he talks about how we would "benefit" from global warming and advocating for the continuance of business as usual to stave off an ice age (yet maintains that it isn't possible that humans are capable of warming the planet. He's gsvol so he can get away with that sort of hedging of his bets logically).
Indeed. There are, however, some very important distinctions there. Volcanoes are not a big contributor to global warming or CO2 concentrations (in fact, they tend to cause a temporary net cooling, particularly if the sulfur they emit is carried into the upper atmosphere). As for forest fires, while they emit large amounts of CO2, we also all know that re-growth happens very fast following forest fires, which begins to re-sequester that CO2 fairly quickly. The only time this is not the case is if man, for example, kept the land clear and prevented the re-growth following the fire.

With burning of fossil fuels, we are taking CO2 that has been sequestered for a very long time and that took a long time to accumulate in the form of carbon matter, and we are burning it very, very quickly. The earth can sequester a lot of this CO2, but its process is much more slow than the rate we are burning, thus we are accumulating CO2 in the atmosphere and seeing increasing CO2 concentrations.

Well said. In addition, oil and natural gas reserves are carbon sinks that have been storing carbon for hundreds of thousands to millions of years, and we're putting it back into the the carbon cycle at the flip of a switch. There's nothing in the natural system to compare that to.
The drill represents a culture of academic dishonesty propagating the myth of global warming in order to usher in socialist policies.

Not just academic dishonesty. It would have to be the largest scale conspiracy in the history of mankind, perpetrated by mostly the brightest and highest educated on the relevant subject matter, but sniffed out by the Joe six-packs with GED's and associate's degrees of America. Truly amazing. It'd make a great made-for-tv movie starring Billy Ray Cyrus or Alan Jackson.

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