Trey Smith comforts kids after KC parade shooting


A dayun shame. These days, you can't be sure of your safety from some gun totting protoplasmic reject. Whether you're just shopping, at the cinema, attending school, park trolling, a ballgame, or attending a common public event. I hope your kind and humane act helps those kids' psyche, Trey. This ongoing sheet really pizzes me off.
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I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment, but this atrocious act has nothing to do with the Constitution. Our country is as divided as I have ever seen it, and to think how everyone came together in one accord after the events of 09/11/2001, it's heartbreaking. Our elected, so called leaders, are stoking the fires of division by the comments and issues they support. Can we ever bring our country back together? I believe we can, if we all humble ourselves in prayer to the God who created us. I'll be praying for healing in this country, who's with me?
I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment, but this atrocious act has nothing to do with the Constitution. Our country is as divided as I have ever seen it, and to think how everyone came together in one accord after the events of 09/11/2001, it's heartbreaking. Our elected, so called leaders, are stoking the fires of division by the comments and issues they support. Can we ever bring our country back together? I believe we can, if we all humble ourselves in prayer to the God who created us. I'll be praying for healing in this country, who's with me?
2 Chronicles 7:14
A dayun shame. These days, you can't be sure of your safety from some gun totting protoplasmic reject. Whether you're just shopping, at the cinema, attending school, park trolling, a ballgame, or attend a common public event. I hope your kind and humane act helps those kids' psyche, Trey. This on-going sheet really pizzes me off.
Thoughts and prayers
I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment, but this atrocious act has nothing to do with the Constitution. Our country is as divided as I have ever seen it, and to think how everyone came together in one accord after the events of 09/11/2001, it's heartbreaking. Our elected, so called leaders, are stoking the fires of division by the comments and issues they support. Can we ever bring our country back together? I believe we can, if we all humble ourselves in prayer to the God who created us. I'll be praying for healing in this country, who's with me?
Count me in.
Thoughts and prayers
That's what those azz hats in Congress say every time this stuff happens instead of taking active measures to at least lessen if not stop it. They can take their thoughts and prayers, roll it into a tube, shove it up the mid-southern area of their rear anatomy, and Cartman it. It's all that comes out of their mouths anyway. I'm just sick of these events.
That's what those azz hats in Congress say every time this stuff happens instead of taking active measures to at least lessen if not stop it. They can take their thoughts and prayers, roll it into a tube, shove it up the mid-southern area of their rear anatomy, and Cartman it. It's all that comes out of their mouths anyway. I'm just sick of these events.
This bs does the same thing you think their thoughts and prayers do. Lol.
This bs does the same thing you think their thoughts and prayers do. Lol.
One thing I know, Mr. Behr. You cannot reason with the unreasonable. Thanks for reminding me. Meanwhile, great job, Trey. I hope, I believe, it will make a difference for some of those kids if not all.
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Not really. People need to be pissed and want change. It’s so sad people can’t look beyond themselves for the greater good of people. Thoughts and prayers to ya
Thoughts and prayers are simply a condolence. A nice gesture typically for someone that just lost a loved one or friend. Blaming guns is always the easy answer but many fail to realize just how widespread evil mindsets have become poisoning American Society. You want change? It starts with hearts and minds.
Suggestion that both sides stop being offended and start getting curious.

IMHO, neither laws nor prayers alone will fix it. We’ll have to love each other and work together to get it done.
Thanks for the post. Been doing that everyday for the last 6 months or so with my wife of 31 years. Pray that the hands/minds of evil be defeated. There are too many really good people in this country for <.01% of us to ruin it for the rest of us.
Evil will never be defeated fully. Good can’t exist without it and vice versa and been that that way since the dawn of man. God could’ve easily destroyed Lucifer the minute he betrayed him and tried to overthrow him and take over heaven yet he didn’t did he? He merely gave him and his other fallen angels the gig of running hell. It makes it look like God still needed him around he still needed his services his wickedness. So yes as long as there is good people on earth then equally there will be evil people on the flip side doing their thing.
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