Why is Butch being so quiet?

Is there anything he could say that would please you?

Besides "I suck and I'm outta here".....

Oh I don't know... maybe something along the lines of the slogan he came up with for Team 120. "Own It".
Seems you and Neo are a little butthurt over it.

I personally don't give a damn if butch likes me loves me or hates me.

His feelings matter as much to me as my kids teachers do.

He was hired to do a job. His job is to win games and make fans like myself happy.

He can hate us fans all he wants but if we aren't happy it means he ends up getting fired. Those are facts all coaches should understand.
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Maybe you're ok with being a middle of the pack champion of life SEC program, but many more of us are not. And the D-bag way you pile on anyone who doesn't express their undying love for Butch shows what a condescending jerk you most likely are in real life. If you have such as issue with our fan's reaction to a coach who is clearly underperforming, then maybe VN isn't for you.

I honestly hope no one is okay with middle of the pack.

I am just curious why you and some other post 20 -30 fire butch, butch sucks butch is a clown posts every single day. 5 or so not enough? And you have the gall to lecture someone about piling on.:crazy::crazy::crazy::lolabove::crazy::crazy:
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I personally don't give a damn if butch likes me loves me or hates me.

His feelings matter as much to me as my kids teachers do.

He was hired to do a job. His job is to win games and make fans like myself happy.

He can hate us fans all he wants but if we aren't happy it means he ends up getting fired. Those are facts all coaches should understand.

LOL you are naïve. The only fans he has to keep happy are the mega boosters if you think the average joe fan has any say.......:crazy:
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I personally don't give a damn if butch likes me loves me or hates me.

His feelings matter as much to me as my kids teachers do.

He was hired to do a job. His job is to win games and make fans like myself happy.

He can hate us fans all he wants but if we aren't happy it means he ends up getting fired. Those are facts all coaches should understand.

Then why the fawk are you up in here Bichin and moaning about his "f 'em all" comment?
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Then why the fawk are you up in here Bichin and moaning about his "f 'em all" comment?

It's a Saturday. I am bored. Stayed home because I wanted to watch football and am killing time on volnation.

Any other dumb ass questions or are u just trying to start a fight again?
LOL you are naïve. The only fans he has to keep happy are the mega boosters if you think the average joe fan has any say.......:crazy:

Season ticket holders have say.

Reduction in clothing being sold has say.

Mega boosters love the school just like fans. If the average ticket holder is pissed imagine how the super booster feels right now.
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Any body else heard this....

I have a friend that is a contractor in Knoxville area says that one of his contractor partners just built Butch a $100k CLOSET....A CLOSET. Again total here say and speculation but I don't think this ole boy would lie about something so stupid.
He's been very bizzie at the champion's of life meetings . With the best coaching staff in America. 😂😂
There's an old saying that "no coach ever lost a press conference".

And then there's the press conference after the Vandy game.

Honestly, I think Butch being quiet right now is the best thing for him to do.

Go Vols.
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Any body else heard this....

I have a friend that is a contractor in Knoxville area says that one of his contractor partners just built Butch a $100k CLOSET....A CLOSET. Again total here say and speculation but I don't think this ole boy would lie about something so stupid.


Adds to resale value I suppose.
Maybe...I could understand $100k on a kitchen and bath remodel but hell of a closet for $100k....construction is what I do and I don't know what you'd do to get a closet to $100k

Maybe you should question the story itself rather than what it could mean.
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Maybe you should question the story itself rather than what it could mean.

Fair enough...and hell...it's his money...just thought it was crazy...I take it as truth from this guy though...but why the heck should I care is a fair question.
I personally don't give a damn if butch likes me loves me or hates me.

His feelings matter as much to me as my kids teachers do.

He was hired to do a job. His job is to win games and make fans like myself happy.

He can hate us fans all he wants but if we aren't happy it means he ends up getting fired. Those are facts all coaches should understand.

Helpful hint....for the sake of your kids.

Your kids' teachers' feelings toward you matter. Hopefully you don't piss them off unnecessarily.
It's a Saturday. I am bored. Stayed home because I wanted to watch football and am killing time on volnation.

Any other dumb ass questions or are u just trying to start a fight again?

Nope, no more dumb ass questions. I get the same dumb ass answers from you as I do the rest of the butthuts.

And I've never tried to start a "fight', we've never been in one.
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Fair enough...and hell...it's his money...just thought it was crazy...I take it as truth from this guy though...but why the heck should I care is a fair question.

Yes...fair question indeed. Now "this friend"? Does EVERYONE see him, or does he show up when you need a story for Volnation? :question:
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Well apparently he's been shopping himself around is why. Feels underappreciated i guess. Yeah we're screwed..
Actually, the best thing Butch can do right now is shut his piehole.

Especially if he's going to avoid ownership of the disappointment and deliver more Champions of Life cliches.

You beat me to it but he's probably rubbing Tarn-X on his Champions of Life trophy to get the green gunk off of it. Just when has Butch ever manned up and "owned" it? All I hear are coach-speak excuses. Up until recently I had been a Butch Jones supporter but I'm now having serious doubts. Predictions or not, sadly I say he has to step up and produce next year or we need to go shopping.
Helpful hint....for the sake of your kids.

Your kids' teachers' feelings toward you matter. Hopefully you don't piss them off unnecessarily.

Day I meet a teacher who treats my child any differently than any other child because they don't like me is the day I introduce the school board to my lawyer and his firm.
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