Recruiting Football Talk VII

Oh great, so now they can have more commercial breaks, then bitch that games are running too long and cut more actual playing time only to, in reality, run more and longer commercial breaks
I don’t know if this trend will extend beyond just me, but I watched less college football last season than I normally do because the commercial breaks became obnoxiously long.
....did we mention there are rocks?

Bra consistently say its THE worst game day atmosphere in SEC. That's bad when Candy holds up a scoreboard via crane.
Back in 2012 I think, we played Mizzou at home and I heard some of their fans complaining about Neyland. I was thinking these losers pay to sit on friggin' rocks.
And if you are unfortunate enough to play there for four years, your parting gift is you get to pick out a rock. They definitely are Vandy level terrible.
The current Michigan punishments don't involve the sign stealing. This was the 4 year old Covid burger scandal.

Cam Newton and Harbaugh have proven you are better off cheating and thumbing your nose. Short term. Long term Auburn is still lost and MI is about to take a dive.
I was listing the 3 additional Michigan infractions that the NCAA has deliberately ignored.

I know the first violation was the picnic or cheeseburger or whatever, and the second was Harbaugh lying to the NCAA about it, for which the NCAA has set a precedent of issuing a show cause order.
I don’t know if this trend will extend beyond just me, but I watched less college football last season than I normally do because the commercial breaks became obnoxiously long.
I did too. I even preferred watching our games after a quarter had passed so I could skip the commercials and halftime. But I usually watched live so I could participate in our game thread. Otherwise, it really made no difference except being commercial-free, and I would even catch up to the live stream at some point late in the game, so I would know the outcome along with the rest of the board. VN is really the only thing keeping from watching things after they are completed.
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I don’t know if this trend will extend beyond just me, but I watched less college football last season than I normally do because the commercial breaks became obnoxiously long.
I watched the Vols, but watched a lot less other games because of this. I have more betterer things to do with my time than watch ED, beer, and insurance companies bombard me with marketing.
Pro baseball players actually make contact far more than their averages suggest, it's just that not all contact results in a "hit". You can hit a baseball "correctly" and it still be an out and thus, not a hit.
Sure. And a weak, poorly hit ball can result in a hit. Which is why average would be a poor measure here.

xwOBA would be the metric here - as it measures the quality of the batted ball profile, irrespective of the outcome.

A .400 or better xwOBA is really good.
I played football and baseball. I was never scared playing football. I was serious scared several times in baseball. I was in highschool and we were going to face one of our rivals the next day. They had this skinny kid who threw fire and had what my grandfather called a horsesh!t curveball. I remember lying awake that night dreading facing that kid. If we were to meet on the football field or on the street, I would have broken him in half, but when he was on that mound with a ball in his hand he was terrifying.
Best day of my youth playing baseball is when my father taught me how to throw a curve ball when I was 9 years old.
Aidoo is soft anyways. Glad he's gone. He can be replaced. Dude got owned all season long against anyone physical or his size. Bye Felicia!!!!!
aside from the physicality, he missed like 20 bunnies in the SECT and NCAAT. He left 8 points minimum on the floor against Purdue just missing put backs or close range shots.
I do listen to books on tape now, but I have the same problem with those. ..I lose focus after a bit, my mind starts wandering over something that is said...and I have to rewind and listen to what I missed...over and over and is aggravating as heck.

It also effects me watching movies and TV shows...I used to binge watch my favorite shows..but now it takes me a few watches to get through a good movie I enjoy, and sometimes months to finish a season of a series.

It started 3-4 years ago and has gotten severely getting old.
Yeah that sucks. And I know what you me when you say it sucks to get old. I told my buddy the other day, used to I felt better after a good night's sleep, now it's not a good night's sleep and I feel worse when I get up.
@Ulysees E. McGill . I’ll be on a work trip for 2 weeks in San Jose. Over the weekend I was going to drive to Yosemite (got an entry permit for next Sunday). I don’t have a lot of time…..I will be there from 6am-4pm. Any advice on must sees? Should I just drive my rental car around or take the park shuttle? Hopefully I will get back there with more time later. Thanks in advance.
It's going to be fun to win our baseball series beginning tonight against KenSuck's best ever team, best ever season, in their park, in front of likely their largest attendance ever, and rowdiest atmosphere in their history.

That's a lot of superlatives to come crashing down on the soon-to-be wearied heads of the KenSuch faithful. 😂
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Doesn’t the exact same thing happen in college baseball? And basically every sport where there’s a playoff?
Just as the NFL has become a 7v7 league, MLB is now a combination of the homerun derby and the fastest pitch booth at the fair. It's either homerun or strikeout and pitcher throw max effort all the time so starters don't last as long as a 1982 Yugo did.
The college game is much better in my mind. They actually steal bases, bunt, hit and run. The regular season matters too.
The current Michigan punishments don't involve the sign stealing. This was the 4 year old Covid burger scandal.

Cam Newton and Harbaugh have proven you are better off cheating and thumbing your nose. Short term. Long term Auburn is still lost and MI is about to take a dive.
The NCAA deliberately stalling about (1) the four year old burger plus (2) lying to the NCAA about that picnic was the un-level playing field that allowed to Michigan to prosper in recruiting, keep Harbaugh (if he had gotten a show cause), and to make two playoff appearances. The NCAA's corrupt double standards clearly manipulate outcomes.

On (3, 4) the two different sign stealing issues and (5) the illegal use of university computers issues, I was saying they would comprise 3 probation violations since Michigan is now on probation for (1, 2). That's what leads me to suspect that the NCAA made a secret deal with Michigan somehow crookedly not to count those cases (3, 4, 5) as violations. If, on the other hand, they had processed all 5 together, it would have merited much more that probation.
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MLB was a manufacture runs league up until these nerds come in with this analytics bs. Now it's all or nothing a 3 run homer or strikeout.

Speaking of College Baseball, Tennessee has 1 sacrifice bunt this season and truthfully if it wasn't for Aluminum bats it would be same as MLB.

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