Y'all ready for our coming out party?

I cant wait to hear all the buzz and see all the so called "experts" eating crow! CBJ will be fired up come saturday night. Vols leave Oklahoma wondering what just happened. Go big Orange !

That last sentence is probably right... What did OK just do to us? :spank:
We about to come out and whoop Oklahoma's A$$!


Good grief, that's hilarious and completely retarded at the same time

My thoughts exactly. "And he goes for another WorleyBird!" Haha

But hey, I looked at that user's history and the last time he posted one of those videos it was 2009 Jonathan Crompton Vs Stephen Garcia :question:

Maybe he's onto something lol
As long as you don't come in here acting like a ***k, welcome to the board, and thanks for the kind words.

But, go Blue. :p

Nah man, im just here to talk football, and yes I expected the go Blue, while I might bleed Orange and Blue I do enjoy seeing you guys do well. I'm also a big backer of Nathan Petermen, I went to highschool with him. guys a beast
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