'15 AL OL Brandon Kennedy

Add Dormady. If they don’t think they’re gonna get to play here, you bet I’m ok with them leaving. And we all know our depth is MUCH worse than the gumps.

Dormady should've stayed. I think he would've done well in this offense and coaching
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Where can I get a list of poachable UT players who have their undergrad degrees?

It appears most of our guys love Pruitt and don't want to leave. Butch is gone and they love Tennessee. Are you so Bubbanized that you think we have our player's tied down in a basement somewhere not letting them leave if they have graduated? Todd Kelly is one who is on the list and he has no desire to go to the cesspool of Tuskapissoloosa.

Go crawl back in your hole. All who said you were and ok poster have just been proven that they were easily misled by your aceholeness.
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DB Todd Kelly Jr.
DB D.J. Henderson,
LB Darrin Kirkland Jr.
DL Kyle Phillips
WR Malik Elion
LS Riley Lovingood

Vols fans all good with all of these guys transfering to other SEC teams and playing for them this coming season? There'll probably be some more next year and the next...

I know Riley's dad and he hates Bama and is not going anywhere. DJ made transfer and that is fine. Told you about Kelly. I do not know who Elion is but think a walk on so not going to kill anyone. Phillips or Kirkland could transfer if they wanted but so far have not indicated a desire to do so. Plus, they have an opportunity to start and do not desire to play for a little dick coach like CNS or intern Butchie. But, you guys just keep picking up are trash with Welt and Butchie.
Disagree. Anytime a player has been rumored to want out, the majority have always responded the same "if you don't want to be a Vol, get out".
No idea how Pruitt would react but I would be happy to disagree with him also. If they met their commitment, good luck and God's speed. We don't own them.

Problem is most Bama fans think they do own them. For some it is more than just football players as well.
It appears most of our guys love Pruitt and don't want to leave. Butch is gone and they love Tennessee. Are you so Bubbanized that you think we have our player's tied down in a basement somewhere not letting them leave if they have graduated. Todd Kelly is one who is on the list and he has no desire to go to the cesspool of Tuskapissoloosa.

Go crawl back in your hole. All who said you were and ok poster have just been proven that they were easily misled by your aceholeness.

Agreed. I had taken him off ignore but he just couldn’t keep his gump hidden.
Who Kirkland & Phillips?

A UT starter might be interested in transfering to a team he could start for that's projected to win a lot more games or one with potential be a contender for an SEC championship and the playoffs. For example, maybe they could start at Auburn.

You have become a full blown troll. Never will respect you as a poster again after this crap. You just proved your true colors. Go get bent.
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How do you make it through life in a daily basis with all the pre-worrying that you do?

No. Don't fall for the act. He isn't worried about anything except how riled up he can make other posters.
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Bama wins championships every year... sometimes two or three in a year, as their history books show... and their fans are making noise about a single back up player going to an 0-8 conference record opponent?

Yep... this will likely shift the balance of power 😂
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No. Don't fall for the act. He isn't worried about anything except how riled up he can make other posters.
Not at all. I was being persistent in trying to make a point, because replies kept dodging it. Point being: Almost all the Vols fans itt are saying they're "all in" on CFB football players being free to transfer anywhere they want as soon as they get an undergrad degree. Obviously, in the case of Brandon Kennedy they're all for it. We'll see if they feel that way when transfers of good players go in the opposite direction -- outbound instead of inbound. That's all. I made my point. I'm done. I wasn't trolling or trying to rustle anyone.

With Kennedy leaving, Bama now has one senior center. There's a HUGE empty gap between him and one 3-star redshirt freshman and one true freshman arriving around the end of the month. So yeah, it doesn't sit real well with me that Kennedy with 3 years of eligibility is leaving to play for UT.

But like I said, I still wish him well -- except for tsio.

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Not at all. I was being persistent in trying to make a point, because replies kept dodging it. Point being: Almost all the Vols fans itt are saying they're "all in" on CFB football players being free to transfer anywhere they want as soon as they get an undergrad degree. Obviously, in the case of Brandon Kennedy they're all for it. We'll see if they feel that way when transfers of good players go in the opposite direction -- outbound instead of inbound. That's all. I made my point. I'm done. I wasn't trolling or trying to rustle anyone.

I was talking about Bruin. You are normally ok, but you have your tightly whities all in a twist about a kid that graduated from your university with a degree and now wants to go somewhere where he will actually see the field. Tennessee will beat you again, and sooner than many may think. However, one head transfer from Bama to UT isn't going to be what gets us over that particular hump. You should just wish the kid well and go back to making out with your life size Nick Saban doll that you made from that Ken doll you found at the thrift shop while you were looking for a used pair of socks.
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Not at all. I was being persistent in trying to make a point, because replies kept dodging it. Point being: Almost all the Vols fans itt are saying they're "all in" on CFB football players being free to transfer anywhere they want as soon as they get an undergrad degree. Obviously, in the case of Brandon Kennedy they're all for it. We'll see if they feel that way when transfers of good players go in the opposite direction -- outbound instead of inbound. That's all. I made my point. I'm done. I wasn't trolling or trying to rustle anyone.

