Recruiting Football Talk VII

I once ended up coaching 6-year-olds' soccer because there was no coach for my son's team and they were going to have to disband without a volunteer. I hastily fetched a copy of the rules. 😂

We finished in first place! Because I was a great coach? No way! Because I had a couple of left-footed kids by happenstance, and I at least had enough sense to play them on the left, and persuade them stay out like a wing so a ball could be kicked their way, so we could score from either side. The 6-year-olds generally swarmed the ball like it was a queen bee and moved like migrating worker bees in a cluster up and down the field. Mercifully for me and especially for the kids, we found a guy who actually liked and understood soccer to relieve me the second year. Fahr me!
I hastily fetched a copy of the rules.
It is my understanding that the only two rules of soccer are 1) Kick it in the other teams goal. 2) Keep it out of yours.
The rest of the time the ref is just blowing the whistle to stop the game to give the players a rest, otherwise they would keep running around like fools and give themselves heart attacks. Sometimes he waits too long and one of them falls out and needs to be carted of on a stretcher.

So, as opposed to claiming it's not a sport (when it meets the definition), it may make more sense to amend the claim to "golf isn't a sport that I like/take seriously/respect", so everyone can nod their head and say...


The interesting thing is, I suspect most people who'd take issue with golf being a sport have never really tried hitting a golf ball, probably couldn't hit one straight 30 yards, or 100 yards in any direction. But it's a great way to sound... however it sounds.
Golf most certainly is a sport or athletic endeavor. Tiger Woods was a great athlete in his prime, he probably could have played any sport if he put his mind to it. He is the only golfer I have ever looked and said "he might be juicing."
Golf most certainly is a sport or athletic endeavor. Tiger Woods was a great athlete in his prime, he probably could have played any sport if he put his mind to it. He is the only golfer I have ever looked and said "he might be juicing."
Womens tennis was so obvious. It was like the emperors new clothes story how no one talked about it. Not only the physique but the associated rage.
I played football and baseball. I was never scared playing football. I was serious scared several times in baseball. I was in highschool and we were going to face one of our rivals the next day. They had this skinny kid who threw fire and had what my grandfather called a horsesh!t curveball. I remember lying awake that night dreading facing that kid. If we were to meet on the football field or on the street, I would have broken him in half, but when he was on that mound with a ball in his hand he was terrifying.
I got bumps and bruises playing baseball. I broke my leg playing football.
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MLB was a manufacture runs league up until these nerds come in with this analytics bs. Now it's all or nothing a 3 run homer or strikeout.

Speaking of College Baseball, Tennessee has 1 sacrifice bunt this season and truthfully if it wasn't for Aluminum bats it would be same as MLB.
You'll be happy to know KY leads in bunts or steals or both.
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