Recruiting Forum Talk XL

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If Hyams said zero percent then it's probably not happening. That would make 2 guys him and Danny Parker confident enough to say zero percent not even giving a window of a dumb and dumber chance.

Setting up to be a Gruden smokescreen with the delay likely being that Frost and others not willing to sit down until regular season is finished.

I'm curious to if the Patterson loss Saturday opens that door slightly. Feldman mentions him on his Florida candidates that it's no secret Patterson would be willing to look at jobs that are easier to make national title runs.
i agree, as I said, I just hate losing talent every week and maybe they'd hold tight knowing something was officially in the works...

Gonna leak commits no matter what. If anything CBJ and the staff are doing their jobs and working hard to keep them committed. I'm sure their message to recruits is "be patient and stick it out with us. We are gonna fix this. Just sit tight."

We still have 20 commits and ranked 8th in the country. That is pretty amazing if you ask me. Seems to me like what we are doing is the best idea when it comes to salvaging the class.

Firing CBJ will not help the class.
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What if this whole Gruden thing is nothing more than him using his past relationship with Scott Frost to bring him here?
If Hyams said zero percent then it's probably not happening. That would make 2 guys him and Danny Parker confident enough to say zero percent not even giving a window of a dumb and dumber chance.

Setting up to be a Gruden smokescreen with the delay likely being that Frost and others not willing to sit down until regular season is finished.

I'm curious to if the Patterson loss Saturday opens that door slightly. Feldman mentions him on his Florida candidates that it's no secret Patterson would be willing to look at jobs that are easier to make national title runs.

Big 12 now has a championship game, there is no conference easier to make a run at than the Big 12.
I'm thinking Mullen might turn UF down for a third time if offered. Just read an article about his wife pretty much hating it there because they thought the expectations were ridiculous. Said if they didn't score more than 40 people were pissed even though they won just about every game they played with two national titles. Said she would go to the grocery store in Orlando to avoid going to one in Gainesville.
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I'm thinking Mullen might turn UF down for a third time if offered. Just read an article about his wife pretty much hating it there because they thought the expectations were ridiculous. Said if they didn't score more than 40 people were pissed even though they won just about every game they played with two national titles. Said she would go to the grocery store in Orlando to avoid going to one in Gainesville.

Then no way he comes to Knoxville
Currie should have made a statement weeks ago to calm the toxicity. I honestly feel bad for CBJ at this point. Dead man walking with a mute AD.

Completely agree. It’s fine if he doesn’t want to fire him but Currie needs to show some leadership by coming out with some sort of statement
Do you people not understand that recruits are hearing both sides? Stop thinking like an adult and start thinking like a teenager about this. They are being recruited by multiple schools. Each one of those schools is saying Butch will be there next year and it'll be worse than this year. Then you have Tennessee fans saying Butch is gone. But he's not gone yet. Who will the teenager believe? The guy he has a relationship with or complete strangers?
Yep. People just want to know it's over. The ones that are still afraid he is coming back are reaching to come up with reasons to fire him now.

Once you accept that he is finished it makes it so much easier to watch this whole thing play out as a fan.

Do you think that we have the best chance to win 3 out of our last 4 games with Butch or with an interim or does it even matter? I was thinking that an interim might give us a boost, but the players still seem to support Butch, at least those that are still around, and I do think it is very important to get to a bowl.
Do you people not understand that recruits are hearing both sides? Stop thinking like an adult and start thinking like a teenager about this. They are being recruited by multiple schools. Each one of those schools is saying Butch will be there next year and it'll be worse than this year. Then you have Tennessee fans saying Butch is gone. But he's not gone yet. Who will the teenager believe? The guy he has a relationship with or complete strangers?

Opposing coaches are more likely saying "Butch Jones is getting fired and so is your position coach" while UT coaches are telling commits "stay committed and let it play out."

Recruits aren't talking to fans and asking them what is going to happen. They are talking to actual coaches.
Do you think that we have the best chance to win 3 out of our last 4 games with Butch or with an interim or does it even matter? I was thinking that an interim might give us a boost, but the players still seem to support Butch, at least those that are still around, and I do think it is very important to get to a bowl.

I don't really think it will matter. Butch isn't holding this team back.

Ideally the interim coaches a game or two at most. There's no benefit to entering market in October. 3 weeks from now will do just as good. We already have the wheels in motion anyways. CBJ is just holding a spot for the time being.
Swain has jumped fully on the Gruden train and driving the damn thing. Talking a bunch about it on twitter. Must be needing some clicks.

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Do you think that we have the best chance to win 3 out of our last 4 games with Butch or with an interim or does it even matter? I was thinking that an interim might give us a boost, but the players still seem to support Butch, at least those that are still around, and I do think it is very important to get to a bowl.

Honestly, I haven't seen quit out of the team, yet!
They played hard against Uk, the offensive scheme was just pure shyte, and D picked a bad game to not show up like all the previous games.
If this team will continue to play with heart, I say keep him. Not sure an interim is going to install an offensive winning scheme in the matter of a week?!?!
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