With Kennedy leaving, Bama now has one senior center. There's a HUGE empty gap between him and one 3-star redshirt freshman and one true freshman arriving around the end of the month. So yeah, it doesn't sit real well with me that Kennedy with 3 years of eligibility is leaving to play for UT.

But like I said, I still wish him well -- except for tsio.


Let me get this straight. You want this kid to stay at Bama so he can ride the bench on the off chance someone gets hurt and then he can play? You want him to put aside any dream, even if it's a longshot, of actually having an NFL career by staying at Bama to be depth instead of transferring to somewhere he's likely a Day 1 starter? I hate to call you a selfish prick, but you sound like a selfish prick. Would I be upset if a UT starter transferred out? Yes. Would I be upset if a UT back up transferred to a school where he could potentially start? No. Would it sting if it were a rival? Of course it would, but that's no reason to piss on his dreams.
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Let me get this straight. You want this kid to stay at Bama so he can ride the bench on the off chance someone gets hurt and then he can play? You want him to put aside any dream, even if it's a longshot, of actually having an NFL career by staying at Bama to be depth instead of transferring to somewhere he's likely a Day 1 starter? I hate to call you a selfish prick, but you sound like a selfish prick. Would I be upset if a UT starter transferred out? Yes. Would I be upset if a UT back up transferred to a school where he could potentially start? No. Would it sting if it were a rival? Of course it would, but that's no reason to piss on his dreams.

I would be pissed if any Tennessee player transferred to Florida, Bama or Georgia. I was pissed when the punter Townsend did it.
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I would be pissed if any Tennessee player transferred to Florida, Bama or Georgia. I was pissed when the punter Townsend did it.

If it means going from back up to starter, I can live with it. Not saying I wouldn't be irritated, but damn, I'm not gonna hold wanting to play against a young man. Never hold someone back from chasing a dream, imo.
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Same is true for all these guys, right?

DB Todd Kelly Jr.
DB D.J. Henderson,
LB Darrin Kirkland Jr.
DL Kyle Phillips
WR Malik Elion
LS Riley Lovingood

You and other Vols fans all good with all of these guys transfering to other SEC teams and playing for them this coming season? There'll probably be some more next year and the next...

Here is where your arguement is invalid. None of those guys are transferring. Your argument is built on something that isn’t happening. If any of them were sure we could have this convo, but they aren’t so it’s kinda stupid to compare apples to oranges ya know?
Not at all. I was being persistent in trying to make a point, because replies kept dodging it. Point being: Almost all the Vols fans itt are saying they're "all in" on CFB football players being free to transfer anywhere they want as soon as they get an undergrad degree. Obviously, in the case of Brandon Kennedy they're all for it. We'll see if they feel that way when transfers of good players go in the opposite direction -- outbound instead of inbound. That's all. I made my point. I'm done. I wasn't trolling or trying to rustle anyone.

With Kennedy leaving, Bama now has one senior center. There's a HUGE empty gap between him and one 3-star redshirt freshman and one true freshman arriving around the end of the month. So yeah, it doesn't sit real well with me that Kennedy with 3 years of eligibility is leaving to play for UT.

But like I said, I still wish him well -- except for tsio.


Nobody has avoided it. We just had our potential starting QB do the same thing. Do we have to like it? No. Do we hold it against him? No. It’s not like it hasn’t happened to us before so get over yourself.
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DB Todd Kelly Jr.
DB D.J. Henderson,
LB Darrin Kirkland Jr.
DL Kyle Phillips
WR Malik Elion
LS Riley Lovingood

Vols fans all good with all of these guys transfering to other SEC teams and playing for them this coming season? There'll probably be some more next year and the next...

None were very productive. TK and DK were when they weren't hurt, but thats when they weren't hurt. Lol. I'd hate to see them go but understand they are leaving to get playing time to get to the next level. Brandon was not a starter and looked to be a 2nd stringer at bama again this year, in your own words. He wants to play to get a shot at the nfl why do you not respect his decision. He gave his all for you, for the time he was there. Isn't that all you can really and truly ask for out of him? If the player has graduated, I see no problem with them leaving the program to try to get playing time, no matter the school.
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Who Kirkland & Phillips?

A UT starter might be interested in transfering to a team he could start for that's projected to win a lot more games or one with potential be a contender for an SEC championship and the playoffs. For example, maybe they could start at Auburn.

If they don't want to be here then we don't need them simple as that. No one poached him the kid made the decision to transfer. Now schools that want him to come there are poachers lol. Come on man.

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