Coach Butch Jones Appreciation thread

On a more thread topic related subject, I opened my bleacher report app, and there's two headlines, one in top of the other, that read:

SEC analyst tells you why butch Jones will be the first head coach fired

Athalon sports picks butch Jones as top 30 head coach, fares better than CBS ranking.

The social media folks really appreciate CBJ....
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I'll just say that in regards to the overall context of our conversation, I do agree that it was way of in the weeds. And mostly very pointless.

As for my participation in it, I was strictly dealing with what did happen vs what could have happened, should have happened etc...

And what did happen is a compete mismanagement of the whole situation after we canned Fulmer.

And that falls on Hamilton's, and the other power brokers, shoulders.

In my experience when I look at a given bad situation or result, I typically go back and start looking for "what could have prevented this?"

That's where some of y'all's discussion was, and in that discussion there are all kinds of possibilities available. Don't for Fulmer. Have a better buy out for kiffin. Kiffin not leavin g... Or as charger suggested, better over decision making and patience. Kippy being named interim.. The list could go on...

I'll acknowledge that any/all of that is plausible.

Its just not what did happen, nor was it viewed as anything short of a complete debacle.... By other coaching candidates, media, and fans.

I probably should have just stayed out of it.

JP had a lot thrown at him at once. Right or wrong, it's hard to keep up with a discussion like that when 3 different people are firing at you simultaneously like that. Lot of info and everyone, including him, made some good points.

Just my observation.
on a more thread topic related subject, i opened my bleacher report app, and there's two headlines, one in top of the other, that read:

Sec analyst tells you why butch jones will be the first head coach fired

athalon sports picks butch jones as top 30 head coach, fares better than cbs ranking.

The social media folks really appreciate volnation clicks

Pay attention there buddy, I'm 99.9% he was joking.

You getting ready for your date?:)

Oh, I was too. He's good people.

Just playing heel.

I've mellowed. Mostly just on old dog that barks at shadows anymore..

See , I don't think this guy is right at all. He says there's no middle ground on Butch Jones.

In taking that position as the basis for his article, he's falling prey to the same hypersensitivity and mouth-breathing misdiagnosis many of us have: that everyone here is a "nega" or a "pumper."

Fact is, in that poll we ran a few weeks ago, only around 10% said they were confident that Butch is the man for the long term.

Likewise, only about 30% said they don't think Butch can win any championships at Tennessee.

By far the largest group (over half of all polled, around 60% of everyone) was the group in the middle, those who thought the possibility existed, that we MAY not have seen Butch's best yet. That is the middle ground. And it's far bigger than either extreme.

In other words, completely belying the central point of this article, the majority of VolNation (and, one would assume, the majority of the much larger Volunteer Nation) are somewhere in the middle on Butch, willing to follow where he's going for one or two more seasons, but expecting him to show championship caliber coaching in that time frame or be gone.

EDIT: I do like his final paragraphs. He is just as at-fault of ignoring the middle ground as his readers, it seems, but his words do still bear repeating here in VolNation.

The loudest voices in sports media are typically those who are either tearing down something or someone or those who are excessively praising something or someone. The people who take a neutral or moderate approach don’t catch attention because their opinions aren’t extreme enough. In this day and age of social media and the search for brief, instant fame, only hot takes or those on the opposite end of the spectrum get attention. The middle ground has become something many just ignore now.

Opinions are opinions, however. If you think Jones is a great coach or if you think he is a terrible coach, you are entitled to that. But don’t let your opinion blind you to facts and rational conversation, either. Don’t let the practice of civil discussion die.
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I think we can all agree, regardless of how you feel about Kiffin or Dooley and who is more at fault, that the individual most responsible for the problem was Mike Hamilton.
Yes but at the same time why the hell was Hamilton making a hire at the point anyways. He was a dead man walking anyways. UT was better off to have an interim with the timing, hire a new AD then hire a coach.
I appreciate that Butch gave up on his 1st down chant.

Announcer: 1st Down!

Crowd: ROCKY TOP!....clap, clap, clap

Now, Butch just says, "F#ck all of 'em!"
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Yes but at the same time why the hell was Hamilton making a hire at the point anyways. He was a dead man walking anyways. UT was better off to have an interim with the timing, hire a new AD then hire a coach.

Excellent point as well.
Most people think Butch Jones is a "good" or "average" coach. Few think he's "terrible" or "great"-- and the facts don't support either of those options. So most put him right in the middle. The question is, is "good" good enough for UT? That's where people are divided.
Is the wheelbarrow full of cash not appreciation enough?


That's not how any of this works. Compensation =/= Appreciation.

Thank me later, not now, and save face.

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