Haynesworth calling for boycott...

Entering 2020, there were 11 black coaches of the 65 power 5 schools: 16.9%.

Per the 2016 census, black/African American citizens make up 13.4% of the population.

I’m sure those numbers are slightly different now with all the off-season coaching carousel, but why are we even talking about this? Just to qualify my statement I’m a fiscal conservative and socially “I don’t care what people do with their own lives” moderate.
Slow down there. Your logic might hurt some peoples brains around here.
Albert has nothing to say that can impress me. This is coming from a man that stomped on an opponent's face during a game. Coming from a guy that was lazy in practices especially during his senior year of college (so that his NFL career was protected) and the same thing during his senior year as a Red Fox in Hartsville, SC. He pretended to be hurt that senior year while flirting with SC as being committed to them. Then, after leading them to believe he was signing with the Gamecocks, he paraded up and down the TN sideline wearing orange during a game in Columbia. Not very tasteful to SC. This is coming from a man that would drive his shiny black fancy car into Hartsville to his mom's house on 6th street. IF anyone knows anything about that little town like I do (I lived there for many years after the military), then you know its the worst part of the town. This is coming from a guy that allowed his mom to continue working on the assembly line in a nearby manufacturing plant instead of taking some of his money and getting her out of that plant and into a new house and out of that bad part of town. This is coming from a man that had a mom busting her chops on the assembly line in putting him through school. This is coming from a guy that was nailed driving his fancy cars at high rates of speed on the interstates as well as his fancy boats near the docks on the TN lakes. Him calling for a boycott has no credibility after his charmed and protected life. He needs to go away and deal more with his personal life instead of creating issues outside of his arena. His time has passed and is over. That's kind of like having OJ preach about domestic spouse abuse to me!
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It is my original point. You have tried to simplify it to UT and you’re still doing it.
UT is in the SEC however and the conference has 0 black head coaches which is inexcusable. I hope the new coach has a diverse staff 🤞
TN and SC interviewed and wanted to hire Tony Eilliott and he turned down both jobs. TN also tried to hire James Franklin. Schools are interviewing black head coaches, but you cannot force people to take a job. There have been 5 black HCs in the SEC history for football (Croom, Franklin, Mason, Phillips and Sumlin), which is less than what one would expect. I would like to see more minority candidates get interviews. Hiring should go to the best candidates regardless of race.
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If there is anyone that deserves to be hammered by Vol fans on Twitter it is Haynesworth. We supposedly were turned down by two African American candidates. Someone should also remind Haynesworth of his road rage incident, stomping a players head and quitting completely on the Redskins. Let him know that no one gives a f*** about his opinion.
To be fair its alot of white coaches that hasn't done much in there careers and get coaching jobs all the time. I ain't trying to stir up nothing but its facts. How many black head coaches at P5 schools? No reason why a guy like Tony Elliot don't have a head coaching job.

Tony Elliott could have been our head coach. He said no.
Another I need to be in the news moment from Haynesworth. Usually when you see his name in the media it has to do with domestic violence, child support, or stomping on someone.
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In 2013, we offered the head coach job to Charlie Strong and he decided not to take it. Last week, we supposedly tried to hire Tony Elliott and he stayed put. We interviewed Tee Martin and Mel Tucker in 2018. We've had a black Coordinators.

This is idiotic.
This appears to have veered slightly off the rails - 1. I thought we had all agreed we would have loved to have had an AA head coach - tried in vain to hire two of them this past week. And 2. we had also all agree that Haynesworth was and is an idiot.

I don't remember anyone agreeing with this incredibly important HC search and critical moment for the UT football program that the hire should be based on race. What everyone has said is that we want and absolutely need the best possible coach we can get. Their race has nothing to do with it.
Didn't the black guy say no? BOTH of them?
There have been African-American head coaches in the SEC. There are plenty enough throughout FBS to satisfy proportional equality. Hell, if someone like Marvin Lewis would have expressed an interest, I'm certain White would have acted on it. As it is, no one like him in the minority ranks wanted it. I don't believe Franklin was approached formally and I am glad for it.
I didn't want that slimeball anywhere near the program
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Someone please confirm a few facts for me?

1. What color is Tony Elliot. (See Image above)
2 Was Tony Elliot not offered the position of Head Coach of the University of Tennessee and then declined the offer?
He must be racist for declining the job. Would not work for a guy named white. (dont know how to use the blue letters)
There have been African-American head coaches in the SEC. There are plenty enough throughout FBS to satisfy proportional equality. Hell, if someone like Marvin Lewis would have expressed an interest, I'm certain White would have acted on it. As it is, no one like him in the minority ranks wanted it. I don't believe Franklin was approached formally and I am glad for it.
I didn't want that slimeball anywhere near the program
The lack of Black college football coaches is still glaring, and so are the excuses behind it
According to Haynesworth, Brittany is a racist, UT is a racist, everybody is a racist. get this ass clown a large bag of different color candy and let him separate each color.

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