Will new coach cuss? Do you care?

Why is this a thread? I have seen Highschool games...cussing goes on.. I have seen College games...cussing goes on...I have seen NFL games.. cussing goes on. Football is a game that is physical, tempers flare, words get said. If it offends you don't be a fan and please put an end to this thread. We have bigger problems finding a new HC then this being a factor.

Does your avy have a mangina?
ef you thumper. in fact ef all of you. :)

My &@$# thoughts exactly. This whole @#@$&* thread has @#@$&*! me the #@$%*& off and as far as I'm concerned this whole @#!$%* board and kiss my !$@#. If any one doesn't like it they can take it and shove it so far up their @!@#!% that they will need a #!#@$& to get it out again. :censored::furious3:

just kidding. This has been a pretty interesting thread to say the least. :p
This is the stupidest thread ever, who cares if the coach cusses.I think its better, I personally don't want a pu$$y for a coach.
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I don't care if he curses a blue streek :furious3: at every opportunity or whose name he takes in vain (as long as it isn't Bob Neyland's) as long as he brings the winning tradition back to UT football. I'm so sick of hearing about 'coaching like heck', I could :censored:. If the word heck is anywhere to be found in the entire family tree of any coaching candidate, he should be shot on sight. Words are only words, no matter how many letters they contain and nary a word ever uttered has lost a football game. :corso:

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